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Ask Bfa



So I was thinking "Hmm I should post something highly original today" and then I thought "Oh I'll post an ask entry no one does that".


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well since Sumiki did the obligatory farm animals question I have to do this


has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


also why are you such a nub

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How does a cow jump all the way over the moon? Wouldn't she asphyxiate upon exiting the atmosphere, and burn upon reentry? And how did she even reach the moon in the first place? Does she have super powers? And what about landing? Wouldn't she splat upon impact, assuming she survived asphyxiation and reentry?

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do you dream about farm animals

On Tuesdays.


well since Sumiki did the obligatory farm animals question I have to do this


has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


also why are you such a nub

I do not know.


Because I am.


Why are there so many of these entries across the blogs?

Because people like comments.


How does a cow jump all the way over the moon? Wouldn't she asphyxiate upon exiting the atmosphere, and burn upon reentry? And how did she even reach the moon in the first place? Does she have super powers? And what about landing? Wouldn't she splat upon impact, assuming she survived asphyxiation and reentry?

If you're wondering how she leaps and breathes

And other science facts

Then repeat to yourself 'It's just a poem,

I should really just relax.'


Your thoughts on Inception?

It's an interesting title.



<---do you like that image?



If E=MC Squared and a Woodchuck chucked as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck wood, does anyone even care?

It's difficult to care about such trivial things when being pursued by a mobile walking mechanical killing machine of death.

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Did you know that poem achieved both lameness and awesomeness simultaneously?

I'd figured.


Have you a Gamertag?


And if so, Halo 3?


And if so, did you preorder Halo: Reach?

No no no.

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I'm just here to inform you that this entry is number 1234 in your blog ^_^


I didn't plan ahead after that....sooo......have you played a game called Braid? >.<




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I'm just here to inform you that this entry is number 1234 in your blog

Aw, darn, you beat me to it. :(


Though I was the first to inform him of having a hundred thousand views. :)


do you farm about dream animals




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so bfa whats up

so matey what be happening

this be happenin what


I'm just here to inform you that this entry is number 1234 in your blog

Aw, darn, you beat me to it. :(

No one beat anyone to anything because the entry before this was #1234.


It says so right in it.

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Why are we dressed like robots?


Why are we so blind to see that the ones we hurt are you and me?


Are we not men?


What is a man?


How do you think he does it, what makes him so good?


What does this mean?

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what is this i don't even

this is what


Are pinecones sentient creatures that hunt by randomly falling on the nearest thing?


Also do you think lizards are being unfairly stereotyped?


-Feel the insanity!-

No, the trees themselves are sentient and drop the cones in an attempt to paralyze their victims.




Why are you so awesome?

cuz B)


Why are we dressed like robots?


Why are we so blind to see that the ones we hurt are you and me?


Are we not men?


What is a man?


How do you think he does it, what makes him so good?


What does this mean?

Because it's fun.


Because we haven't payed the phone bill in three hundred years.


We are… oh, something, I forgot. Demo? Deso? Desu? Leno?


Lots of practice.




are you a yellow octopus of death and all that jazz?

That is unfair stereotyping; most yellow octopi are peaceful and perfectly friendly. Please don't paint us all with a broad brush.


why have you not answered me yet? ;_;

Because I wait until a sufficient number of questions are asked so I don't have every other comment in this entry.

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