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Friday The 13th Trivia

Inferna Firesword


Here's a factoid for you: Friday is the sacred day of the Norse goddess Freya (Friday is literally "Freya's Day"), and her sacred number is 13. Therefore, back in the day, Friday the 13th was an especially sacred day.


Of course, now everyone associates it with psychopaths and bad luck. However, my best days are on Fridays, and my own lucky number is 13, so this should be interesting. B)


On a completely unrelated note, all of my writing, including (but not limited to) Wings and HitM, is on temporary hiatus -- partly because I need some time to flesh out other ideas, and partly because I'm hopelessly addicted to the games on my copy of the Metroid Prime Trilogy. :P


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Interesting.... So that's what Friday originally was.....


It's one of my favorite days because my family finally got our own house on a Friday the 13th :P


I knew it Fern... I knew it..... Just as well I'm not so addicted to it as I was to H&H....

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Today was amazing; all the classes were shortened, French was just "Play Battleship," and homework was so little. Plus, an assembly that got us out of school 10 minutes early, and free candy everywhere.


Friday the 13th is always a good day for me~

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On the subject of 13 Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of number 13 and Paraskevidekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13 in general.


After reading those let's hope nobody here has Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia :blink: (the fear of long words)

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After reading those let's hope nobody here has Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia :blink: (the fear of long words)

Let's also hope no one is stuck with either Pantophobia, the fear of everything, or Logizomechanophobia, fear of computers. :)

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Ah. This means Inferna will grow up to be an unlucky psycopath who changed their name to Freya.

You know, now that I think about it, it's a good idea -- the name changing thing, I mean. Being an unlucky psychopath isn't my thing; being a lucky author is.

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