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Nine Years

Black Six


Nine years ago today I joined a little site known as The Bionicle Zone - little did I know that it would affect my life in so many ways.


Shortly after joining I became one of the first few moderators, thanks to my activity in the Promotions and other forums. I helped get the RPG Forum started and have been running that ever since. I became a Reporter, a Global Moderator, and finally, an Admin. I was even really inactive for a while, like one of those staff members that's still lurking around but doesn't do much. I rarely ventured out of the few forums I was assigned, and relatively few people knew who I was. Now I pretty much run things - it's been a crazy ride, and had you told me this would happen nine years ago... I probably would have believed you, considering I had already been a part of other communities for over four years (that's thirteen years now :o) and been a staff member before too.


On the other hand, if you had told me that I would have made so many lasting friendships, been invited to two weddings, traveled around the country to hang out with people from this website and to play with LEGO, I probably wouldn't have believed that. Had you told me I'd be a LEGO Ambassador, have visited LEGO US HQ (twice), and be friends with LEGO employees, I would have told you to pinch me so I could wake up from this totally crazy dream.


It's been a crazy nine years, and while I haven't loved every minute of it, I don't think I would have traded it for anything.


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I've only been here for little over a year and a half and it's seemed like an eternity. I can't imagine what nine years must feel like, but I know it'd be cool. :P


Oh, and by the way, did I ever tell you I finally picked Halo 3 up?

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This is your best blog entry ever.


And congrats on your new spinny and on being nine years with BZPower, making it even greater than it could have been without you!


~Gata. ;)

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I was even really inactive for a while, like one of those staff members that's still lurking around but doesn't do much.


Who? What?

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