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It's Time To Say Goodbye



It's been a good [nearly] three years here on BZPower, but unfortunately my time ends here. School is just way too busy and I no longer like BIONICLE or BZPower -- I mean, this is a kids site after all.


Thanks to everyone for such a great time. =]










Or not. =P


But I do still have to say goodbye, just not to you guys. Today my brother entered the Norbertines [a religious order of Catholic priests -- in other words, he joined the Seminary]. Which basically means that he'll only be able to visit us like once a year and we can only see him about once a month [we have to drive down to the Abbey].


Cool trivia: He's entering with Grant Desme, aka the Oakland A's MVP.


I'm definitely going to miss him [my brother]. Though, I have to say, I'm glad to finally have my own room. =P I mean, even through college all his stuff was still there but now it isn't.


So we dropped him off at St. Michael's Abbey today, and on the way back we stopped at Book Off again [i tell you, I'm like addicted to that used bookstore now =P]. What I got:

  • And Then There Were None -- Agatha Christie. Probably my favorite book that I've read, and definitely my favorite of hers.
  • The White Mountains -- John Christopher. 55555 has been bugging me to get this for a long time [as well as the rest of the Tripods Trilogy, but I couldn't find those] so I finally did.
  • Batman Begins -- Novelization by Dennis O'Neil. Hey, the movie was awesome, it'd be cool in book form, too, I think.
  • The Corps -- W.E.B. Griffin. Just sounded awesome. I love the Marines [and am kind of thinking of joining, but I really have no idea].
  • Trophy Hunt -- C. J. Box. This was recommended by Hugh Hewitt [a conservative talk show host I listen to], so I thought I'd check it out for only a dollar.
  • Storm Front -- Jim Butcher. Nuju Metru has been bugging me to get this for a long time as well, so I finally did [it's the first of the Dresden Files].
  • The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes -- Arthur Conan Doyle. I actually already have a version of this book, but this one is nicer, hardback, and was only one buck.
  • The Improbable Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. This was interesting. It's not written by Doyle, but rather a lot of people [including Steven King, and I've been wanting to read something by him for a while], so I thought it was cool.
  • Act of Treason -- Vince Flynn. Just another Vince Flynn book because it sounded interesting. And was cheap. And I want more books on my shelves. =P
So yeah, I definitely have a lot to read, but I'll have fun with it all.


[Oh, and if you guys didn't get it, I'm not leaving BZPower, and I still do like BIONICLE/BZP. =P]


- Velox


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I got a 'complete Sherlock Holmes' book for Christmas, and I still haven't read it. >.<

And good to hear you're not leaving.




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That's a very courageous thing for your brother to do. I don't know how I would feel about that, but that sort of thing takes a lot of devotion and love.


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You should have left a bigger space when you did that so we couldn't see the text below. Would've given us all an even bigger scare. :P


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That's a very courageous thing for your brother to do. I don't know how I would feel about that, but that sort of thing takes a lot of devotion and love.


Sorry, but I couldn't resist with that title. =P


Anyway, yeah, that's basically my thoughts on the matter. I really don't think I could do that [no computer or cellphone, no seeing friends and such, etc.], but at the same time I really respect him and others who do do it. Especially Grant Desme, considering how he was a famed baseball player and left all that behind to do what he thinks God wants him to. But yeah, it definitely does take a lot of devotion and love.


@ Ziko ~ You really should read it. The Sherlock Holmes stories are fabulous.


And lol @ SPI. I always did think that was weird, but oh well.


Edit @ Kiotu ~ Eh, I didn't want to scare you guys that much. =P



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It's good to know that you aren't actually leaving (and I could tell that as soon as you started talking about other stuff :P). We'd miss you. I'd miss you especially. :D


Also, the Sherlock Holmes stories are excellent and good reads. I heartily approve. It's elementary, my dear Velox.



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You will MoC again, I have forseen it.


I don't know about that -- I haven't MOCed in a long time and don't really have the desire to do so [it's one of those things where if I was good at it, I'd do it, but since I'm not I don't want to take the time to become good =P]. And also because my interests are now in writing, so my focus is on that.



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You will MoC again, I have forseen it.


I don't know about that -- I haven't MOCed in a long time and don't really have the desire to do so [it's one of those things where if I was good at it, I'd do it, but since I'm not I don't want to take the time to become good =P]. And also because my interests are now in writing, so my focus is on that.





Try it once. I too haven't MOCed for time, but I did and I kinda like it.


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