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1) What's a Band Wagon? (Obligitory Joke Q)

2) What Kinda books you read?

2a) What kinda Movies you watch?

4) What happened to 3?

5) Favorite Game as of this second?

6) If you could use any element....

7) How many Versions of Takanuva do you own?

8) What'cha workin' on? (Obligitory Status Q)

9) Did you ever see the Movie 9?

10) If you could add any one thing to cannon...

11) Do you have any Siblings?

12) What's the longest you've gone without buying a set?

13) Are you Superstitious?

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1) What's a Band Wagon? (Obligitory Joke Q)

2) What Kinda books you read?

2a) What kinda Movies you watch?

4) What happened to 3?

5) Favorite Game as of this second?

6) If you could use any element....

7) How many Versions of Takanuva do you own?

8) What'cha workin' on? (Obligitory Status Q)

9) Did you ever see the Movie 9?

10) If you could add any one thing to cannon...

11) Do you have any Siblings?

12) What's the longest you've gone without buying a set?

13) Are you Superstitious?

1) It's what they had for a garage band back in the days before garages.

2) The only common denominator I can think of is that they're mostly paperbacks.

2a) I mostly like comedy/action/sci-fi.

4) Hmm... looks like Steak Boy's been in the neighborhood.

5) Tough question. I just finished Tales of Monkey Island yesterday, but tonight I'm feeling like some Team Fortress 2.

6) ...then I would do so.

7) Just his titan form.

8) Answering questions.

9) Nope.

10) ...I'd probably choose cannonballs and some powder. A laser scope might work well too.

11) 5 sisters, 1 brother.

12) Well the last set I got was Vorox. So I'd say this has probably been the longest unless you want to go back to when I first got into LEGO where there might have been a longer period of time but that was many years and a run-on sentence ago...

13) Maybe substitious?


who are you and what have you done with Takuma Nuva :angry:

I am the soul within Takuma Nuva's body that has changed due to the addition of <bork'd>.


Why did I wait until right now to ask you a question?

Because I'll just BET that you knew I was in the process of posting and you wanted to make me go through a complicated edit complete with annoying BBCode just to get on my nerves, Xaer Bear.


«Takuma Nuva»
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*insert generic evil laugh*


Are you going to continue the Takumacast?

I might. If I do it'll likely be only once a month instead of every week due to the fact that I'm only one person and only have so much material with which to try and make an interesting show.


«Takuma Nuva»
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