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Real Life



Me: Hi Student Loan Providers. So, you guys told me that if I couldn't make a payment, that I should call you, and we could work something out, because it was better than just missing a payment.


Student Loan Providers: Yes, this thing you say we said, we did indeed say.


Me: Okay, cool. So, my first payments are due today.


SLPs: Again, you are speaking truthfully.


Me: Yes. So, I'm unemployed, and have $1.22 in my bank account, and $0 in cash in my possession.


SLPs: Is that because you paid us?


Me: No. I can't afford to pay you. Because of those things. What can I do? I'd rather not default or have a missed payment and then be charged late-fees that I also cannot afford. Because I have $1.22.


SLPs: Well, because there are no payments on your account, we cannot offer you a deferral or forbearance. Unless you pay us $50 right now, then we'll postpone your payments three months.


Me: I have $1.22.


SLPs: Which is why we suggest paying the $50 to postpone your payments.


Me: But I can't afford $50.


SLPs: We understand your hardships, so we're prepared to offer you a three month forbearance.


Me: Great. What do I have to do next?


SLPs: Pay us $50 right now.


Me: ...


SLPs: Otherwise, your payments will be marked past due, and a collections agent will be calling you in a month.


Me: So, I'm still unemployed, with $1.22 to my name. Just as I was at the beginning of this phone call. I don't have any money.


SLPs: We understand, sir. Unfortunately, this is all we can offer you.


Me: How does this not qualify for financial hardships, as mentioned in the contract I signed?


SLPs: Because in order to qualify for that, you'd need to have a job. :lookhere:


Me: But if I had a job, I wouldn't be having financial hardships...?


SLPs: That's the policy.


Me: So I was told to call you if I couldn't make a payment, because then we could work things out, and my account wouldn't default, and wouldn't ruin my otherwise pristine credit score.


SLPs: Yes, and thank you for calling and making us aware of your situation. Your late fees will be processed quicker now.


Me: .... What? So by calling you, instead of helping me, while I'm trying to be responsible... this has made things worse?


SLPs: No, now you're just aware of the late-fees. Otherwise, we wouldn't have told you, and you'd just be consistently short on your payments without your knowledge. :lookhere:


Me: #$%^#$^#


SLPs: Is there anything else we can help you with today?


Me: :angry: :angry: :angry:


SLPs: Please make your payments on-time, and have a nice day!


Me: :burnmad: :burnmad: :burnmad:


Me: :unsure: :unsure: :(


Me: :crying:


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...Is it bad that I rofl'd when I read this?


I say we start a DV Fund Raisers.

I'd contribute. Because that is seriously the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time. (And I go door-to-door canvassing for an environmental group. I hear a lot of really stupid things.)


I would say a lot more things, but the words I'd use to describe these people would get me banned.

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You should move here to Australia.


I don't work but I'm technically homeless (my mother works overseas and I board with my grandparents), so I get a few hundred dollars a fortnight.


Apparently you can get even more if you say you're an indigenous Australian.


My country is so spineless.

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If you can get yourself to Weston, Oregon by July 22, you can probably make a cool $600 by working at summer camp, as we need to find two more male live-in unit staff for next session, but that's a bit of a stretch....but knowing Handy and Lupine, they'd hire you on the spot.


I can start searching for online job listings for you. That's always a start.



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Considering this could easily happen to me in the coming years, I gotta say that entry was 30% funny and 70% frighteningly horrifying. :(


Here's hoping that things improve.

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Wow, catch 22 much?

Sorry to hear that, man.

I'd like to say something else, but "hang in there" seems so insencere right now.

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