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Update Dump

Lady Kopaka


I've been trying to update this blog for daaaays. Gotta update more and stop making my entries so rambly and disorganized.


Since I love the list feature thingy, I shall use that to update what's going on:

  • College. takljdklfjakldaufandaklfa. Please make sure you plan for college early and have someone to solidly help you with it...otherwise, you will end up like me. College is next week and I have no clue what's going on with classes, payment...pretty much everything.
  • Stupidstupid car is still broken. This is going to be a huge problem for college. Oh and stupidstupid gas. Stupid.
  • I got my bloodwork results a few days ago. They came back normal. This is not good at all, ironically.
  • Chocolate. I need this. So badly.
  • Finally getting around to reading the Harry Potter books...I'm such a laggard. Really enjoying them. Just finished Order of the Phoenix. Trying to finish reading/watching before Death Hallows this December.
  • Speaking of HP, I now believe one of my brothers is a incarnated Ron in our universe. The resemblance is uncanny. We plan to make a costume for him by Halloween.
  • How in the world can I sleep all the time and then feel like I haven't slept in weeks? I think in a previous life I was a cat and some sleep-deprived courier.
  • I know a lot of you guys are interested in commissions still, but anyone also interested in buying art I've already done, or junk (books, dvds, etc) off me? I'm trying to get extra money for college.
  • Plans for the Glitch sequel are becoming much more concrete after all.
Something is nagging in me (as usual) that I'm forgetting to say something...but oh well, my brain has already melted for the day. Time to put it into the freezer and call it a night...


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Aww, sorry about college/car/bloodtests; I hope things get better. =]


I would totally send you chocolate if I could, lol.


But yay for art and Glitch sequel! I still hope to order a commission some day . . . Maybe something you've already done, too.



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Wow you are very busy Lady K hope every thing goes well with collage Lady K a new art topic Wow this is so great Lady K and now I want get some money for commissions so you can money for collage and and when you going to start the last book and sorry about your car miss and Glitch sequel! This has made my Day today and when do you plan to start it and I can't wait to see the new art topic I hope you get some Chocolate soon miss and I do hope you get some sleep soon Lady K.

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What's wrong with your bloodtest?

Nothing--which is exactly the problem. I have no idea what's ailing me now, and that certain test was my last resort. Back to square one again, sigh.

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What's wrong with your bloodtest?

Nothing--which is exactly the problem. I have no idea what's ailing me now, and that certain test was my last resort. Back to square one again, sigh.


Maybe it's Hug-withdrawal? ^^

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What's wrong with your bloodtest?

Nothing--which is exactly the problem. I have no idea what's ailing me now, and that certain test was my last resort. Back to square one again, sigh.


Maybe it's Hug-withdrawal? ^^

LOL. If only. :lol:

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YAY!!! Some new art!


I've learned something when it comes to sleeping. ITSA TRAP!

I mean really if you happen to doze off during the day you just don't want to do a single thing except go back to sleep after you wake up, its like being in a coma 'cept you have the chance to get out of it but you just don't want to.


Sorry about your bloodtest and college stuff, just made it to highschool and I'm already dreading the day I have to pick a college.

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As Much as I would rather tell you tho\is face to face, I cannot.


I hope you feel better soon. Your health status has been worrying me for some time, and I hope to see you well again soon. Get better soon, and do not worry about the not updating often thing, it's no big deal. Really.

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Sorry about your bloodtest and college stuff, just made it to highschool and I'm already dreading the day I have to pick a college.

Planning for college in a sense, is not that bad. If you plan early enough and just take it step by step, it's quite simple. I just had a lot of...roadblocks permitting me to do that.


I hope you feel better soon. Your health status has been worrying me for some time, and I hope to see you well again soon. Get better soon, and do not worry about the not updating often thing, it's no big deal. Really.

Don't worry, but thank you for the concern. What's going on isn't life threatening, in a sense. I'll be fine, it's just been a long road to finding a solution.



In fact guys, I'm sorry if I blabber too much about being sick or the sort, I'm not trying to do it to get attention. Ranting is just nice and all, you know.

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Could it be stress? It's the cause of a lot of problems for so many people.

Stress is one of the attributes, but is not the sole blame. Whatever it is, it's along the lines of a disorder or disease, or a bunch of things mixed into one.


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•Finally getting around to reading the Harry Potter books...I'm such a laggard. Really enjoying them. Just finished Order of the Phoenix. Trying to finish reading/watching before Death Hallows this December.


I read the books before I saw the movie versions, and to be honest, I was let down. I haven't even seen the Half-blood prince film yet, because I was skeptical =/

But the books are definitely, worth the read. Especially, the 6th and 7th.




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