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Super Smash Bionicle, Administrative Section



Hey everyone! I guess this won't really mater to most of my readers, since they aren't involved with the Super Smash Bionicle thing. But, since our topic just got closed (:() I figured we could resume here. So, I'll be posting stuff here and you guys comment, just like we left off. Maybe a bit of summary perhaps though with it.


2Ties Current First Post:

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
*quietly raises hand*

I've started a similar project, only it just had mewtwo...

i could continue with this...



Appears everyone wants me to post updates here.


I am making said game.

It is being made in Unity3D.


Current team:

2Tie (Me)


E-123 Omega

Inferno 630

Toa Derik



And for the lists and updates:


Characters - Final Smashes:

Tahu - Nova Blast (Like the Zero Laser)

Kopaka - Blizzard (Like Negative Zone)

Onua - Mud Bomb (As seen in the comics)

Lewa - Air Axe (Like the Great Aether)

Gali - Aqua Beam (Aura Storm)

Pohatu - Koli Kick (Like Falcon Drive-By!!!)

Takanuva - Light Pulse (Light Arrow)

Teridax - Shadow Hand (Like Triforce Smash)

Rahi Trainer (Kualus) - Rahi-Nui (Similar to the Landmastah!!!)

Vezon - Kardas Dragon (Like Giga Bowser)

Roodaka - Visorak Horde (Like Dedede's FS)

Ehlek - Lighting Storm (PK Starstorm)



Golden Armor (like the Dragoon)

Disk Launcher (Blaster)

Lightstone Rifle (Super Scope)

Kakama (Bunny Hood)

Hau (Starman)

Pehkui (Lightning)

UDD Sphere (Smash Ball)

Nui Stone (Like the nova bomb)

Kodan Ball (like the soccer ball)

Artahka's warhammer (hammer :^P)

Electro-chute Blade (Beam Sword)

Over-Ripe Thornax (Bob-Omb)

Matoran Spheres (Crates and Barrels)

Cordak Blaster (Cracker Launcher)


Stages: (for now, these are all)





Chamber of Life

Mahri Nui

Core War


Assist Trophies: (Appear from Toa Canisters)

#-Bohrok (like the Excitebikers)

#-Turaga Vakama (Like Torchick?)

-Pewku (Like Starfy?)

#-Vahki (I think a single one should suffice - like Little Mac) I LOVES DAH MINI-MAC!!!

-Nivawk (Like Ho-Oh?)

-Nidhiki and/or Krekka (just plain nasty, like Waluigi)

#-Tuyet (chooses an opponent at random and basically obliterates them)

-Norik (Saves you from one SD)

-Keetongu (Like Gray Fox?)

-Sidorak (?)

#-Karzahni (Like NintenDog)

#-Takadox (puts opponents to sleep) DEKU NUT!!!

#-Lesovikk (Like Ray MK III?) I loves lesovikk

#-Tobduk (randomly chooses an opponent and incinerates them)

-Mazeka (?)

-Ackar (?)

-Fero (?)

#-Berix (Munchlax)

#-Nektann (Waluigi)

#-Vultraz (Lati@s)

#-Krahka (Illusion!)

#-Mazeka (Andross)


Unlock list:


Original set:

Takanuva - play at Kini-Nui 10 times

Makuta - beat all Bosses or, alternatively, play at Mangaia 40 times

Vezon - commit suicide 20 times; also unlocks Chamber of Life stage

Roodaka - play 30 Brawls; also unlocks The Mountain stage

Ehlek - play 20 Brawls; also unlocks Mahri Nui stage


Extra (add-on?) set:

Mata Nui - beat Story Mode

Gresh - play at Atero 10 times

Tuma - destroy Atero in a Brawl

Matoro - collect all the Makoki Stones in all Makoki Levels

Vakama - play at The Coliseum 20 times



List of Staff *in process of updating*

-Shadix, blog Admin and leader of Concept art

-2Tie, initiator of project, leader of Programming and stuff in general

-Angle Bob, formerly Gornt, Vise-Pres to 2Tie

-Omega, just helps all around

-Leskows, also a Programmer

-Inferno630, because he nagged :P


Assistants *in process of updating*


Sonic the Hedgehog




Toa Derik

Kopaka Thorn, I think

Let me know if you are helping and aren't on the list.



Well, I can't stay and chat, so here you go. If you need something added to the main post, either PM me or put something in the post directly to me.


