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In Trouble.

Lady Kopaka


I got in trouble for talking to LH yesterday, and I would like to tell him it wasn’t his fault. :( Dad asked who I was talking to and I said a friend of mine on BZP, he then asked what's his name/where he lives and I couldn't answer that because I forgot. >> Then dad said I shouldn't be talking to people I don't know because I cannot trust them.


So I dunno what I will do, that means I am in trouble on MSN/Yahoo/AIM, and probably being on BZP too. ;_;


Let me tell you though, that my mom doesn't really mind(Since she goes to Message Boards and stuff too), since she does know I occasionally talk to people on BZP, and that I am on here, I mean, how else did I get that *coughhorriblecough*poster to Bfest? She gave me the OKs if I didn't give out any personal information.


So I am sad and unsure what I should be doing or if I can get on again. >>


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It's me :( .


LK, if you can, please tell your dad that I am very sorry for talking with you seeing as we don't know eachother in person. And just for the record, I live in Michigan and my name is Vance :) .


- :t::l::h:

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And in these situations, it never hurts to just lie. :P

Lying is wrong Omi, you should know that. :P




I guess the term CYA means nothing to you. :P


"Cover your arse"


Basically it means to get yourself out of those sticky situations. Very handy.



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And in these situations, it never hurts to just lie. :P

Lying is wrong Omi, you should know that. :P




I guess the term CYA means nothing to you. :P


"Cover your arse"


Basically it means to get yourself out of those sticky situations. Very handy.




Very nice Omi :P . Though in some instances lying can seem to be an easy way out, what if her dad somehow found out that she lied? Then what, she might get suspended from her computer entirely. I don't think any of us here at BZP would want that.


- :t::l::h:

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And in these situations, it never hurts to just lie. :P

Lying is wrong Omi, you should know that. :P




I guess the term CYA means nothing to you. :P


"Cover your arse"


Basically it means to get yourself out of those sticky situations. Very handy.




Very nice Omi :P . Though in some instances lying can seem to be an easy way out, what if her dad somehow found out that she lied? Then what, she might get suspended from her computer entirely. I don't think any of us here at BZP would want that.


- :t::l::h:

Then lie again. :P




I'm kidding. :P


Well don't lie. Just bend the truth.




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;_; I feel so bad for putting you into this mess LH. Though I will talk to mom about this, she always is understanding about this, and a good person to express my feelings.


I never lie Omi. :P




Ok, I just lied. XD I used to a bit when I was younger, but now I find the importants in telling the truth, and try my best not to lie, even if it might look bad from the start.

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Omi, not an ethical purist. :P


Lady K, you probably made the right call: fabrications tend to not be remembered as cleanly, and once a story starts to unravel, well, no one is happy for long then.


-KIE, who wonders why Lady K never talks to him

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Mess? Mess! What mess? Where is it?! Must...clean...must...cleanitall!


Don't worry about it. I'm not the one who got in trouble. I'm more concerned about you right now. If there is any more info that your dad may want from me, just PM me and I'll gladly give it to get you out of this muck :) .


- :t::l::h:


P.S.- I'm going to work in a half hour (noon my time) so I won't be able to be back until about 4:20 your time. So if you do need to PM me and I don't get back with you in the next 5 hours, you know why.

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And just for the record, I live in Michigan and my name is Vance :) .


lawlz i iz gion 2 stak u




Just kidding of course, by the way, Vance is a nice name :) ...it's unique and cool, unlike mine. :lol:




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I would love to be able to call a BZP member. Unfortunately, I am still relatively new and not-yet-well-acquainted with any BZPower members (except those who frequent my blog, my art topics, and Frost Rising, and I haven't updated any of the above in a long time. Many people may not even be aware I'm still here, seeing as I failed to enter BBC40. Of course, if you are reading this, you know I am here, and that makes me happy :) . But forgive me, I'm rambling.)


Lady K, I hope you won't get in any trouble later on that keeps you from us at BZP. However, if you do, we'll remember you when you return. And above all, don't listen to Omi. He lies! :P


- :vahi:

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Do you see what you've started Omi :P ?


No, we didn't call eachother, we were simply talking via AIM. Though it would be cool to talk with somebody as cool as Lady K.


- :t::l::h:

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Hope everyone cools down, Lady K. ;)


I'd really hate to see you leave, or at least not be as active.


Just try to convince your dad everything's OK. It's not like you're endangered or anything. :P





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My important piece of advice to you: ALWAYS ask your parents first and get their okay. Always always always. *shakes finger*


I had the same thing happen to me (minus the talking-on-de-phone thing). Got kicked off of MSN, AIM, and a whole bunch of other stuff. ><


Oh, and second piece of advice.: Don't listen to Omi about 20ish posts back. :P Lying is the LAST thing you want to do.


Hope to see you back soon. :)



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