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Suddenly, The Universe Makes No Sense



SPI says:

*Anything in a black hole's event horizon travels at light speed


*ah, yeah

SPI says:

*Which is to say that time slows down

*So white holes exist in the past?


*wait dude

*that means that matter from right now went back in time and thus the universe created itself


SPI says:




SPI says:


*It totally is

*Matter is sucked into the black hole at lightspeed

*And then sent back in time

*And shot out a white hole


*I am screencapping this and sending it to the nobel society


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Time... line? Time isn't made out of lines! It is made out of circles... That is why clocks are round.


Though if we're right, we've technically already gotten the Nobel Prize for this. :P

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Time... line? Time isn't made out of lines! It is made out of circles... That is why clocks are round.


Though if we're right, we've technically already gotten the Nobel Prize for this. :P

"Dear recipients, we would like to award you with your prizes, but according to your theories, you already got them."

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Does this explain why Dick Clark has been around for three Centuries without aging a day?

He'd have to be near a black hole.





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Staff members have used it, including SPIRIT in the chatlog provided by Choles. I've also seen Zeddy and TTN use it. I'm assuming it to be okay.
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Staff members have used it, including SPIRIT in the chatlog provided by Choles. I've also seen Zeddy and TTN use it. I'm assuming it to be okay.

Just wondering, since B6 edited one of my posts saying 'Don't bypass the word filter'. And my post said basically the same thing yours did lol.


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Time only appears to stop for you, but you'd still go flying into the black hole and be owned.


Everyone else would have never noticed a thing. :P


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Time only appears to stop for you, but you'd still go flying into the black hole and be owned.


Everyone else would have never noticed a thing. :P


We're postulating that the immense gravitational forces generated by a black hole coupled with the intense speed at which matter is drawn into it cause time not simply to slow down, but to travel at a negative rate, transporting everything it sucks in out of a white hole in the distant past, like a time travelling wormhole. In this way, all matter and energy are cyclical in existence; everything creates itself.


This is all highly scientific and we've got the highly theoretical fringe science to back it up. :lookhere:

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Time only appears to stop for you, but you'd still go flying into the black hole and be owned.


Everyone else would have never noticed a thing. :P


We're postulating that the immense gravitational forces generated by a black hole coupled with the intense speed at which matter is drawn into it cause time not simply to slow down, but to travel at a negative rate, transporting everything it sucks in out of a white hole in the distant past, like a time travelling wormhole. In this way, all matter and energy are cyclical in existence; everything creates itself.


This is all highly scientific and we've got the highly theoretical fringe science to back it up. :lookhere:













i understand.

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Time only appears to stop for you, but you'd still go flying into the black hole and be owned.


Everyone else would have never noticed a thing. :P


We're postulating that the immense gravitational forces generated by a black hole coupled with the intense speed at which matter is drawn into it cause time not simply to slow down, but to travel at a negative rate, transporting everything it sucks in out of a white hole in the distant past, like a time travelling wormhole. In this way, all matter and energy are cyclical in existence; everything creates itself.


This is all highly scientific and we've got the highly theoretical fringe science to back it up. :lookhere:

I understand this.

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