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This Means War



Greetings, blog readers.


I would like to make this entry today as a call to arms against the RPG forum. For too long it has been ruled by dull, rule-bound games with massive walls of text. No one wants to read an entire novel if they want to play a roleplay game! Recently, I entered the RPG contest with a very short entry and there was outrage. And why should there be? I didn't break any of the rules and for once you didn't need three hours just to read the darn thing.


So if you hate reading massive walls of text, if you want to revolutionize the RPG forum, if you want to annoy the hardcore RPGers, or if you like following me blindly, then VOTE FOR ME.


(I'm entry 6, by the way)


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I'm none of the above, but I think you deserved better than what pitiful "reviews" you got and a chance at showing your stuff. Your entry is unorthodox, but that's the beauty of it, right? :P (Plus, I like unorthodox and unconventional things.)


Sooo voting for ye.



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Speaking as one of those "hardcore RPers" you're looking to annoy:


Hey, man, before you get comfortable in your role as martyr for the common man, your reception wasn't even as half as terrible as you make it out to be. Sure, you got some negative reviews...everyone does. Well, except for maybe Exo-Fat.


A lot of highly respected RPers, myself included, have given War Zone positive reviews leveling from mildly positive to outright support. Sure, some people tore into you...some people got on your case for your brief entry. It was bound to happen. Not everyone can be pleased...I personally disliked the setting myself. What I did feel, however, was that your entry was a profound statement against the perceived format of our RPGs. In the prelims, you got my vote solely for that.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding this blog post...but what I see right now is that you are misrepresenting the RPG forum, making us out as some sort of elitist clique that savagely attacked you and your RPG which seems a dramatic hyperbole of what actually happened.

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For the record, I love your super-short entry idea. I think it's great and should happen more often. Just a shame that it's wasted on a BZP-set RPG, those have never been interesting to me. I prefer to play in actual Bionicle. But that's just me, I'm happy for the precedent this could set.


And actually most of the reviews I saw had no outrage whatsoever. People suggested you add a few more rules to clarify things, but I don't recall much more than that...

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Keep in mind Seraphim, I do this weird thing a lot called "kidding around". ;)
I felt the compulsive need to reply on the off-chance that you were serious. You know, just in case. I don't really appreciate getting war declared on the forum I've housed myself in since I've been here.


Also, in semi-related news, you should vote for Crossroads in the Reach poll here, it's entry 4, you can BUILD WORLDS. Like, seriously.

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To put it simply. I can't. I won't vote for a seemingly unfinished RPG. I mean, I don't even know where this is set in. First you say it's on the internet, then you say it's in a Bionicle like world.


Not saying I hate your RPG, And in fact I rather like it, but it seems too unfinished. ;)


And I would have to agree with Seph. I actually felt slightly insulted. After all, you're kinda criticizing my home forum. :P


And remember. Not everyone who reads this entry (Like myself) knows you. One of the many reasons emoticons are so helpful.


And just so you know. It takes perhaps five minutes to read an average RPG. And all the info there is usually quite important to the game and can't be taken out...





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If someone feels insulted because someone else pokes fun at their "home forum" then that person should, y'know, reconsider their attachment to a kid's fansite. Roleplaying is a great community and seems to be my claim to fame right now, but that doesn't mean I'll make an affronted face when someone criticizes it.


Just sayin'. :P



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But if I don't act affronted, how can I keep up my status as the forum's reigning tyrant?


Doesn't TPtI have that place?

Nope. That's my title, fool. I wrested control from Friar Tuck and now rule you all with an iron fist.


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But if I don't act affronted, how can I keep up my status as the forum's reigning tyrant?


Doesn't TPtI have that place?

Nope. That's my title, fool. I wrested control from Friar Tuck and now rule you all with an iron fist.

none of you are my tyrant, never! emot-argh.gif

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But if I don't act affronted, how can I keep up my status as the forum's reigning tyrant?


Doesn't TPtI have that place?

Nope. That's my title, fool. I wrested control from Friar Tuck and now rule you all with an iron fist.


Right. I thought you meant the that-guy-who-gives-extremely-critical-reviews position. :P


I am ruled by no one.



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If someone feels insulted because someone else pokes fun at their "home forum" then that person should, y'know, reconsider their attachment to a kid's fansite. Roleplaying is a great community and seems to be my claim to fame right now, but that doesn't mean I'll make an affronted face when someone criticizes it.

If someone feels insulted because some guy insults their hobby, then that's stupid?

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yeeeeah, thanks, but no thanks SPIRIT -- I think I'll stick with my other not really publicly stated favorites. :P


Thanks for the offer, though. Have a cookie just for trying. :D



Also, you know how you fix that three hour reed? Chop it in half with an ax. :D

Or, if it's a read, power-read it and come back later.

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