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Staff Star Wars



Let the record show I was totally Darth Vader for four and a half years before BR decided to be DV.


Also, I am now KIE's dad. I wonder how that works, since he's older than I am?




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I hadn't noticed, Omi.


Anyway, yeah... let it also go on record that Bink officially is the emporer of all the galaxy.


And KIE must take him down.


Dude... that also means Janus must kill KIE, but ends up marrying him.


This is a very weird turn of events, you know. -Swert

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I hadn't noticed, Omi.


Anyway, yeah... let it also go on record that Bink officially is the emporer of all the galaxy.


And KIE must take him down.


Dude... that also means Janus must kill KIE, but ends up marrying him.


This is a very weird turn of events, you know. -Swert

Where am I in all of this? :o



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Hi grandpa!



Let the record show I am also severely disappointed in Jacen Solo.



I could ground him for you. :P



No, anything but that! *hides in corner*


B-but what did oi eva do to you, gwampa? What'd I ever do to you, gramps? You're just jealous that I'm going to be a better Sith than you. And you're probably pretty mad that Bane, Sadow, and Sidious are the "most influential Sith of all time," and not you, huh? :P

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