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Create A Glitch Character Contest!

Lady Kopaka


I decided to extend the deadline until the October, 10th! That means people who haven't found the time to enter, or ones who already have, can get some time to enter and edit their entries. Good luck!



Last year I held a Glitch in the System contest, and its theme was to design one of my characters--this time? The purpose of this contest is to create a character that will show up in the upcoming epic. If you win, the character will be considered canon in the GitS universe. You guys have been so kind to me with this story, so I feel I should repay you by getting the community a bit more involved. Now then, let’s get down to details.


This is not an ‘only art/story/moc’ contest. You guys get a lot of free reign in this. The purpose is to simply come up with a character of your liking, tell me about him/her in a format similar to RPG templates, and that’s it. However, it is strongly recommended that you do art/MoC so I can picture him/her clearly. The more details and depth, the better chances you have at winning (this doesn’t mean you have to have super long info, though).


Need tips on creating a character?

• The character has to fit into the theme of GitS. My story focuses a lot on a ‘cyberpunk’ theme. This epic is mainly in a city called Jiahk with the classic gangsters, funky politicians and lots of guns and explosions.

• While Toa are always nice, try to be extra creative. Do you have an idea for a spunky Matoran reporter? A mysterious diplomat? Some evil crime lord? Be creative, surprise me!

• If you’re still unsure about what to do, think of the characters in stuff like NCIS, Star Gate, The Matrix, Ghost in the Shell, or other crime/adventure series.


General information and rules:

• Follow all BZP rules and guidelines.

• One entry per person.

• I’m going by a judging system, not voting. I am not judging by ‘who drew the best looking character/etc’; I want originality, not necessarily artistic talent.

There will be three winners.

• Remember: if you win, that means I have full control over that character. No, I won’t make him/her be stupid, and you will have full credit of creating him/her—but be aware that this is my story, do not back-seat drive (but feel free to give me ideas or things you do not want me to do with said character).

• Please make sure the format of your entry is readable and organized. Otherwise, I’m not picky.

• I am NOT going to answer super basic questions on the story for you. If you expect to get a character in, I expect at least for you to read my story.



Q: ….what is Glitch in the System?

A: Glitch in the System is a Bionicle epic that is about a Toa named Tachi and her Partner named Komas. It’s set in a slightly futuristic setting. You can read it here.


Q: What’s the deadline?

A: OCTOBER 10TH, 2010, 11:59PM CNT. I know, it’s only two weeks, but I must begin working on this story soon. I may be flexible, though.


Q: Can the character be an alias of me/my bzp persona?

A: If you really want to. Just make sure that character will fit logically in my story.


Q: So, I can make a MoC, piece of art, or even a sprite of my character?

A: Yes. There are no limitations on this.


Q: Can my character be part of Toa Niihlus’ agency?

A: Sure. Any faction you remember, you can create a character to be part of it. You can also create your own.


Q: If I win, how important will my character be? Are there other prizes?

A: It depends. It will most likely be more than a cameo, but otherwise it depends on what the story needs. Besides getting your character canon, I am considering some cool other prizes…but still working on that.


Q: I don’t understand this in the story/I’m not sure I can do this/etc.

A: If you need any help, just ask here or PM me.



Aaaand I think that’s it. What are you still here for? Go create that character for me!


(oh and if you want to spread the word/advertise, that would be nice.)


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i'll do this. question though, are airship/vehicles acceptable to go with your character? (had an idea that hinges on this)

You can go ahead, but I can't make promises with it either. I may have to haggle with the winners to edit things to suit the story's needs.


ok, thats reasonable. and just to make sure, new factions are ok right?

Sure. I want this contest to be relaxed on rules and restrictions--just as I said, winners may have to work with me to get things fitting in the story.


Oh, and on that note--just because this is a si-fi setting, doesn't mean you can't challenge the laws of physics and make a fantasy like character, or something else. Sometimes ones who seem atypical to a story style are the best. Surprise me.

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Sorry, no fancy artwork for this one...I can't draw that well. Sorry.

Name: Cadash Ohaniel

Gender: Male

Age: 37 (in human years...I don't know what that equates to in Bionicle, sorry. :P )

Eyes: Ice blue.

Mask: None

Armor: Jet black. He always wears an immaculate suit over it.

Race: Vortixx

Weapon of Choice: Fists.


Likes: Smart people, freedom to control his own fate. Being at the top.

Dislikes: Stupid people, stubborn people, egotistical people, gender discrimination. The concept of Destiny. Caviar.

Goals: Entertain himself--he's already on top of the world, so to speak. Other than that, mostly, stay in control of both his corporation and his life.

Hobbies/Fun Time: Chess, or toying with a selected plaything. If he feels that said playing is not physically dangerous, he'll often bring them to his own home to toy with them--often, they don't even realize what he's doing.

Flaw: Paranoia. He sees everyone as out to get him, from his lowest employee to his most trusted ally--he has no friends. He does not permit himself any. He is skilled at seeing plot against him and reacting to stop them--but often there are no such plots. This means he is often lonely and has no one to confide in--he does not consider this a problem, but its is a problem nonetheless. After many years of this, he is beginning to develop the first signs of schizophrenia as his mind develops opposing viewpoints to help him plot in the absence of real beings to converse with.

Out of Ordinary: CEO and sole investor of Ohaniel Corporation, a massive corporate conglomerate.

Advantage: Highly intelligent and skilled at determining how best to motivate people to do what he wants them to.

Scared Most By: Powerlessness. He hates the idea of not being able to do anything about his position in life, even if it would be an opulent one--he would consider it a gilded cage.

Greatest Accomplishment: Buying his lost factories from the Xian authorities outright. He considers it a bold move which lost him nothing and while it was never his best, it was always one of his favorites.

Greatest regret: Allowing Havor to betray him and go unnoticed for so long. He regrets training Havor in such a way that it allowed him to betray Cadash, he regrets allowing him to betray him in the first place, he regrets letting the treachery go on as long as it did, and he regrets having to terminate his lieutenant, an act which he insisted on doing personally. It's a very sore topic and a very tightly-held secret.

Skills: (Sometimes I lose track of things my cast can and can’t do. I list what they are competent at here, to avoid scenes where the characters perform actions outside their capacity, like having a rich man with no survival skills being the one to start a campfire. Just not gonna happen.)

