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Writers' Alliance Weekly Update--10/10/10

Riisiing Moon


Why, it's the first-ever weekly update of Writers' Alliance! For some more info on what this is, check out this blog entry, and then report back here!


This week's theme is, in honor of the initiation of the Writers' Alliance--




This week, write anything that follows the theme of beginnings. It can interpreted any way you want--this is to kick-start your inspiration for writing, and it's your choice how you filter that inspiration. Once you write a piece--remember, they can be anything; a short story, a chapter of an epic, a poem, etc., in any writing forum (except Comedies)--whether it follows the theme of beginnings or not, link it back in this entry to advertise your work and earn some points!


Weekly Tips


Here're some tips intended to improve your writing, while retain your signature style. Remember, you get one point for each tip incorporated in your work for the first time--but that's not to say these are only practical once.


[submitted by Rising Moon]--Say the word beginning. Out loud. Let the concept of beginnings fill your mind, until you become single-minded on that one concept. Think of its sound in your ear, its taste on your tongue, the definition, everything. When you've reached that point, close your eyes and envision something physical. What's the first thing you see with your mind's eye? Expand on it. Let it move around in the scene that's playing in your head. Expand on that. Then head to your keyboard and write.


[submitted by Rising Moon]--Other languages can be useful tools, in more ways than one. Pick a language, any language. Look up the word beginning in that language. Not only the definition, but maybe some lore centered around it, what it means culturally and not just linguistically. Write around any of that. Like the theme, it's open to your own interpretation.


A reminder--Submit your own tips for others to use in their writing! Also, advertise the WA! You get points for it, and after all, the more the merrier!


Recommended Comments

Reporting for a review of Scientist Alex Humva's SS: Island.


Rising Moon, if you keep getting new members here you're going to need some help counting up points for reviews, tips, and new stories. Whenever that day comes (probably soon), feel free to ask for some help from me on counting those little awesome points.


I think I'll ditto that. If you need a hand with this, feel absolutely free to ask me. :)



:tohu: Same here. You need me, I'm here. :tohu:

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Hm...Well, I guess if any of you guys want to compile the stories, tips, and reviews, respectively; then you can PM them to me and I'll put them each in their own entries. :D


Since three of you volunteered, it'll be first come first serve for three of you depending on what entry you want (tips/reviews/stories), and every ten or twenty new submissions of each you can add on and PM me again. Small job, big load off. Thanks a lot!

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Hm...Well, I guess if any of you guys want to compile the stories, tips, and reviews, respectively; then you can PM them to me and I'll put them each in their own entries. :D


Since three of you volunteered, it'll be first come first serve for three of you depending on what entry you want (tips/reviews/stories), and every ten or twenty new submissions of each you can add on and PM me again. Small job, big load off. Thanks a lot!


I'll take stories. Just a question. Do I PM you a link to each chapter of an epic, or just the story itself?



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*Incoming Transmission*


I posted a story, Spare a Folly. I'm not sure if it is any good, though. But hey, that's why I posted it.


I also posted a review for Dovydas- King of Zakaz's epic, Flaming Swords. At least I think that would be considered a review...


*End Transmission*

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This is fantastic, guys, the submissions are pouring in! Due to extreme busy-ness, not going to be able to review anything this week, I'll hopefully be able to review nearly every submission next week, assuming lax doesn't assume its natural position in the forefront of my brain. :D


Zarayna--You'd essentially compile all the links to the entries--SSs, epic chaps, poems, whatever they may be--and their respective authors into a single list, and once you have that list, PM it to me (I'll take it from there). Every (we'll say) ten stories after that, you add those ten to the compilation and PM it to me again. So on and so forth. Gives us a handy little reference sheet. It'd be particularly but unnecessarily helpful to have some sense of organization and established order to make it easily browse-able, but it's entirely up to you. :)


Also--Not counting points for myself, but submitted for the weekly theme anyway. It's intended a short story, but may become an epic. Written on the spot (as usual :P), here's A Chronicle of Al-Bara, a rough draft of the first chap of a little personal project of mine. :D

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Posted: Forget The Mountain


Reviewed: Once More, even though it was sometime last week or something. I forgot to let you know.

(Edit: Also dropped a review by Zar's Epic, Fading Blaze.)


(Edit: I also updated my Epic, Second to None, if that counts towards anything)




When you write, don't be afraid to just let the words flow. On a more personal note, writing is the way I communicate best. I can't stutter, I don't constantly abuse the words 'like' and 'um', and I can be as creative as I want.


On another note, watch what you post. Other people might not have the same opinion as you, or they might simply be easily offended by something you thought was innocent.

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:tohu: Nobody has answered in my review topic for Alternative yet :( Please read, and comment there. :tohu:


Just so you know, you should post a link in this entry whenever you post a new chapter. ;)


Also, what you just did above is double posting. It isn't allowed in blogs as well as the forums.


But I'll add it to the story list update.



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