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Weekly Update - 9/10 (with Guest Appearances!)

Black Six



Man, so what even happened this week? I don't even know, so I think I'm going to let some other people talk for a change instead. (Like Keanu, who is here and says HI!)


Hey guys. This is totes DeeVee and Nukaya Cloud Fire. We are totes tag-teaming this entry for Mandrew. Why? Because we have the touch! We have the poweeeerr!




First things first, there's this awesome topic you should post in. Don't look at me like that.


Gatanui did a review of Hero Factory's TV series, episode one! In the first episode, Anakin's all "Hey, I'm ten or something, look at me drive this podracer! Imma gonna be a Jedi someday! Hoor-wait, who's this clearly older and out of the proper age range queen I'm going to marry??" And then Harry's all, "I'm a wizard? And I'm going to wizarding school? That's crazytalk! My parents died in a car crash", so Hagrid's all "CAR CRASH! How could a car crash kill Lily an' James Potter? It's an outrage! A scandal!" And then Peter Parker gets bit by a radioactive pony, and with great powers comes great responsibilit-HAY. Anyways, it's a really interesting review, so go check it out!


In other news, the person of some place did something and something happened and oh look LEGO and kitties and PONIESSS.


On top of that, there were a bunch of promotions this week. Which is cool. Fresh meat is always tender, delicate, and oh so tasty. I usually dice it, and gently roast it, before letting it soak in a delicious concoction that is too awesome to describe. I am grateful to have Aaron added to my minion staff. He will be a good one. Though Nukaya is still my favourite. The rest of you, get to work! :angry:






No, I'm Batman.






No, I'm Batman! :angry:




I am okay with this?




Ray -is- Christian Bale. I can't believe I forgot this!



1. What do you think of these Troll-themed posts popping up everywhere?

2. Does your name have anything to do with the movie with the same title?

3. Do you know when this "big change" will happen?

4. When do you think the Hot Topics and the news ticker will be running again?

5. Will you take advantage of the staff name changes?

1. Trolls are pretty cool, especially kid trolls trying to save the world. (This doesn't make sense??)

2. No.

3. No. (Or maybe he does, and doesn't want to say??)

4. Maybe when the big change happens. (Oh man. Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes....)

5. Nah, I like my name. (I like you :wub: )


1. Do you like where you are right now?

2. What was your favourite part about BrickFair?

3. Ponies or kittens???

4. What is your favourite Disney movie?

5. Are you aware of your sexiness?

1. Sure.

2. Pat and Maddison are pretty cool.

3. I love both!!1!!11! (Awwwwwwwwww.)

4. The Fox and the Hound! It is a great movie that offers a fascinating treatise on the nature of friendships, especially as seen through the eyes of those who are 'natural enemies' and set to oppose one another by every force in the world. Of course, as it is wont to do, love through friendship and understanding shines through, through the youngest generation, allowing for a change of heart in even the most gruff and stuck in the mud old fogies!


Also, I weep manly tears of manliness when the voiceover at the very end says "And we'll always be friends forever, won't we." "Yeah, forever."


(OHMIGOD ME TOO! And they are MANLY tears of MANLINESS!)




5. Why yes, I am a handsome devil, who is always fighting off the ladies, none of whom I am interested in, because it is obvious they are only attracted to my physically robust, gruff, yet clearly sensitive outer exterior! I would prefer a woman who is intelligent, and sees me for myself, so I wait until that perfect moment she strikes, like a Cobra!


A Cobra of love!




Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update. (or send it via snail mail or owl post. He's not picky)



I'm really afraid of what you just had to read (wait, what why?), but hopefully it wasn't too scarring (KITTIES. AND THOMAS O'MALLEY THE ALLEY CAT). See you all next week!


Also, remember kids when left alone for 5-10 hours, finches will begin to resemble Oliver Sacks! Have a nice day!


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caligulasAquarium [CA] began trolling bzPower [bP]


CA: wwere pretty cool arent wwe


caligulasAquarium [CA] ceased trolling bzPower [bP]



also I came into this entry all "yes I get to see my name in an entry :D"


I left somewhat saddened :(

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Why? Because we have the touch! We have the poweeeerr!

This is the weirdest coincidence ever, because I was just humming that to myself and then I went to read the Weekly Update and then woah

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This is the single best Weekly Update in the history of Weekly Updates.



It was difficult to tell if some of Black Six's statements were really Black Six, though.

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It was difficult to tell if some of Black Six's statements were really Black Six, though.

Hint: If it's in black, Mandrew wrote it, except for where he didn't. :)

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This is the single best Weekly Update in the history of Weekly Updates.

Nope, second best. The one during BrickFair was clearly better. :P


But still dang awesome.


- :l: :flagcanada:

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