See a problem? PM me. DO NOT POST ABOUT IT. PM me with all your problems and questions! PM ME!


This is the Administrative section. That means that if you have a question in general to ask, or just some input, post it here. Other posts shall be moved to correct threads.


Also, pause and read SPIRIT's topic closure. He must be a gamer :P


Okay, guys, this has gotten way out of hand. I let it live in hopes that it would be a discussion about what you would like to see in a video game and it's just turned into a massive planning/spam topic. If you guys want to make this game, then follow the procedures of planning a game in Fan Created Games and repost this topic here. Otherwise...


*SPIRIT uses A, B, Left, Right, X, Y, Down and blasts the topic off a cliff.*


Topic closed.








Please update links to this post page. Not my blog, this post.


Beta-Testers Section

Programmers Section

Concept Artists Section




Recommended Comments

Fine, here's your chapter for you.



Level XX: the bob-uning.





*Lewa and Kopaka drop down out of a Portal. They see a big button that says “blow up all the bad guys”. They look to each other, nod then walk up to it about to press the button. But before they can Angle Bob appears out of nowhere, takes their money, credit for all of their work, and all of the happiness in their life. He then kills them with his magic geometry powers and flies away.*


LEVEL FAILED reward: Loss of self respect.

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Forums: I dunno. And yeah, it has been rather slow lately.


On story: continue that little thing you had going with Pohatu and Talos, won't you? But make sure to head them in the direction of The Laboratory, okay? That's where everyone's going... eventually.


I was hoping you would say that. I will get to work. But first, I have noticed that I am the only one who isn't writing chapters like a novel, should I start doing that?


Another thing, do you guys want me to post a back story and picture of Talos so I am not the inly one who knows what he looks like and where he came from?



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Forums: I dunno. And yeah, it has been rather slow lately.


On story: continue that little thing you had going with Pohatu and Talos, won't you? But make sure to head them in the direction of The Laboratory, okay? That's where everyone's going... eventually.


I was hoping you would say that. I will get to work. But first, I have noticed that I am the only one who isn't writing chapters like a novel, should I start doing that?


Another thing, do you guys want me to post a back story and picture of Talos so I am not the inly one who knows what he looks like and where he came from?

No, actually Angle Bob is the ONLY one who wrights in prose, not script. He just re-wrights every one's chapter.

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Forums: I dunno. And yeah, it has been rather slow lately.


On story: continue that little thing you had going with Pohatu and Talos, won't you? But make sure to head them in the direction of The Laboratory, okay? That's where everyone's going... eventually.


I was hoping you would say that. I will get to work. But first, I have noticed that I am the only one who isn't writing chapters like a novel, should I start doing that?


Another thing, do you guys want me to post a back story and picture of Talos so I am not the inly one who knows what he looks like and where he came from?


Funny that you should say that, because just today, I was looking at your profile and looked at Talos' Bio and v15's pictures. I forgot when you said you were coming back, so I looked around a bit.


Forums: I dunno. And yeah, it has been rather slow lately.


On story: continue that little thing you had going with Pohatu and Talos, won't you? But make sure to head them in the direction of The Laboratory, okay? That's where everyone's going... eventually.


I was hoping you would say that. I will get to work. But first, I have noticed that I am the only one who isn't writing chapters like a novel, should I start doing that?


Another thing, do you guys want me to post a back story and picture of Talos so I am not the inly one who knows what he looks like and where he came from?

No, actually Angle Bob is the ONLY one who wrights in prose, not script. He just re-wrights every one's chapter.

Not true, I have been writing similar to Angel Bob, he seems to change it less when I do, plus you get more detail.

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Great initiative, Inferno!

Maybe a promotion is in order..?

(Yeah, I've been watching too much RvB...)


Sheila! Come back to meeeeee!

I made you a muffin!



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Great initiative, Inferno!

Maybe a promotion is in order..?

(Yeah, I've been watching too much RvB...)


Sheila! Come back to meeeeee!

I made you a muffin!



You watch RvB?!

So do I!


Sarge: Get over here, give me a boost!


Caboose: Okay. (steps closer to Sarge) You are a good person, and people say nice things about you.


Sarge: Not a morale boost, moron, a physical one. I need to see what's in that window.


Caboose: That window is very high. I don't think you are tall enough.


Sarge: I know, I need you to help me look through it.