History: Being a male Vortixx, Cadash was relegated to menial duties from the beginning. He began work as a messenger for a factory manager, relaying her messages to other manager- and executive-level Vortixx. However, as he began to become accustomed to visiting halls of power, he became jealous. He hatched a plot to assassinate his master, and pulled it off without a hitch. He, however, carried on delivering messages in her name, promoting himself to her right hand and preventing anyone from seeing her. However, he knew that the others of his mistress' level grew curious and sent their people to make covert inquiries into her wellbeing. Covertly, he hired two Rogue Toa to utilize a combination of a Tryna and an Iden to impersonate his mistress. Two weeks later, he arranged an appearance for her among her equals, having preserved her mechanical pieces. Her organic parts were all hidden by armor, so preserving them had not been an issue. The Toa--whom he had trained to impersonate his mistress--performed to expectation. Not only did they convince the other factory mistresses that she was well, but the script Cadash had written earned her a promotion above them, to command a notable fragment of the factories on Xia. During his time trading with other islands, Cadash decided that weapons trading was too small a market for his tastes. He moved out and began using capital funnelled from his factories into building a larger company. Over the next few years, he expanded his company to become a massive conglomerate.

Partway up that climb, however, the leader of Xia decided that the upstart Ohaniel Corporation was a threat to their arms-dealing business, and hired an assassin to kill him. The Vortixx attacked him in the middle of the night, but Cadash fought her off. As he fought, he confessed that he'd been running the factories his "mistress" had been placed in charge of, and that, in fact, they had started his commercial empire. He threw the assassin out and let her escape to bring the news to Xia--it did not affect him. When his factories were stripped from him, he simply offered the Xian authorities so much money that they could not refuse, and bought the factories back. The incident did teach him that he needed to be able to defend himself, thought, and from then on he has trained himself in hand-to-hand skills.

Unfortunately, he is not perfect. His lieutenant, a Steltian named Havor, turned on him and began selling his secrets to the Xian government, who still resented him for playing them like he did. Thankfully, his spy network discovered the payments that the Xians were making and Havor's treachery was revealed. From that day to this, Cadash has trusted no-one and refused to take another lieutenant, doing all of the oversight himself.

As he rose on the corporate ladder, he found that dabbling in politics would gain him more than if he stayed purely corporate, and so has, from time to time, served as an elected official, granting him deeper understanding of how minds and motives work. He also retains extensive connections in political arenas.

Jiahk provides Cadash with ample opportunity for expansion, and so he has sent agents into the city to see how he can exploit local tensions and needs to his own uses. While he did hear news of the death of Szian, he did not concern himself with it due to the fact that he is not interested in the affairs of Makuta unless they directly intervene for or against him.


I felt that, even if it's just a bit part, I should flesh out the character as best as possible. :P

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Name: Kiharu Nu’chazzak (Noo-Sha-Zahk)


Gender: Female

Species: Toa (Ice)


Approximate Age (Human): 23

Appearance: White Kaukau with Communicator Built In, as well as an External Hud that is Visible through the Kaukau’s “Visor.” The Kaukau also has wolflike features, most notable when Kiharu Executes her signature smirk. These features are most visible in the slanted eyes (more a feature of the woman than the mask) and small “fangs.”


Kiharu wears white armour, the left shoulder pad extending in a sharp point a foot above her shoulder. Kiharu wears a “skirt” that curves around her back, falling to about knee level made of silver fabric. Similarly, she wears a scarf made of the same fabric that she wears twisted around her neck once, with one end trailing down her back nearly to her feet, and the other end dropping in the front to chest level. The Scarf is adorned with small, almost invisible detailing, and heirloom from her past.


Mask Power: Silence


Personality: Kiharu expresses herself openly, it’s both a weakness and a strength. She exhibits the traits of one forced to grow up too fast, but it doesn’t stop her from living her life. Simply put, she’s the type of Gal that will party on the town and have a blast one night, only to disappear forever the next. She’s Cryptic, Terse, and Generally Moody, or even Hostile, to those she doesn’t know. Sometimes even her friends get this treatment, but they put up with it for the simple reason that Kiharu is what she is – A highly Trained, extremely deadly, assassin.


She’s also prone to singing.


“I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, singing hey oh, gotta let go, I wanna celebrate and live my life, Sayin eh oh, baby let’s go....”


Weapons: Kukri, Rarely Used Naginata Adorned with Silver Cloth, Custom Built Sniper Rifle.




Kiharu would, for all intents and purposes, wish that her history remain a secret. But her talkative, and disturbed nature, doesn’t allow that to stay for long. She grew up on one of the shadier districts of a major city on her homeland. Without Any form of support other than herself and the few that were strong enough to survive, and dumb enough to call her friend.


She grew up fast, even for ones like herself. By the time she could be called a “preteen” she was fending for herself and six others, and it wasn’t long before destiny gave her an immense change from Pitiful Ugly Matoran, to Beautiful Toa.


Needless to say, she was as Icy as ever. At one point in her life, her childish dream had been to be beautiful, but as that dream was realized, it brought more problems for her than she liked. Her personality ruined friendships and even relationships more often than not. But that’s the way she likes it.


It wasn’t long till she found the agency.


As one of it’s more.... shady, operatives, she’s never cared at all for the rules. She does what she wants, getting drunk on missions or off them, breaking regulation, she loves it. If it weren’t for the sheer usefulness of her talents she would’ve been dead long ago, but the Agency’s higher ups tolerate her, simply because of the way she throws her own life around. She takes the most dangerous missions she can, executing them with a flair that has become a staple of her alias, “The Drift Wolf.” More often than not, a newspaper article will appear that angers everyone except her, detailing her recent missions, or as she refers to them, Assassinations.


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Name: Syn {alias: Etae}

Species: Toa of Ice

Alignment: Freelance agent/wetboy

Appearance: Matted grey armor

Weapon(s): C.Q.C rifle and Silenced pistol

Powers: Surrounds himself with micro particles of ice, refracting light as to make him invisible. He has in his possession a custom kanohi Shelek, used to help him surprise/sneak up on his targets.


