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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


And so the BrickFest 2007 MOC rush begins!


*cricket chirping*


...okay, I figured it'd be a little bigger than it is right now, but hey.

In any case, I have found some tasty packing material.


I doubt I'll be able to bring mayhaw jelly this year, because mayhaws aren't ripe yet, so the jelly is very expensive right now ($6.50 for a 16 oz jar, instead of $4.00).

(Why is it expensive? Simple: it hasn't been successfully cultivated yet. What mayhaws there are, they are grown wild. Thus, it is a seasonal fruit and product, and even in season it is a limited supply.)


Since I won't be bringing jelly, I'm thinking bags of Zapp's will work.

Note: these are the best potato chips ("crisps" if you're on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean) on the planet, bar none.



And, assuming I can get a guarantee of partial reimbursement, I'll get a Randazzo shipped up there, too. (I'm tellin' ya, Bink: your Oregonian bakeries have NOTHING on these.)


Anyway, gotta get back to work.






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well, I'm thinking of sending a couple of MOCs.

Do you think I should send my Piraka Fusion?


Good luck, and have fun giving stuff away! (and just have fun at BFPDX07, even though it's two months away...)



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Don't forget, hop the border to Washington and try out the coffee.


We may not have the best of everything, but we know how to make coffee, man. Starbucks outside of Washington has nothing on Seattle Starbucks *nod*


Oh, and you should try some of the other stuff we have. Deep-fried Boeing 747s are TO DIE FOR. I always take a turbine and a wing, myself.


I'm hoping to go this year, if for one day. I dunno if I can, though. -Swert

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Zapp's are the best chips in the world! And I've never had a Randazzo King Cake though.. No bakerie can beat the wonderful food that is a Louisiana King Cake. By the way, when do the parades start up, and can those king cakes be delivered outside of New Orleans?

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Take me with you KIE! I'll be good and pay for the plane ticket and everything. :P And even for a bonus I'll cook a good Cajun styled meal, that is if you don't all go to Mcdonalds.


*Sigh* Ah well, maybe next year for me. =)



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Zapp's are the best chips in the world! And I've never had a Randazzo King Cake though.. No bakerie can beat the wonderful food that is a Louisiana King Cake. By the way, when do the parades start up, and can those king cakes be delivered outside of New Orleans?

Parades start next weekend, AFTER the Super Bowl.


Randazzo's does ship, but you're looking at $40-$45 +sales tax.




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I would love to send in an MoC if my full name wouldn't be revealed to the entire BZPower/AOFL Community.


I can't wait to see photos of what people bring, however. Oregon is... quite a drive, shall we say. :P

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Mayhaw Jelly?...what is mayhaw jelly?

Jelly made from mayhaw. Silly. :P


And it is also good jelly, not like your strawberry and grape jellies.



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KIE, it seems I won't be able to have a Randazzo King Cake this Mardi Gras. But have you tried a Tubb King Cake before? Those cakes are gooood :P . Although, I haven't had a piece of Randazzo so I can't say which is better ;) .

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Jelly made from mayhaw. Silly. :P


And it is also good jelly, not like your strawberry and grape jellies.




I still don't know what mayhaw is Omi, sorry. I don't think we have any in Ontario :blink:

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A mayhaw is a wild grape that grows in marshes and back-woods. The fruit itself is unremarkable, but the jelly is a sweet grape-ish flavor that doesn't have an edge. Sort of like a milder, southern cranberry.

Its juice is a reddish amber color.


Unlike the cranberry, mayhaws have yet to be successfully cultivated, and thus the jelly is considered a local treat, and doesn't travel widely.



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KIE, it seems I won't be able to have a Randazzo King Cake this Mardi Gras. But have you tried a Tubb King Cake before? Those cakes are gooood :P . Although, I haven't had a piece of Randazzo so I can't say which is better ;) .

I'm sure they are, but they don't have the market cornered on moist cakes.


A Randazzo isn't just moist: it's *soft*. Not doughy. Soft.


I'm intrigued by the strawberry-cream cheese, as that's usually a flavor left to the grocery store riff-raff.

But all this "X-treme" bit makes me think it's being over-billed.



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