Caboose: I don't think I am tall enough either. Also, my head is round, that window is square.


Sarge: Come here, you.


Note: I couldn't remember the exact wording so I copied and pasted this.


Sorry this is off topic...

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I joined the forums, but according to its rules, I am not allowed to either:


Post new topics in this forum

Post replies to a topic in this forum


Additionally, the actual topics are blocked by my parental-controls filter. So I'll stick to Shadix's oddly-named blog, thanks very much.

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I told you not to mess with me. And now you know that my name is the NIGHT! Now you know my name is the FEAR! Now you know my name is THE BATMAN! Now that I have laid my vengeance upon thee.

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Ok here is Talos' move-set


A: punches with non robot arm

A Combo: punch left arm, knee’s forward and then punches with robot arm

A + Up Smash: smashes with mace upward

A + Down Smash: swings wrist blade at a low angle

A + Left Smash: First swings with wrist blade but if you press A again he punches with his other arm

A + Right Smash: same as above but to the right

B: Sesmic punch ( charges up sesmic hammer and then punches forward, Full charge time is about 2.5 seconds so you won’t be able to land a fully charged punch on someone you stunned with B + down)

B + Up: jump-pack (Talos activtes his jump pack and can fly for a short time [Think ROB’s B + up])

B + Down: Seismic pound (Talos uses the Sesmic hammer to hit the ground and foes close to him are stunned for about 2 seconds

B + Left: mace(uses swings mace to the left on a horizontal plane)

B + Right: mace(Same as above but to the right)

Grab: Grapple hand ( Talos uses his hand on the chain to tether grab someone, can be used to grab ledges.)

A + Air: Electricity (Talos overloads the generator in his body and the excess shocks foes multiple times [think mewtwo’s A + air])

A + Up + Air: upward punch (Talos punches above him with his metal hand)

A + Down + Air: Talos turns his hand into a mace and swings below him.

A + Left + Air: slash’s wrist blade left

A + Right + Air: slash’s wrist blade right

Dodge: basic side step.

Up Taunt: Laughs evilly

Down Taunt: swings mace around in a circle

Side Taunt: “I am humanity, upgraded”

Final Smash: Seeker Talos [You know what, I like this name.]

Talos transforms into Seeker form this makes him much faster, all his attacks are quicker and do more damage. He also gets upgraded special attacks. This should lat about 18 seconds.


B: Gatling gun (The in his chest spins briefly and then fires rapidly on a forward horizontal plain. He can fire this while moving)

B + left: Seeker mace (the same as normal but with a longer reach, speed and damage)

B + right: Seeker mace (Same as above)

B +down: Seeker pound (the same as normal down B up this goes over a much larger area and they are stunned for slightly longer)

B + up: Seeker jump-pack (Same as normal B + up but it is faster and easier to control)


I think that he would be kinda heavy and able to absorb a lot of damage


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Since I'm too lazy to join the other sites.... Im gonna try to help here after realizing this wont get in fan-created games in a long time. Anything you need?(Suggestions)

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I'm gradually wighting a chapter, working on a script for some Batman movies, working on getting my commentary group together, and working on a top-secret proposition thing for 2tie, for if this project is a success.
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I've been wondering where the heck everyone else is. XD


Also, tonight I have to go offline until the 14th. Don't do anything stupid while I'm away.

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I've been wondering where the heck everyone else is. XD


Also, tonight I have to go offline until the 14th. Don't do anything stupid while I'm away.

Funny you should bring that up. I am also going to be leaving soon. From August 7, 2010 - August 22, 2010. I may be able to check back in that time, but don't expect me to. I'm going on vacation with my family, if one of the hotels has free wifi I may be able to look at what everyone has been doing. Don't do anything dumb, especially you Angel Bob, seeing as 2Tie is gone, although 2Tie may be back by the 14th, I'll just have to hope so.


@Omega: Is it a top secret proposal for the game, or is it for something else entirely?


I'll try to write the next chapter for Smiley before I leave, but I'll have to start writing it first. :lol:

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Awesome. I'll enjoy a week of being in charge of the project. Unless of coarse 2tie comes in, but then that would be the absolutely perfect time for my proposition. And it's not specifically about this game, but this game is vaugley involved.
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Aw, you guys beat me to questioning where everyone was, I was gonna make portal references...


Anyway did you guys see the move-set I came up with? Comments? Criticisms?

(Thanks for the template Omega :P)

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