Biography: Syn is an unfortunate soul. At one time, he had been on a team of his own, fighting with them for what they had thought to have been the right thing to do. But with a flash and bang, everything changed before his eyes. What had seemed correct at the time soon proved to be wrong as each one of his team members were killed. Syn realized that all he could do was run. Eventually, Syn had had enough, and proceeded to loose himself in the city of Jiahk. He changed his name, recoloured his armor, and rewired his system. He also upgraded parts of his armor, such as his mask, now equipped with and opaque visor, displaying a 360 view of his surroundings. Syn, now Etae, created a reputation of an efficient wetboy for himself. He works for the being with the most money, leaving what morals he once held with Syn. From time to time, thoughts of guilt surface, but the new and improved Etae has learned to look past them. He has considered going back to his old ways, becoming Syn again, but has yet to act on these impulses.




So, the art is a bit unfinished, i left it as such so you can take the disign where ever you want in the rare case that Syn makes the cut




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Unfortunately I don't have any fancy image to depict K'ous. I think his description should do him justice though.


Name: “K’ous” K’feel tei Azaous


Gender: Masculine


Species: Cybernetic Toa Rahkshi


Alignment: Current- Unknown Former Ties- Society of Xa-Kûta


Appearance: He has gray armor plating over most of his body. His shoulders are less broad compared to a regular Rahkshi, but have slight protrusions across the top from the front to the back. The plating on his arms and legs is slightly rectangular with multiple panels making up the segments that layer and surround his limbs. His forearms are armored bulkily and look to be the same size of his upper arms, although the elbow area is slightly slimmer than both. His head has a few additional pieces of plating to protect his eyes and brain, as does his torso and spinal cavity. The protective plating is practically a suit over a Rahkshi’s body. The armor is a dark bluish gray color; the areas that are not reinforced are a deep dark gray that is almost black. His inner thighs, waist, elbows, arm joints and basically all other areas that require movement are not armored. His spine is covered with the same plated armor as his body, except it contains numerous short cylindrical metal bolts down the middle. Although they only protrude an inch or so from his back, he is capable of expanding them to appear more like a normal Rahkshi spine.


Weapons: Within the protective plating on each of his forearms, is a pair of retractable blades.


Powers: Limited invulnerability that allows him to become safe from attack, the ability is severely lessened from the lack of a kraata and can only be used for short periods of time. He also has the elemental power of Iron, allowing him to create, control and absorb any kind of metallic Protodermis. His reserve of elemental energy can only store enough power for him to perform limited tasks, and due to the limited capacity his reserves recharge more quickly. Although he does not wear a mask, shards of his former Pakari were embedded in his face, and allow him to infrequently gain bursts of strength. No longer a “Toa” he is incapable of using his Toa Power to create new Toa or pass it onto other beings, additionally he cannot sacrifice his energy for the greater good or become a Turaga. He also has flying capabilities native to his Rahkshi body. Additionally, he is capable of using the mystical arts he learned about at the Society of Xa-Kûta although only for the most basic tasks.


Biography: Once a Toa of Iron he suffered a disastrous turn of luck, near-fatal injuries crushed his body and rendered it useless. Several skilled Xa-Koro surgeons were able to save his brain and a few vital organs, but the majority of his body was beyond repair. In a final attempt to save his life, they placed what remained of his body into an inorganic suit of armor, a Rahkshi’s body. His brain and eyes were outfitted and implanted in the Rahkshi head; his remaining vital organs were housed in a spinal-sac and placed in the cavity a kraata would normally fill, where they are impervious to vacuum. Ironically, he found himself placed in a gray Rahkshi, with limited invulnerability. Fortunately he was able to operate the suit of armor and even use the latent Rahkshi powers within it; however his control over his elemental power is significantly impaired.


Despite his change of bodies he is a skilled combatant and a calculating strategist, backed by his past experiences as historian and teacher of combat at the Society of Xa-Kûta. He has a reputation of being cold and sometimes breaks out it fits of rage, rumored to be caused by the destructive nature of the Rahkshi body he possesses. Arrogance was one of the qualities that led him to underestimate an opponent and the untimely destruction of his Toa form. He learned well from his mistakes however his old nature sometimes rears its egocentric head, although now in the form of a Rahkshi.

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dangit i wish i knew about this sooner DX






-will strangle kini at later date for not notifying me of this earlier-


At first i was more then wanting to enter into this contest, although judging by all the other entries and other great artists here I now see I dont think I really stand a chance :P


Nevertheless, I'll give it a shot.


--Akaku: Master of Flight

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I was hoping I could submit this. :)


Name: Zanith

Species: Being.

Alignment: Wanderer

Gender: Male

Appearance: Wears a dark black cape that hides any other potential color that he might have, but what is seen is orange and silver. Has the appearance of that as a Toa, same height, size, and previously possessed powers similar to one, but consists of more organic tissue. In fact, in some cases he swears he could feel a heartbeat. It’s for that reason he believes he is just a being in his own right.

Weapon(s): Sword of Reminiscence. It holds all of his memories and allows him to view any of them at any time during his choosing. Unfortunately, ever since he’s mysteriously lost his Toa-like powers, he’s also lost the ability to harness that sword’s ability. In battle before, despite being reluctant to draw it, he used to surround it in a very strong layer of his power preventing the actual blade from sustaining battle damage. Ever since he’s lost his Toa-like powers, however, he is even more protective of it and now refuses to draw it all because of fear of it being destroyed.

Mask Power: Unknown if he actually has one. As far as he knows, it isn't powered.

Power(s): Former power was spirit. He feels that he still has powers, but for reasons unknown to him, he has never been able to actually harness them, and thus doesn’t understand them. Besides another thing, this could also get to him. Despite not being able to use his powers, he is still very tough and can take some damage if he were in the situation. In fact, Zanith oddly feels stronger than he once was.

Traits: He isn’t the one for confrontation; he likes to avoid it if he can. He keeps to himself, is usually very quiet, seems to be always lost in thought, contemplative, and is very careful at his actions. Aside from one fateful event, where he endangered his former team, he has never done anything reckless.

History:Back in his homeland he and his former team were charged with guarding a mysterious tower. For years they prevented infiltration from many beings ranging from dark hunters to even the simple Rahi. They never even thought about questioning what they were guarding until the one day they had no choice but to explore it. To this day none of his team exactly knew what they discovered, but upon doing so, Zanith’s Toa-like powers were mysteriously replaced with unknown ones, and an eerie entity started pursuing him. Aside from feeling no threat from it, he still does not understand it’s origins. And sometimes that could really frustrate him. He tries his very best not to think or talk about it, but considering it seems to manifest at random times, he sometimes could be on edge trying to anticipate it. One event when he tried to communicate with it he regrets, for, besides nearly getting himself killed, it endangered his former team. The exact reason he decided to leave them, although he misses them dearly. Zanith is still unsure if his team suffered any similar symptoms like he did, but refuses to search them out to even ask for he fears they would never forgive him.

