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Weekly Update - 10/29

Black Six



Welcome back everyone, to the Weekly Update. I'm not sure what's in store for you guys this week, I'm just kind of making this up as I go!



We had a new set review this week when Gatanui shared his thoughts on Dunkan Bulk. We're still working on churning out some more reviews. And I recently got word of some exciting news pertaining to the future of our review program. I can't say anything else though!


The second chapter of The Powers That Be also went live. The story keeps marching on, even if some of its characters won't be reaching the end.


I guess now I get to talk about a recent event that some of you may not be quite aware of yet, but is still rather sad. Honorary Forum Mentor and all around great guy Steve Witt (speaknspell) is no longer working for LEGO. The details of his departure have not been made public, and I don't expect them to be (so don't ask). Whatever the reason, this is a huge blow to the LEGO community - Steve spent five years pouring his heart and soul into our favorite toy, traveling across the world, meeting with fans and going to events. His hard work is much appreciated and his legacy at LEGO will be felt for years to come. I hope that he will still remain an active part of the community and come visit us all at BrickFair and other events. Steve is a great person and an amazing friend. I hope you all join me in wishing him the best in his future endeavors.



Hey B6! I have a few questions I'd like you to answer, but I'll introduce the first: I've become somewhat of a fan-fiction writer lately, and posted a few Short Stories. I've noticed that, in general, people tend to pass on them (and don't get me started in the Epics). Some of the stories I've seen can have more than 200 views, yet not get 10 replies. So:


1) Is there anything that you (staff) can do to promote the reading of fan fiction? I know you started a project about getting some MoCs and other fan stuff in the news page, but maybe you should try to get to do that in a more regular basis. I know you're all busy, but still could try.


2) This one is more about BZP in general... Do you think the community is slowly dying? I mean, I've noticed that some of the sections (Creations, the already mentioned Library) is getting somewhat... dull? As in lack of updates I mean. Maybe the community should search some ways to get BZP to a more active state.


Onto Off-Topic stuff :P :


3) Ever played Assassin's Creed II? In case you haven't, I'd recomnmend to borrow it from a friend if you can, it's awesome in all ways.


4) We all know CoD/Halo games get lots of fans around the world, but we know none of the actual gamers began their gaming story with those, but Mario, Sonic, etc. What would you say was your first followed saga?


5) Have you seen Invictus? What do you think about it?


And the last one...


6) Besides Battlestar Galactica and possibly Caprica, do you follow any other sci-fi series? (I can see, for some reason, LOST being listed :P)

1) We can't make people read things, and we certainly can't make them post. That said, we are looking to get more member creations posted on the front page.

2) I don't think we're dying. The cancellation of Bionicle merely means that we're in a transition period.

3) Nope, haven't picked up that series.

4) It's so hard to remember that far back. I played a lot of Star Wars games on the computer back in the day, from Dark Forces to TIE Fighter to Rebel Assault, so I guess I'll go with that.

5) No, I have not seen it.

6) I watch a lot of SciFi. This includes, but is not limited to, Doctor Who, Stargate (all varieties), Sanctuary, Caprica, V, Eureka, Warehouse 13, and Supernatural. I've watched many other SciFi series over the years as well, like Farscape, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Andromeda, The Invisible Man, Sliders, and so many others I'm sure I'm forgetting.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



That's it. Go enjoy your weekend. After you leave some comments or send in questions though, of course. Take care all!


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TIE Fighter was such an awesome game. I will always love the TIE Defender because of that game.

Yes! I need to pick up that set at some point. Such fond memories...

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NO! STEVE! He was such an awesome dude! I just met him once at BrickFair, and he was soooo awesome! I cannot believe this! THIS IS MADNESS. But, well, I can't do anything. So I guess I personally thank him for these 5 years.



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And I recently got word of some exciting news pertaining to the future of our review program. I can't say anything else though!

I'm very excited for this as well! :)

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TIE Fighter was such an awesome game. I will always love the TIE Defender because of that game.

Yes! I need to pick up that set at some point. Such fond memories...

I need it as well. I geeked out when they announced it, but $50 is a lot. Hopefully I can snag it at some time just to display.


And I don't even display sets!

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Too bad about Steve not working for LEGO anymore. :( Just because of that he should get even another special recognition here. I wish you the very best for your future, Steve! :) Hopefully we will still hear from you.


~Gata. ;)

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