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The Experiment Discussion Entry

Kevin Owens




It's a drawn Choose Your Own Adventure game. I run it. It's fun. You should play!


You should also discuss it here in order to prevent the main topic from cluttering up!


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Just wondering...


Does anyone other than me think that perhaps Marie is... a cyborg?


Think about it. The random gibberish ("eRRoR" and all that) -- the fizzling -- and the 'treatments'. Perhaps these people were working on bringing the dead back to life via robotics!


Feel free to tear this theory limb-from-limb. :P

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But she has no robotic parts, and it's quite clear that the fizzle messages are NOT coming from Marie.

More likely the Lloth, or whatever is running "the experiment" (Aside from Gato.)
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But she has no robotic parts, and it's quite clear that the fizzle messages are NOT coming from Marie.


More likely the Lloth, or whatever is running "the experiment" (Aside from Gato.)

No robotic parts that we can see. I personally thought the fizzle messages looked like they were caused by either glitches in the programming or perhaps the program's efforts to keep Marie from learning more. :shrugs:


I had a similar theory involving virtual reality a while back. :P

I like the idea, actually -- maybe she's in some sort of virtual reality. But I don't know...

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Just thought I'd clarify some stuff her.


I chose the name The Experiment because of the meta-nature of the game. This is the first time I've run something like this. This is the first time BZP has had something like this. It's something new and we've never seen it before. It's an 'experiment' if you will.


Har har I'm so clever~


Also, I have determined that once we finish up with the main storyline there will be a bonus round. I'm not too sure what the bonus round is, what it looks like, or what it'll be about. However there will be one.

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I think you should take my candy corn liquor suggestion seriously as it would seriously boost Marie's imagination!


(just make sure you have a fort made of couch cushions handy though!)

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I think you should take my candy corn liquor suggestion seriously as it would seriously boost Marie's imagination!

But MARIE'S DADDY told her NOT to drink liquor until she was TWENTY-ONE! She was TOLD!


I still can't get over that joke. :P

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FYI, that waving thing was to test if Marie is sane/mirror world/other things that would happen after she waves.


And how come she isn't injured in these fizzles?


ONE MOOOOOOORE THING. Is Marie still mad at us? Of is the fizzle caused by something else now.


ONE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE THING. if we yell at Marie to kill people with knives/guns will we get fizzles whenever we want?


EDIT: Why Is this Blawg suddenly unpopular? Did I do something?

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A lot of Encryption's stuff I can't comment on without giving some stuff away.


However I can say that antagonizing Marie in order to get fizzles is probably not the best idea. The fizzle isn't the only one who can squelch people. Marie has that ability too.


Also, don't expect an update until sometime next week. I'm at relatives house for thanksgiving and don't have any panels drawn up. Sorry.

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I assumed by "fizzle" you mean the zombie maids interfering with us whenever we do something to frustrate Marie, causing them to make the screen hard to see.
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You know that door under the stairs? I'd be willing to bet money (But I won't, of course :P ) that the bodies of all those dead kids are behind it.



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I wouldn't place my money on a bet saying that behind the locked door under the stairs there will be a Holocaust waiting for us.

However, I would say that there is something there.




As for Comrade Gato's new post on the, lemmeh check, 12th of December 2010


I think the "wizard" part of the post relates to the great monster we theorize has possessed Marie.

And did we notice the "view" or whatever got clearer as we steered clear of the BLOODY COTTAGE OF DOOOM?


Also, my ban lasts for a week, so that should be fine. :P

My apologies to those I insulted, I got impatient *insert bad excuse*

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Hey, I'm new to this. Reading through the entire topic in two days, I had a lot of ideas.


1. (Most recently) I don't think that's Marie's blood in the crate room. Think about it... "Progress blocked." We told her to "remove the block". Then there was blood. We've already established that Marie is probably possessed by this Lloth. She just killed somebody.

2. We're in fizzle mode right now, yet the game is playable. Don't you think we should go investigate the places that were different in the last fizzle mode?

3. Why is some blood black and some blood red in this game? I understand not.

4. Remember that sheet music and the piano? Why not transpose it to fit on the clicking keys?

5. When you got the fizzle-hint to open Ruby, the red symbol inside looked a lot like that red diamond on the creepy drawing in the room next to the piano room. Maybe we should check that out?

6. Gato has told us that we can't drink the Titanium Pure Energy because it's warm (and old). Why not chill it with the Coolstone? Worth a shot.

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1. Have we established that Lloth is possessing Marie? IIRC, there's still serious debate over that.

6. The soda is gone stop asking about it.

1. Established was probably the wrong word, but at this point it seems to be the most likely scenario to me. Point is, Marie's not hurt, and we should be asking who we just told her to kill.

6. My mistake, I thought that it was in the blender after they retrieved the key.


Another Marie theory: It's possible that she's a robot built from the old Marie's memories and personality. See Terminator: Salvation. That would explain why she listens to us, we're her operators! She won't go against anything DADDY said because it's her programming. It would explain the static and text corruption in fizzle mode. Plus, the whole "Progress blocked/remove block" thing was eerily robot-like.


Edit: And av, I don't think it's marble because a while back, Marie specifically held it in her hand to see if it would eventually warm up. It didn't.

(Granted, if she's a robot, or dead, she wouldn't have any body heat to warm it up)

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