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I tried to draw his body, but this was as far as I got. If I complete it further, I'll just update the image.


Anyhow, I tried doing something very atypical to the normal sci-fi style of characters like you suggested. I've made several edits from the original bio from the BZPRPG, but I think it should work. I've forgotten what type of government Jiahk has, but it still should make sense, I think...


I know I used too many subject-starting sentences (gah Pudewa training), especially ones starting with "he", but since this is a bio it doesn't matter much I guess...


If you have any problems with this, just tell me.


Name: Alitor Vergande (AH-lit-tohr ver-GAHN-dayh), the Gentleman's Assassin.


History: Alitor was a ambitious yet rather weak young Toa with a sharp mind, quick wits and a thirst for challenge. From a young age he grew weary of the corruption the current political administration had and wanted to overthrow it, though he didn't have the means to at the time.


Looking for challenges to pass the time until then, he sought out different masters of different arts, slowly learning each one and challenging himself to grasp a good amount of knowledge from them and even tried to master a few of them. He was trained for many years (make this as long as you'd like, I'd prefer a very long amount of time for realism's sake) in the arts of strategy, marksmanship, fencing, observance, architecture, memorization, psychology, analyzation, forgery, acting, disguising, cryptology, forensics, security, and computers, among others. While he had no elemental powers to speak of, over time his mind became much faster until it exceeded what most other beings could ever hope to do.


After overcoming all those obstacles, he decided to hire himself out to whoever could give him the best challenge, no matter if it was a assassination attempt, a robbery, kidnapping, battle, or anything else, just as long as it gave him good competition, all the while training himself for the time when his greatest plan and desire would be accomplished and the government overthrown with the people again in charge.


Personality: Alitor is a very distinguished individual and takes on the characteristics of a perfect English gentleman. He speaks eloquently with a slight accent, has exquisite manners, and cannot go without his daily brew of tea. He will study individuals that either his targets or inconsequential beings that could benefit his plan for weeks on end. He has several backup and contingency plans for each mission he takes, and although he knows he cannot plan for every hitch to go smoothly, he has made good use of working every unexpected situation for the better, even if it takes years for his "escape" plan to reach completion.


He's patient enough to wait no matter how long as needed and knows that great plans cannot be rushed for anything. He is a true grandmaster, often thinking several steps ahead of his opponents. He is also true showman and a rather big showoff. He believes that appearance is everything, and that a grand entrance is absolutely necessary, often going through great pains to make them. He's unfailingly polite to all he meets, including his victims if he has any, more often not apologizing to them as he prepares to kill them as it is "just purely business, nothing personal". Sometimes, if a victim gives him enough of a challenge, he will thank them for giving him such pleasure and even at special occasions let them go just so he can try to track them down again.


He's not invincible by any means, but he does give off an air that he is. While it is the farthest from the truth, as he can be bested in actual combat without too much trouble, what makes people fear is that defeating him may just be part of his plan. His mind is his greatest weapon and he doesn't hesitate to use it.


He views all his endeavors, and life as a whole, as "a giant game, one that is adeptly challenging, unfailingly unpredictable, and threatens to at any moment overcome and swallow you whole, but it, like all others, can yet be overcome if one makes the right moves at the right time."


Appearance: Alitor has a green Miru, the top half from the tip of the "nose" up to the "ears" is white, with large, circular "eyeholes" covered by black screen designed others not get a good look at his eyes. He wears a full, stylish black suit made out of a durable, flame-resistant type of cloth, very hard to tear or stain. He has a layered white cravat (similar to Miles Edgeworth of Ace Attorney fame) and wears a tricorn-like hat topped off with a red feather. He sometimes disguises himself as a "normal" Toa for surveillance, in which he completely disguises his voice, armor, and clothes.


Powers: Alitor has no elemental powers and rarely uses Kanohi. His hand-to-hand combat skills are of a medium skill level, though he does have quite a grasp on fencing. However, he uses much more of his brain and his mind thinks faster that normal Matoran or Toa (sort of similar to Slade Wilson's aka Deathstroke's power).


Weapons: He does utilize several types of explosives ranging from small micro ones hidden on his suit buttons and belt buckle to larger ones that could make a sizable explosion which he usually plants ahead of time in strategic places. He doesn't use firearms regularly save for a emergency kinetic blaster hidden in his right sleeve. If he does resort to them, he keeps several long range snipers for such purposes. His main weapon is a beautifully carved rapier that is carried on a strap on his back, however, by arching his back and twisting a certain way he can make the scabbard slide down to his side, where he can pull it out more traditionally (as appearance is everything, such a entrance is necessary). He dislikes using the snipers or blaster, however, believing that it hinders the challenge. He does like unsheathing his rapier quite a lot, but that's just for intimidation's sake.


Weaknesses: As said above, he's both a showman and a showoff and will go to great pains to make sure a impressive performance is given. His fighting skills aren't anywhere near a master's and he lacks elemental powers, making him very vulnerable. He's also a compulsive perfectionist. He will also take it upon himself as his duty to clear his employer of all suspicion if he is suspected of hiring him for his services, no matter what it will take.


Best of luck,



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Yeah, but Kini, you must know I can barley hear you on XBL because people always talk over or interrupt us >_>




Name: Dreizak


Appearance: [here] A Tall Toa, almost two feet taller then most others. Has sleek, shining silver armor which gives off light when in the dark.


Weapons: He always carries a Pistol and a Pocket knife, despite the security he has when being in his office building.


Personality: Dreizak is a cunning fellow, always aware of what’s happening around him. He wears the Kanohi Rode, allowing him to read minds, uses it to say what the people want to hear when making deals, and he will often get annoyed when things are not to his advantage. He usually does not walk in open areas with lots of people, as his mask automatically picks up the thoughts of most around him therefore at times it would sound like a bomb going off in his head when being out in public.


Bio: Dreizak is quite the strange person. By day he is a formal business man and CEO of Trident Armories, a Weapons development and distributor company. By night however, He is well known by the gangs, mafia, and terrorists in the city for selling undocumented and unauthorized weaponry for a low price.


