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One of the best movies I have ever seen.


I dunno why everyone seems to say that it was confusing, it seemed straightforward enough to me.


The gunplay got a little tiresome after a while, though.


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... Nope, I can't really think of any reason not to like it.


It was so surreal and beautiful. The acting certainly wasn't bad. The concept and directing was very interesting as well.

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...C'mon, it wasn't that good. Am I the only one who thinks that?

Sorry, you're the only one.

As Bunda said, nothing really wrong with this.


Essentially, flawless.

Plus the best movie ending ever.



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The ending was way too predictable. And as Bunda said, it had a pretty straightforward plot, which was disappointing since it's a Christopher Nolan film.

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It was pretty awesome and I actually liked the straightforwardness of the twisted plot because unlike Memento and stuff like that you can actually follow the ideas of what's going on.


A really really good movie!

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The ending was way too predictable. And as Bunda said, it had a pretty straightforward plot, which was disappointing since it's a Christopher Nolan film.

The plot was straightforward, I guess, because it told a story and made you keep track of everything. It is not until the end that you think about what you just saw and catch all the little details. Not solely straightforward anymore, now is it?

I don't know if I would call the ending predictable or not.


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If you mean that he would succeed and get back home, then yeah, sure.

But at the same time, as the top was spinning, I was thinking "I hope it falls over," but then "I hope it doesn't so we're left wondering what happens." OK, so I "predicted" it. But that's not what makes the movie great.

The greatness is left wondering if it fell or not. OK, sure, that's the obvious question. But then you start to think: What if? Well, for one, if he turns around after a few minutes and it is still spinning, he's screwed. He's been dreaming this entire time. But what if he does not want to know? Maybe his father pockets it, or he forgets about it and never looks at it again. But why? Is he dreaming so he makes his dreams do that so he does not know? Or does he know better than to question it?

Another thing: if you think it is a dream, then Mal's appearances make sense if you think about her being correct, and now trying to come back into his dreams to get him to really wake up.

It's thoughts like those that make you want to see it a second time. I was really thinking it was a dream the first time, but the second time I realized that the top was wobbling more than slightly at the end, making me think it is reality. Plus, the costume designer says the kids at the end are older and wearing slightly different clothes. Maybe that right there spills the beans.

A friend said he noticed, however, that when Cobb is dreaming, he is wearing a wedding ring, but he was not wearing one in real life.

So many details. So confusing. Such excitement!


I smiled as soon as the movie ended, because I knew I had just seen a great movie.



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The van hitting the water and the elevator splooming and Robert talking to his dad and [insert Ellen Page's character] and Robert jumping off the building all in perfect unison was like...epic.


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And then Saito being old, too, was epic.


I didn't think it was straightforward, though. I mean, starting off the movie like that and finishing it like that is always a good, confusing technique. And when Cobb is teaching [insert Ellen Page's character] everything about architecture, I barely understood half of what he said. I pretty much understood that scene by looking at the stuff being created around her. And the mirror shattering was also epic.


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I think the top was gonna collapse, cause it was starting to shake. When Cobb originally spun the top in dreamworld, it didn't move at all. Not an inch. But when it starts to sway from side to side like it started to do at the end, I knew it was gonna fall.


That's definitely a movie I'm gonna want to see twice, maybe three times.



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I think the top was gonna collapse, cause it was starting to shake. When Cobb originally spun the top in dreamworld, it didn't move at all. Not an inch. But when it starts to sway from side to side like it started to do at the end, I knew it was gonna fall.



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I had not noticed that for sure the first time, but my second viewing noticed how it wobbled more than it would if this was a dream.

However, I think it still has the desired effect. Will it really fall? Maybe it will pick back up. One starts to doubt what one saw.



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Also, why didn't Arthur's totem require some kind of action? Unless we never see it in the movie. But even in that case, if the action is rolling the dice, then what would happen in the dream world and what would happen in the real world?



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...C'mon, it wasn't that good. Am I the only one who thinks that?

Nope. (:


I mean, I recognize it as a great movie. Perfectly executed and all that, but it just didn't appeal to me.


It becomes less straightforward the more you argue about it. I've seen arguments about what was real and what wasn't that make so much sense. That would be fine if they didn't completely contradict each other.


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It becomes less straightforward the more you argue about it. I've seen arguments about what was real and what wasn't that make so much sense. That would be fine if they didn't completely contradict each other.


The contradiction is what makes it great.



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Granted, if he's not in control of his dream, then there's a 1 in 6 chance it would still land correctly.




You know you can roll a die more than once :P

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