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Bad News For The Alphabet

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


I'm deeply sorry to report that, at 6:13 PM this eveig, I quite accidetally ad uitetioally misplaced the letter .


It was a worthy letter, ad it deserved the great ame which, after years of toil, fially rested upo its hadsome head. We have search parties out ight ad day, searchig over hill ad dale, over the river ad through the woods, ad, i the cases of the desperate fas, eve uder Lodo Bridge. We are deeply moved by their devotemet to this sigle letter, to this oe out of twety-six. But so far, despite our ever-ceasig efforts, there has bee o sig.


I hate to say this, my frieds, but we are begiig to fear the worst. Our adored letter may ever be seeig the light of day agai. Lost forever i the dark chasms of loely exile, i the shadowy depths of the deepest pit, it may remid for all eterity. May shall mour its everlastig departure.


My sicerest apologies for this clumsy mistake of mie, ad, with the tears of remorse ruig dow my face ad splashig to the keyboard, I hereby solemly vow to ever agai be so careless with a precious letter.






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N will Never come back. It is such a shame the the letter N will Never see the light of our hearts agiaN. NNNNNNNN....oh crud....ellipses are attacking...
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Aw, ma. I really liked that letter. What are we goig to do ow, have a 25-letter alphabet? It's isae!!! *pulls hair out*




No kiddig, your etry just had Ns a few miutes ago. You totally stole that idea from me. :P

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But how did you type ews? Huh?




I got othing. Sue me. Please. Just sue me. There's othing to lose.


... Uless you're me. The you'd lose everything.


... O secod thought, please, do't sue me. Please.



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Oh oes! :o I ca't believe the letter "" is goe! ow I ca't spell words like "ORAD" or "ecessities"! Oh well. I'll have to make do without it. That'll be easy! I just have to avoid "" completely! Uh oh, I do't kow may words without it. I probably should look it up.


Note to Turakii (that was written before the letter n disappeared): I'm sorry I haven't replied to your PM for so long. I have only had a few minutes at a time to visit BZP and check news because of school finals and the like. Answering THAT PM will most likely take longer than that. :P After all of my finals and papers are all over, I'll try to reply. FYI, I'll check back here later to see if you edited this with a reply.


~ :h: _ :t:


*Edits with reply.*


Okay, that's good! I was afraid I had forgotten to send it.




But anyways, you can wait until after you finish your finals and such before you answer, if you want. :happy: I won't mind.


*edits with reply to the edit with reply*


Yes, "THAT PM." :P


Okay. Finals will still be a while because I'm slightly behind on a couple things, but probably won't last for more than a month. >.<


Also, I noticed you found your "n"! Congrats! :P

\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

*Edits with reply.*


Okay, that's good! I was afraid I had forgotteN to seNd it.




But aNyways, you caN wait uNtil after you finish your fiNals and such before you aNswer, if you waNt. :happy: I woN't miNd.


Yet another edit: In case you didn't notice, I changed my signature to announce that you can now send PMs to me. Feel free to do so, Turakii!

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Heaven forbid it be a Greek letter!


What if the Omega sign was gone? Where would we be?


P.S: On a lighter note, what's up, yo?

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