As the local authority does not take too kindly to illegal firearm trade, there has been a bounty placed on him wanted dead or alive for giving weaponry to hundreds of killers claiming altogether hundreds more lives. As being the chief export of illegal weapons, the local Mafia have kept close watch and protection for him, albeit not the greatest.


His case has yet been brought public (giving the possibility for the cops to take him by surprise), although he himself has easily learned that many people are out to get him. Despite all this he still openly supervises the deals at night, relying on the people he's working with to give him protection should someone try to take a shot at him. He has been putting his mask to use now more then ever, and not without good reason. Should anyone try to sneak up on him during the night, it would prove futile. Any attempt to launch an assault at The Trident tower he resides in by day would immediately alert all the locals, and the thought of having such a wealthy person with such a wealthy organization committing crimes right under the cops' noses doesn’t seem to sit to well with the pedestrians, not to mention possible outcome of riots against local authority all over the city from local gangs, as supposed to it seeming a hired gun taking out Dreizak.


Either way, this man is not to be a trusted one, and many think he should be dealt with immediately.


EDIT: just saw Lloyd's entry and noticed how freaken similier it is. DX


--Akaku: Master of Flight

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Name: Kako. (Long A and O)


Appearence: Very ancient looking matoran of lightning. Generic dark blue and white coloring, she wears a lighter blue noble Akaku


Personality: An eccentric, slightly mad, very useful matoran. Is given to ramblings and talking to herself. She's a genius at mechanical or electronical devices.


Bio: Kako has lived on Jiahk her whole (quite lengthy) life. She lives in a run down apartment building, filled with an odd assortment of gadgets. Niihlus will occasionally hire her for help on a tough problem.



Probably won't win against some of the more 'thought out' entries, but it was worth a shot. :)

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Yay deadline extension. Of course I'd need it... I need to remember, this is me I'm dealing with here. Anyway I'd better make sure everything's all finished by next week yeah? Sorry my entry isn't already here...

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Yay deadline extension. Of course I'd need it... I need to remember, this is me I'm dealing with here. Anyway I'd better make sure everything's all finished by next week yeah? Sorry my entry isn't already here...

Don't worry about it, take your time...until the deadline comes along.


Great entries guys, hopefully we'll see a few more!

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Yay deadline extension. Of course I'd need it... I need to remember, this is me I'm dealing with here. Anyway I'd better make sure everything's all finished by next week yeah? Sorry my entry isn't already here...

Don't worry about it, take your time...until the deadline comes along.


Great entries guys, hopefully we'll see a few more!

And see more, you will. I'm hoping to add two actually, one from an epic I am currently underway with (a MOC character) and another that is entirely up to be decided (also a MOC). I am wondering if that would be allowed, mainly with the part of the epic character. I however, would make it so that you would have whatever rights you can to the character as I use him in my own story at the same time. What I am proposing is basically making two different versions of the character, but both with the same background and characterization. As for the other MOC, I can fit him in as a character if it is needed (even if the other one can't be included).



-Toa Deserok
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Yay deadline extension. Of course I'd need it... I need to remember, this is me I'm dealing with here. Anyway I'd better make sure everything's all finished by next week yeah? Sorry my entry isn't already here...

Don't worry about it, take your time...until the deadline comes along.


Great entries guys, hopefully we'll see a few more!

And see more, you will. I'm hoping to add two actually, one from an epic I am currently underway with (a MOC character) and another that is entirely up to be decided (also a MOC). I am wondering if that would be allowed, mainly with the part of the epic character. I however, would make it so that you would have whatever rights you can to the character as I use him in my own story at the same time. What I am proposing is basically making two different versions of the character, but both with the same background and characterization. As for the other MOC, I can fit him in as a character if it is needed (even if the other one can't be included).



-Toa Deserok

Pretty much, concerning 'copyright', the full rights are yours. I just stated that since I'm doing a lot of work with the story, that the winners don't be over picky or try to make me write things that I don't want to write on their characters. The character is 100% yours, I'm just 'borrowing' him/her.

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Here is my epic MOC:


Link to the topic for MOC pics


Character descriptions:


Name: Saibarru




Affiliation: Order of Mata Nui


Status: Active, in hiding


Duty: Observe and record events of Jiahk to the Order, as well as carry out assignments in the region and/or give assistance to agent(s) operating nearby in Jiahk


History: Once a normal resident of the Southern Regions, Saibarru was forced to relocate north with the rest of his species to escape the dangers of island tensions and droat. Slave convoys (with connections to Xia) happened upon them as they sailed away by ship and took most prisoner, drowning the rest at sea. Saibarru and the survivors took to lives of slavery in the Underground of Xia.


Fighting in pits, Saibarru became a frequent champion and became renowned throughout the underground and even in other islands like Stelt, where Gladiators were highly adored in the arenas for blood sports. When the Xians offered to reward Saibarru with freedom at the cost of purposely loosing one match, Saibarru agreed. When the match was nearly ended, Saibarru found he had been tricked and tried to escape. But he lost the match and was disposed of in the arena, little more than a grain of sand once again to them.


Thinking he would die, Saibarru was surprised to find a being offering him help after the Xians had left him to rot. Revealing himself to be a member of the Order, the being rescued Saibarru and offered him a place in the organization. Promising him that the Order would not use him like the Xians did, Saibarru reluctantly accepted the offer.


Several hundreds of years of training, disciplining, and mission-taking, Saibarru still had doubts. The Order still used its agents like Xians did, and so he doubted his worth to their supposed "dedication to Mata Nui". Tempted to break away from the Order, Saibarru is always reassured by the realization of his better position in staying there then leaving for places like Xia. Still, thoughts of desertion hang in his mind.


One of the things that differs him from most Order agents is the fact he seeks truth, justice, peace in many forms of duty; yet his fear of being manipulated holds him back from not only performing duties of great honor and sacrifice, but also in having faith in himself and his organization. But when a clear evil is ever presented to him and the helpless are abandoned for death, he will be one of the first to make a stand.


In realizing Jiahk's promise and its reflection of his values, Saibarru was fortunate to land the task of watching the city of Jiahk. He has since remained on duty.


