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Lariska Contest

The First Speaker



I am an admin in a Bionicle site, called Bionicle Reviews Wikia. There, we have contest regulary as our unofficial images of various characters. This time, we are doing a Lariska contest.


-The character must match their dicription. GregF said that Lariska had a bluegreen armor, but as there are not much pieces of that color, try to do a green+blue or teal color scheme.
-All pieces must be official Bionicle pieces. Painting pieces is allowed for this contest.
-You must keep a definate colour scheme between 1-3 colours or it get messy.
-No plagiarism!
-You can give her any weapons except Bara Magna ones. We favor daggers, as they are Lariska's favourite weapons in story.
-You can give her any kind of Kanohi or helmet, except Bara Magna ones and rare Kanohi (Avohkii, Olmak, Kraahkan, Vahi, Ignika).


If you win, we will put your image in our Lariska page, and under it a disclaimer saying that you've made the model and that it's non-canon.


1- Matoro1's Entry
2- Sparky's Entry
3- Lord Oblivion's Entry
4- Christo1096's Entry
5- Awilda ~Mizu to Kaze~'s Entry

Please enter, and have fun MOCcing!


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Is it possible to enter here? I can have an account on there, but probably I wouldn't go there much. And I already was planning building her. Since you post it in a blog :)

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Is it possible to enter here? I can have an account on there, but probably I wouldn't go there much. And I already was planning building her. Since you post it in a blog :)


Yes, you can post it here.

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it's titan size?


and how about it's kanohi?


You can make it titan size, or canister if you want. About Kanohi... nothing ever confirmed that she wore one, but also we haven't got a consistent no. So we are allowing Kanohi. I will add that to the first post.

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For the mechanical arm would you prefer it be flat silver, or can it have a mix of that and metal grey? Also since I do not have a darkblue vahki head may I use a black one instead?


Lord Oblivion

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My Entry I only used pieces from post 2006 because then It would fit with all the other Dark Hunters that were build before 2006.

She matches the rules and the official description, wich are basicly the same. And on Wiki's I am called Sparky!, yes with the "!". In case you wanna know

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For the mechanical arm would you prefer it be flat silver, or can it have a mix of that and metal grey? Also since I do not have a darkblue vahki head may I use a black one instead?


Lord Oblivion


Silver and grey for the mechanical arm is ok. And you can use black pieces, like the vahki head, as long as they aren't the main color.


My Entry I only used pieces from post 2006 because then It would fit with all the other Dark Hunters that were build before 2006.

She matches the rules and the official description, wich are basicly the same. And on Wiki's I am called Sparky!, yes with the "!". In case you wanna know


I'll add your MoC to the entry list. I know you have an account, you once entered our Nikilia contest. Thanks for entering this time!

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I got a question about the entries. The question is that Matoro1 hasn't been active for the last 2 years, but how could he have enter since he was last online 2 years ago? Was he anonymous?

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I got a question about the entries. The question is that Matoro1 hasn't been active for the last 2 years, but how could he have enter since he was last online 2 years ago? Was he anonymous?


He entered in Bionicle Reviews Wikia, the site we are doing the contest for.

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When is the deadline for entry? I'm interested, but I'd like to know when I have to be finished building.






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So this is non-canon? and do you have any others going on as well? :tohu:


Yes, this is non-cannon. And no, we only have one contest ongoing at the moment. But we do a contest like these every two months.

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Hope this is not to late but here is my entry.




It has a lot of black... I will have to ask the other contest host in BRW if it can be aprobed or not. I'll PM you when I know.


Also, the deadline ends today. If someone hasn't been able to post their entries in time, they can PM me the photos and I will see what I can do.


I will PM everyone who entered once the voting and judging has ended, and I will tell you the results. (Which will be done in a website I can't metion due to it's afilation with another forum)

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how long will voting last? Can you give us updates so we can see our progress?


I'm quite busy right now, and next week I will be on holiday, so the voting will take place on the first week of september.

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