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So The Other Night I Watched Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Toa of Dancing


And it was about the Republic trying to defend Ryloth, home of the Twi'Lek race. (I did spell that right, right?) Anyways, there was an awesome Jedi named General Dai. The Separatists were blockading the planet so that supplies couldn't get through.


Then comes Bail Organa and Jar-Jar and they go to Toydaria, a planet relatively near Ryloth. There's a bunch of arguments along the lines of "but ololo tat wud brak ur nutralty" and "But it would be for the Twi'Lek's, not the Repuplic." Eventually it comes down to the Republic having to sneak the supplies through under the other guys' noses, which brings about Jar-Jar showing his awesome cup and saucer balancing skills.


Anyways, back to Ryloth, General Dai is all like "ohes noes tey didn get suplys her in tim." So he and the Clones are all like "protct temz!!!!" and go out and battle with the droids. A lot of them get killed, including General Dai and a captain. Of course, the supplies get there like the split second this happens and it's a somewhat-happy ending.


All this to say: Well, looks like General Dai...








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