Abilities: One of the unique things about his race in comparison to others', is there inherited ability to manipulate their own raw energy into any form or shape they choose. Their raw energy is species related, and is not linked to any other source of power. They can use the energy in many ways; some uses include increasing the hardness of armor, others for creating physical objects or even project the energy for combat. Given the raw ability of his, it also is able to obscure the focus of most beings (when struck by an energy blast), preventing the foes from using their powers in combat, but only for a duration of time. This ablity doesn't affect himself or any of his own species.


Given his status in the Order, his mind is shielded from mental intrusion and control like most members. As well as that, he also recieved power-ups with are available to Order members: one power-up was the added ability to detect mask power fluxes (readings of masks just being used), ranging from minor to major mask fluxes in a given radius. Another ablilty he has been given is armor color alteration (limited ability over light), being able to change his armor in any color, shade, or texture he chooses. These abilities, coupled with his natural endurance and Makuta-leveled strength, makes him a dangerous opponent or powerful ally.


Personality: Although brave and selfless, he is also also hesitant and cautious. Often doubting his true worth, he fears being used and betrayed even by those whom he alligns himself with. His tendency to distrust others he works with sometimes becomes problematic as he sometimes goes on missions by himself just to ensure nobody turns on him. Some of his own comrades mistaken this for a steak of pride, thinking he can do everything alone. On a side note: Saibarru also has a huge bitterness towards Vortixx over how they betrayed him. He detests using Xian manufactured weapons, instead making weapons of his own.


Weapons: With a protosteel arm-blade on his left arm, Saibarru is able to focus his internal energies upon any target that crosses his sights. Able to deal plenty of damage and cut through the toughest of material. With a boomerang attached to his other arm, it can absord energy and use it to increase the damage it deals to any opponent or object. These, accompanied by his Great Mask of X-Ray vision, make him formidable in every stature.


Clothing/armor: Prefers to wear white and black armor, as a rememberance of the horrors of his imprisonment and slavery to the Xians (prison-clothing color before recruitment to Order). If he is forced to go out into the open or in a crowded place, he will often equip a cloak made of protodermic cloth (dark-brown in appearance).


Appearance: Average to the size of a Makuta, his figure is enough to intimidate most opponents looking for a fight. Most of the time, he prefers to remain isolated and hide his features when others are nearby (if they aren't familiar or not with the Order) or wear a cloak to conceal them. But when he is revealed, a deep scar is shown in the middle of his face and scratches can be seen on his armor. He also wears specialized boots that help him to hover slightly off of the ground (which allows him to move through landscapes and enemy compounds without leaving a physical trail), but he only equips them when he is forced to scout outside of his secret compound.


Current Assignment: investigate death of Makuta Szian; report findings

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Name: Cagerix


Gender: Most likely male.


Species: Unknown, but make an educated guess ;)


Approximate Age: Old. Possibly among the first beings to live in

the universe.



There is no knowledge of Cagerix real appearance, as

he is confined to a sealed box, both a sanctuary and a prison,

impervious to just about any form of outside influence.It is

even rumored that some who tried to open the crate have been

driven into madness of unfathomable extent.



The mind can be a more powerful weapon then any

sword or gun and Cagerix is far more versed in the use of

telepathy than any of the greatest swordsmen in existence.

Combined with his knowledge of just about anything, he is both

brilliant and dangerous.

Yet the cube he inhabits is as much protection for him as it is

protection from him for the outside world. His power is crippled

and while the reading of minds and exchange of thoughts is

possible, there is no way for him to take influence on the

outside or make others do his bidding, except for manipulative




How Cagerix got sealed away in his cube or how a being of such

wit could even be trapped like this is a complete mystery only

few know the answer to.

However, he is now in the hands of the agency, sealed away in a

vault, only accessible by Toa Niihlus, whom he counsels with his

amazing knowledge, and verbally drives up the wall more often

then not.

His age-long incarceration and time spent lonely have turned

Cagerix into a sarcastic and witty character, with a dark

humor, the only joy left to him.


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Bad sketch get




Mikeal is a mechanical being of unknown design found buried in a Toa canister in an area that The Agency was digging out to make a small outpost to better monitor an island that was just slightly out of range and had been suspected of harboring a criminal. After bringing him online and finding that he was not overly effective in combat, Niihlus decided he would be best suited to information gathering after noticing that Mikeal had a highly superior sense of sight and hearing.


Mikeal is very cheerful and always willing to help a fellow Agency member, but his alien design make some agents slightly nervous.

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Here's my attempt at an entry:

Makuta Kadina


Name: Kadina (real name unknown)

Species: Makuta

Gender: Female

Age: unknown 

Alignment: Crimelord


Appearance: On the outside feminine body and build, covered in rusting armor with something of a mask with a visor doubling as a view port. Her hands resemble the talons of an eagle (or Gukko bird).


Underneath the armor plates reveals a vast complex of Exo Toa parts, Rahkshi armor, and Toa armor. She stands at 7'4 enough to literally look down on a Toa.

Mask: pre armor destruction unknown, current mask none.


Personalty: Kadina is cunning, clever, cold, calculating, and seductive, but is rather impatient and has a short temper when it comes to her "followers" failing at an assignment. 


Bio: Kadina's past is mostly unknown but what is known is that she was an explorer of islands unknown. She eventually found her way to an unknown island, after stories of her explorations she became a hero and a celebrity of sorts. 


Not everyone, though, thought kindly of Kadina. A shrewd Turaga ordered one of his servants to hire an assassin to kill Kadina. However another servant thought he had to hire an assassin and did the same. The assassins were both Toa, of what elements is unknown, the Toa met up at a graveyard and crushed Kadina with a boulder. 


Kadina, being a Makuta, manage to escape death thanks to her antidermis form taking control of a corpse going after the two Toa. She found them both in the Turaga's mansion, after the two left she stormed the mansion and mortally wounded the Turaga going after one of the Toa.


She managed to track down one of the Toa at a boat preparing to leave. Kadina attacked the Toa as the two struggled a wave washed the two out to sea.


What happened to the Toa is unknown, but Kadina washed up on the shores of Jiahk. After building herself a new body she eventually attracted followers and formed a gang (eventually gaining control of the alleyways and streets). She now lives in an abandoned skyscraper, but only those she requests can see her.


Weapons: From a detachable buzz saw, claws, and drill to rifles and katanas. Also uses hand to hand combat in close quarters.


Weaknesses: She cannot take heavy damage otherwise her essence will leak out. Armor needs repairs almost constantly. She no longer has the powers that Makuta traditionally have. Whenever enraged tends to get blinded by her rage. Is impatient.


