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Contest Winners!

Lady Kopaka


Hey guys, the winners and some honorable mentions! I was going to post earlier, but I was hanging out with Skullkid for the day (-finally-..and speaking of which, if you go check out his blog, you'll find the latest WIP drawing from me). Had a lot of fun, but didn’t get much homework done today…ah well…yay for fall break!



The three winners!

These characters will be given a fairly major role in the story as a supporting character.

  • Grokk – created by Nuju Metru

    Grokk…a mercenary type guy…but a secret dream to make a theme park? His personality and depth is outstanding! I absolutely loved him the second I read the bio.

  • Cadash Ohaniel – created by Lloyd: The White Wolf

    Interesting, destiny-hating, but deadly and powerful businessman. Can’t have a modern city like Jiahk without one. He’s sure to stir up trouble with the agency!

  • Iavo – created by Toa_Velox

    What I liked about this mercenary type was that…well, he’s brutal. He has a lot of quirks you might expect, but others as well you wouldn’t—he’s a type that could send shivers up your spine. Not a guy I’d like to meet in a dark alley.

Three honorable mentions!

These characters will be given a small cameo role.

  • Los Vog – created by Skullkid

    I just liked this guy’s down to earth persona. Not some handsome exciting Toa—just a gaudy cook/broker…Deviled Squid and Grits...I think Niihlus will stick with coffee, however.

  • Kako – created by Eeko

    Sometimes, simplicity is best—Eeko pulled this off. Love the character and her ‘eccentric’ personality.

  • Kadina – created by Muharax makuta of insanity

    Quite a dangerous gang leader that’s stirring up trouble in the streets of Jiahk…not to mention she’s a female Makuta!

It was so hard to decide, really guys, thank you all for entering! I was very impressed with all the amazing characters. <3


For the winners, I’ll be PMing you shortly so I can ask/explain/etc (without trying to spoil) where your character will show up, among other things. There were also some close finalists that I will be PMing as well because I really liked some, but will have to come at a much later date/was conflicting with another character.


And so, for NaNoWriMo I shall be working on the sequel…this means the story should emerge in December! An official date will be announced later. Again, thank you so much for taking the time to enter. Hopefully the story will be enjoyable! Feel free to congratulate these guys, ask questions on them/the story, or whatever you like.


Recommended Comments

Well, congratulations to all of the winners, it was indeed a fun and interesting contest. I guess my character was too fantasy type, for all the characters that won fit into the futuristic genre of your story. But, again, wonderful entries guys and congratulations once again!

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I really loved your entry, but sometimes with the entries, it had nothing to do with who had the 'better' character--sometimes it simply had to do with how well they could fit in the story, which was a bit of a bet for everyone, regardless if you had a fantasy one or not.

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I'm honored. :) Congrats to the other winners. There were a lot of good entries and honestly about halfway through I didn't think I was going to get in. I'm sure it wasn't easy for Lady K to decide.


You're doing this for NaNoWriMo? Niiiice. Good luck on it, and let's both make 50K, eh?



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I really loved your entry, but sometimes with the entries, it had nothing to do with who had the 'better' character--sometimes it simply had to do with how well they could fit in the story, which was a bit of a bet for everyone, regardless if you had a fantasy one or not.


Hmm. Exactly. But, thanks for the compliments, he will now be a character that I'm going to develop. As well as other characters I have... I've actually been meaning to post the first chapter of an epic I've been working on, but I guess I'm not confident enough with the grammar. Oi.

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I really loved your entry, but sometimes with the entries, it had nothing to do with who had the 'better' character--sometimes it simply had to do with how well they could fit in the story, which was a bit of a bet for everyone, regardless if you had a fantasy one or not.


Hmm. Exactly. But, thanks for the compliments, he will now be a character that I'm going to develop. As well as other characters I have... I've actually been meaning to post the first chapter of an epic I've been working on, but I guess I'm not confident enough with the grammar. Oi.

Your grammar seems fine to me...I have terrible grammar, and I think I did okay with Glitch in the System. If you're that concerned, get someone to proofread for you.

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Yes I got an Honorable mention, funny thing I predicted Grokk and Iavo would win. Anyway I'll remember to look for Kadina and the other honorable mentions as I read the upcoming sequel when it's posted of course.


Congrats to the winners and honorable mentions!

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And I look forward to seeing my fellow winners' charries in there! This is gonna be good.

Me a Lady K talked ALOT about your charecter today Nuju. I think you will find many surprises for him in the story. :P


You know, I am glad for the small cameo Role for my character. I mean....Who would run his restaurant if he went on some daring mission with the Main characters, right?

Thanks Lady K!



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Oh man you guys have no idea how epic win Grokk is. I'm trying to think of a way to describe him and I can't think of any succinct way to do it. He's that awesome. All I can say is that you need to see him in action.



