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Weekly Update - 10/1

Black Six



Man, weekends are so great. I can relax, be a little bit productive, and write Weekly Updates! Guess which part of that I'm on right now.



Don't post or discuss leaked images. 'Nuff said.


Jason went off and reviewed Xplode, one of the larger Hero Factory sets. Go see what he thought of it.


Speaking of Jason, he's off right now having a lot of fun at BrickCon, and you could be too. I'm sure it'll be a fun weekend.


Since it's now October, we of course recently released a new BZPowercast episode! Listen to us talk and rant and rave. Plus, Taped Headphones is awesome! (I may be their biggest fan.)


But hey, back to that BrickCon thing - they're announcing a new set over there. 10217 Diagon Alley looks amazing, and I'm not even a Harry Potter fan.


I think that's about everything this week...


Oh yeah, if you buy a Premier Membership and you're waiting for a while and don't get it (a while being a week or more), send me a PM and I'll work with you to resolve it.



1. What is the coolest username you've seen on BZP?

2. What is the coolest password? *wink, wink*

3. Why don't you change your name during staff fads?

4. What was your favorite staff position?

5. Have you heard of this cool guy named Cherixon?

6. Were you ever an OBZPC considering you got your staff job 4 days after joining?

7. Water or water?

8. Water or water in bold?

9. Water or flavored water?

10. Favorite comic strip?

11. Is this the end of all my questions?




12. Favorite type of weather?

1. Other than my own? ;) I'm kind of a fan of all the MSPA names going around right now.

2. I can't see member's passwords.

3. What are you talking about? Look at my display name history.

4. Global Moderator - it was a lot easier than being an admin.

5. Sorry, who?

6. No, that group did not exist at the time.

7. Water.

8. Milk.

9. Flavored water tends to be kind of gross and sugary.

10. Tough call between MSPA and QC.

11. No.

12. Low 70's partly cloudy. Maybe a little breeze.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Have a good weekend everyone. Enjoy the wonderful fall weather! (If that's your thing.)


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>I'm kind of a fan of all the MSPA names going around right now.


aw man I knew I shoulda went with Eridan Ampora as my name then


or at least kept caligulasAquarium



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3. Why don't you change your name during staff fads?
3. What are you talking about? Look at my display name history.


*does as said*


How could I miss that one time? Autobots, transform and roll out! :P


Also, I didn't know XPlode and a Slizer were having a Darth Vader moment. You know, an "I am your father" one :P

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10. Tough call between MSPA and QC.

no xkcd? =(

xkcd is funny, but it's not as consistently funny as the other two. Plus, I like comics that tell a story.

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