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Name: Los Vog


Gender: Male


Species: Skakdi


Profession: Chef, and Information Broker (like the Shadow Broker from Mass Effect, but to a smaller scale.


Powers: Sensory Vision (Heightens one of the five senses to a degree of the user's speculation), and "Eavesdropping" (by touching a being, Los Vog can here there thoughts, spoken words, and any sounds that the victim of this power hears. The connection is only breakable if the victim leaves the universe, is shut off by Los Vog himself, or in the event of the death of the user or victim). He is also a Skakdi of Psionics, a power only triggered if in unison with another Skakdi.


Personality: Los Vog is a cook at a highly popular restaurant named The Ussel's Shell, located in Jiahk. He is well known for his excellent cooking, and, when off work, his amazing stories of his adventures as a Pirate. He is hearty, humorous, and shows very little anger publicly, except for cheapskates, and eat-and-runners. He is know to go out for drinks every Friday (or whatever you want to call the day in the Matoran universe) with Nihilus, A friend who saved him from his life of piracy. Los is also good friends with Komas, and the source of many leads he got during his time under Nihilus, and as a self-governed mercenary. He is also quite ataken with ladies, especially Vortixx women, which is strange for a Skakdi, who prefer women of their own species. One of Los's secrets is his skill with projectile weaponry, a secret which he only reveals when threatened, and which reveal-ee never lives to tell about.


Weapons: None, usually. His arm, during work hours, usually sports a multi-tool, customized with spatula, knife, deicer, roller, hairline plasma beam (for quick heating food), and spoon. On the rarity that he does any missions of his own, he caries a collapsible sniper rifle on his back, but not during work hours.


History: Originally originating from Zakaz like most Skadi, Los Vog, as soon as he was of age, left to work under Captian Yuuzian. Working under the head chef of the Pirate ship, Los became quite skilled in the culinary arts, and always found the challenge of working with limited varieties of food to be a challenge. Eventually, after the Head Chef schemed a mutiny against Yuuzian, along with several other crewmen, and attempted to poison the Captain, Los took over after the mutiny was quickly dealt with, and the Head chef before, deserted on an island dominated by Tahtorahk Rahi. As the years past, Los Vog began to realize his dream; to create his own restaurant. He would participate in may battles later, and begin to develop his Skadi abilities, and began to learn of Eavesdropping ability. Yuuzian used Los Vog's ability to become quite rich through information gathering of valuables and raid plans. Inadvertently, Los caused Yuuzian to become one of the most fearsome Pirates to rule the sky's.

Many years later, after doing food shopping on an island, he met a younger Nihilus. The Toa rescued him from an attempt on his life by a gang of beings of Sidorak's race, who attacked Los under suspicion of valuables in the crates he was bringing back. The Toa, after the rescue, invited Los for a drink at the local bar. Knowing, he had an hour to waste, Los joined him, and after many drinks, was convinced by Nihilus to come with him back to Jiahk, and give up Pirating to pursue his dream. Thus, Los Vog abandoned Yuuzian's crew.

Los Vog created the Ussel's Shell, and it became a hot spot for fine dining in Jiahk. ALong with being the owner, and main chef of the resturaunt, Los Vog has used this and his eavesdrop ability to gather information, and soon became The Information Broker of Jiahk, and a few surrounding islands. While selling information to anyone for a price, Los Vog always give information to Nihilus and his agents for free. He also gives Yuuzian, unbeknown to Nihilus, information freely as an arrangement for Yuuzian to spare his life for abandoning his ship.



-It was Los Vog who gave Komas the information about Makuta Muurax's Island fortress where Komas would end up meeting Tachi.

-Los Vog's Best Dish is Deviled Squid and Grits.



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And here is my other MOC, either Epic or fan based:




Name: Tredxx


Species: unknown


Job/employment: Merchant/ Traveler


History: Once a former Dark Hunter, Tradxx was renowned for his swiftness and cunning, as well as for his seemingly limitless fighting skills as an assassin. Trained by Lariska and Ancient, he knew the inside business of the Dark Hunters unlike many beings. During his time in the Dark Hunter's ranks, he enjoyed the missions that he was assigned and loved the rewards and treasures given to him from them. Mission after mission, he always got the assignment done, but his thirst for blood and riches always dwindled with every mission past. Still, his fame and reputation spread throughout the Dark Hunters, and he couldn't just leave with such reputation to earn and bear.


As soon as the Toa/Darkhunter War began, he began to open his eyes. He thought that it was the blood and the riches that made him pursue his missions, but he realized it was the beauty of his destinations that made him fascinated and the journey he took to get there. He realized this as he gazed eyes upon the beauty of Metru Nui, with its boundless wonders, and the liveliness that its people gave it. What beauty that held Metru Nui before was taken from him as he witnessed the Dark Hunters' brutal invasion of Metru Nui.


As districts upon districts were sacked, burned, or desecrated by the Dark Hunters, many matoran could be seen screaming and fleeing if they weren't already killed or captured. He was horrified by this, not only by the act of destruction brought about by the Dark Hunters, but also by the death he himself, caused in the past. In past missions, he would only assassinate a certain target or too, but not set all Karzhanii loose on a people or city. He had gone mad from this realization, turning on Lariska when the toa arrived (led by Lhikan) to combat them, and evened the odds for them by providing valuable intel on the Dark Hunters tactics. He had fought with the toa to the end of the war, when Toa Nidiki was revealed to betray the toa and the Dark Hunters were captured within an ambush gone wrong. The war was over.


Toa Lhikan, most grateful of his support and dedication to the Matoran, offered to make him a protector of Metru Nui and an aid to Turage Duma. Tradxx declined, and only asked for a boat and a few supplies to make sail for the south. The toa made an inquiry to his request, only getting this in response:


"I've done many things, terrible things... yet all I've ever wanted to do was journey and discover. I'd like to do that."


Since that day, he has traveled from island to island, making a new reputation as a traveler and merchant. But one unfateful day, while he was traveling to a certain island, Lariska had slipped into his sleeping quarters to kill him. Surprised, but not frightened, he survived her attempt at revenge and drove her out. She escaped, but not before she told him that the dark hunters were coming for him. Ever since then, he has watched his back, rarely making any travels outside of any toa guarded ports. He is currently docked at Jiahk, and unable to make for the coast due to wreaks done to his ship by pirates. Although it is reported to be only pirates and local criminals that were responsible, he still felt the cool and suttle feeling of uneasiness run down his spine:


.... Lariska was coming to Jiahk, coming for blood.