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I really loved your entry, but sometimes with the entries, it had nothing to do with who had the 'better' character--sometimes it simply had to do with how well they could fit in the story, which was a bit of a bet for everyone, regardless if you had a fantasy one or not.


Hmm. Exactly. But, thanks for the compliments, he will now be a character that I'm going to develop. As well as other characters I have... I've actually been meaning to post the first chapter of an epic I've been working on, but I guess I'm not confident enough with the grammar. Oi.

Your grammar seems fine to me...I have terrible grammar, and I think I did okay with Glitch in the System. If you're that concerned, get someone to proofread for you.


Well, thanks again. And, I think you're being too modest as far as your grammar. :P But, would you proofread it?

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And I look forward to seeing my fellow winners' charries in there! This is gonna be good.

Me a Lady K talked ALOT about your charecter today Nuju. I think you will find many surprises for him in the story. :P


This makes me excited. A ton.


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Oh man you guys have no idea how epic win Grokk is. I'm trying to think of a way to describe him and I can't think of any succinct way to do it. He's that awesome. All I can say is that you need to see him in action.




Haha, this. Grokk is gonna be awesome, and I knew he'd win. Though I have to say I was surprised to see that Iavo won -- like you said, there were so many good entries. But yay! I can't wait to read this story.


Grats to Lloyd as well -- awesome character you got there, Wysp.


And of course many thanks to you, Lady K, for this.



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Ah phooey, I didn't make it. ...What, you think I'm just going to mope about not being highlighted? Ha ha, nice job everyone! For some reason I'm especially glad L. Vog made it, 'grats to ya skullchild. And of course thanks for creating the contest, LK!

I'm pretty sure it was good just to get my character written up and out of my system, regardless of whether or not he made it. He's and idea I've had stewing in my mind for a while.

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Very nice entries you guys made, much more nicer than mine :P Grokk seems like he'll be an interesting person to interact with...


Anyhow, congrats to all your winners!



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Congrats to the winners.


And this serves as another thing to get me back to reading the Glitch...


I WILL get past chapter two this time!


What? Can I help if procrastination gets the better of me too much? Oh, right. I can...


*disappears in a cloud of smoke which dissipates, leaving one word*





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I didn't win ;_; ...mimimimimimimimi!






Just kidding! Congrats to you folks!


I feel a bit of shame for not knowing Grokk...well, waiting for his appearance in the sequel then ^^


At least this made me draw something decent in PS again :D


So, winners and sequel effort 100% real life goggl-man approved I say!

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I feel a bit of shame for not knowing Grokk...well, waiting for his appearance in the sequel then ^^


No need to wait; here's a short story featuring him. (Post #9) It oughta give you a basic idea what he's about.

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I really loved your entry, but sometimes with the entries, it had nothing to do with who had the 'better' character--sometimes it simply had to do with how well they could fit in the story, which was a bit of a bet for everyone, regardless if you had a fantasy one or not.


Hmm. Exactly. But, thanks for the compliments, he will now be a character that I'm going to develop. As well as other characters I have... I've actually been meaning to post the first chapter of an epic I've been working on, but I guess I'm not confident enough with the grammar. Oi.

Your grammar seems fine to me...I have terrible grammar, and I think I did okay with Glitch in the System. If you're that concerned, get someone to proofread for you.


Well, thanks again. And, I think you're being too modest as far as your grammar. :P But, would you proofread it?

I would be happy to, but I have to catch up with other reviews/reads people have asked me to do, so I can't make a full promise--but if life permits, yeah.

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I feel a bit of shame for not knowing Grokk...well, waiting for his appearance in the sequel then ^^


No need to wait; here's a short story featuring him. (Post #9) It oughta give you a basic idea what he's about.

I assume this was before he met Rei, then. :P



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I feel a bit of shame for not knowing Grokk...well, waiting for his appearance in the sequel then ^^


No need to wait; here's a short story featuring him. (Post #9) It oughta give you a basic idea what he's about.

I assume this was before he met Rei, then. :P




Yes. Indeed it was - but bear in mind that the character of Grokk supersedes the world of the BZPRPG. The Rei thing is just one path his character has and could have taken - this SS was written independently of events in-RPG.

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Just one thing about the remaining entries: would you be able to do one thing with the remaining entries if not include them in the Glitch Sequel and story? I'm just curious about this.


Man, even with two tries, you don't always hit the target. Congrats to all the winners anyhow and all the rest of the contestants, you all did a great job!


-Toa Deserok

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Just one thing about the remaining entries: would you be able to do one thing with the remaining entries if not include them in the Glitch Sequel and story? I'm just curious about this.


Man, even with two tries, you don't always hit the target. Congrats to all the winners anyhow and all the rest of the contestants, you all did a great job!


-Toa Deserok

What do you mean? You created the character, you can do whatever you like with her/him on other stuff.

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I think he might be asking you specifically, Lady Kopaka. Whether or not you'll do anything with the remaining entries, like include them in another story?


That's what I'm understanding.

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