Appearance: The normal size of a toa, Tradxx is heavily armored and somewhat stoat-looking from his many layers of clothing. That is only a disquise, as his body is slim and muscular due to years of training and combat. Bruses and scratches can still be seen on his body, though he prefers to cover these up so nobody can ask him about the experiences behind them. He has an ammo belt and two pistols on it, along with ammunition for his bigger rifle, one that he most preferable calls "his boom-box". He wears hardened boots, made of Muaka hide and leather, which are durrable for long treaks and hiking.


Weapons: He carries two pistols for long range, and his own "boom-box" to use for firing on hardened objects or splintering into masses of beings (shotgun). He also hides two daggers behind his back, mostly for close combat. His most preferrable weapon is his single claw (right hand), which can cut through most substances except protosteel.


Personality: Perferring not to fight, he admires travelling and trading to make up for all the wrongs he has done. Quiet and discrete, he rarely speaks with others unless spoken to, for most often his appearance gives an answer. He has little patience for punks and low-lifes, as they normally look for trouble with other people.





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Well phooey, looks like I'll have to forgo the illustration... I'll try to get that up soon, do me a favor and bug me to do that, okay? I've been trying to fight my procrastinate-y habits lately... I don't seem to be winning. So, here's the character description, it'll have to do.



Name: The Lohev Proxy


Biography: Before his experiments with Tachi, Szian had other experiments with artificial intelligence... Amongst them was one directly counter to his master work: upload the mind of a Toa to a computer. A Toa by the name of Lohev volunteered for the experiment. But as the process started, things started to go wrong. Szian's models may have been incorrect, this being his earlier work. Or the codecs miscalculated, or a simple wayward bug may have been to blame. At the end of the process, all he was left with was a corrupted chunk of code, some fragmented memories, a little primitive computer virus, and a lifeless body. The body was spirited off, the code quickly hid away, left to collect dust on an obscure machine in the corner of his lair. He considered it one of his greatest failures, it haunted him; the guilt never entirely left him alone. He did his best to ignore that little metal box amongst all the others, that result of his incompetence.

Fast forward thirteen years.

A little virus on an obscure server in Szian's lair starts to take over its neighboring computers, scanning over code, claiming information as its own. As the anomaly becomes more and more pronounced, Szian pays it more and more heed. But before he can investigate, he is drawn to his lab in Jiahk, and drawn in to a reunion with Tachi. It is in this time that the critical breakthrough was reached. The developing virus, becoming more and more aware of Szian's experiments from taking over his logs, discovers assets from the Tachi project. Detailed papers on the nature of elemental energy, laborious experiments on Toa power, conceptual and physical test models of how to emulate such power. Leftover components for channeling this power. And specific analysis on how to control electricity. But most important was a single detail Szian had forgotten: Lohev had been a Toa of Iron. Almost all traces of its former self gone, it seeks only one thing: Revenge on Szian. And it knows perfectly well what happened to him.


Species: Ex Toa; digital being.


Powers: The Lohev Proxy possesses strong control over metals. His power is boosted beyond that of a Toa in his new form, but is still not infinite. He also wields lesser, learned control over electricity, not enough to channel it in to a Toa-scale attack, but enough to ensure his continued existence as a mechanical being. Born of machines, The Lohev Proxy possesses intrinsic knowledge of computers and can bend programs and circuits to his will, in addition to his previous experience when he had a mask. His mix of powers and lack of organic components allows him to shift in to any form of metal, so long as he keeps the circuitry responsible for his sentience. He can merge in to, take over, and form out of almost any machine or computer. He can of course manipulate the machines around him without needing to directly possess them, just so long as they are within range of his powers. He does not poses a mask power as it is not worth the effort of preserving and protecting a mask during his transformations.


Appearance: Variable. He can take on essentially any form made of metal, although the larger a form he attempts the harder it is for him to control. He has a self-professed 'unexplainable preference' for his original Toa form, a powerfully built being with a certain lank about him. He originally wore a Mask of Biomechanics, but lost it with his original body, and now just replicates the look. His impressions of his Toa form usually vary a lot, due to the improvisational nature of his physical being. Because he makes his body out of whatever metals are around him, his colouring tends to vary but is usually some mixture of browns and greys, with some occasional sporadic fragments of purple.


Personality: His official title is The Lohev Proxy, but he usually answers to just his Toa name. A shell of a Toa, he is ruthlessly logical due to his computerized mind, and is not prone to the fallacies and errors of judgment of most other beings. He appears cold, detached, apathetic and cynical. It is as though he is but the powerless observer of his own actions. He is simply alien, his ways of thinking warped and far different than those of regular Toa. He also displays virus-like tendencies, mindlessly destroying and ruining things around him, just because he can, out of both boredom and malice. He has an impulsive thirst for information, scanning through every virtual record he can find. The one thing he seems to have kept, oddly enough, is a sense of humor. He enjoys infecting systems and altering them to taunt the user, manipulating physical devices to attack those around them. He likes to outwit his victims and improvise on what is around him, rather than just directly form metal to attack them. It is less taxing on his powers and mind that way. His sole drive is to kill Szian, and it is this goal he pursues at all times. He tries neither to hide in spite of or promote himself through his acts of destruction, they are simply asides, as he continues his journey. He does not need to sleep. As for why he does not create copies of himself, it is out of what could be described as paranoia; He fears the copy would attempt to kill the original. After all, if he was a copy, that's what he would do.

Also, while it's up to you what sort of interaction he has, and if he evens ends up in story, if he ever encounters Tachi, he would likely talk at her as two people: Szian, and the unimportant, unfortunately in-the-way Toa of Electricity he hides behind.


Things that shouldn't happen to this character: Redemption/becoming whole again. None of that. His old self, which probably would have forgiven Szian, is long gone. No getting it back. He is a full on soulless abomination. We clear?


Music to listen to while writing for this character: Industrial, the more nightmare-ish the better. This stuff may hurt my ears when I listen to it for too long, but I think it provides a good mood. Praxis by Beatdrop is essentially this guy's theme song.



Hoo! Hopefully that's enough, let me know if you think I've missed anything important or if something needs clarifying.

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