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We Get One Inch Of Snow



... And mom's freaking out about it all. "Call the college to see if they closed! They do it sometimes," she says.


"It's really just a dusting," I reply, and she surrenders her point.


Nevertheless, it's pretty cool outside in both definitions of the word. A shame that all this sugar will melt by noon.




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Hah! An inch of snow? That's like, not even enough to stop people from driving 10 over the speed limit here. Call me when you get a real amount of snow (I say as we have yet to have a significant snow fall this year).

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She should move to Northern Virginia. She'd be accurate then.




This is true. There was a week of nothing last year due to snow.

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... would it concern anyone if I said that same inch of snow got all the schools in my district closed down for the day? :P



Seriously, my old high school would never close unless it was greater than 6 inches of snow falling and it had to be overnight and continuing to snow into the morning. My university has only closed once for snow and that was last year after a record setting blizzard where the governor declared a state of emergency for most of the state and it was mandated that all state run institutions had to close in affected areas.



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She should move to Northern Virginia. She'd be accurate then.




This is true. There was a week of nothing last year due to snow.

Well, yeah, back in February, I guess.

But I meant that schools are closed despite there not being snow, or barely anything, sometimes.



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... would it concern anyone if I said that same inch of snow got all the schools in my district closed down for the day? :P



Seriously, my old high school would never close unless it was greater than 6 inches of snow falling and it had to be overnight and continuing to snow into the morning. My university has only closed once for snow and that was last year after a record setting blizzard where the governor declared a state of emergency for most of the state and it was mandated that all state run institutions had to close in affected areas.


My school doesn't close for snow, unless you literally cannot see five feet in front of you. They tend to close for things like road conditions, if it's too icy then they shut down (assuming that the sand-blasters haven't made their rounds.)


In Houston Texas, on the other hand...


Just a flurry, and it's all closed.

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... would it concern anyone if I said that same inch of snow got all the schools in my district closed down for the day? :P



Seriously, my old high school would never close unless it was greater than 6 inches of snow falling and it had to be overnight and continuing to snow into the morning. My university has only closed once for snow and that was last year after a record setting blizzard where the governor declared a state of emergency for most of the state and it was mandated that all state run institutions had to close in affected areas.

I'm with Than on this. I may not be as RARG MANLINESS as them Wisconsinites, but I can at least admit some people are just plain wimps down here. XD


But no, Rock, that doesn't mean Washyourearston beats us. After all, you guys complain more about everything, anyway. (Do not ask me to cite sources. I don't have to.) :P



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It was 80 degrees yesterday.

It's 18 here right now.


With freezing rain and snow forecasted just in time for me to drive up to my aunt's for Thanksgiving break.

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Last year it snowed. All the schools were closed, (including my primary school, which is rare, and which I left a few months ago back then) except mine.



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We just got flurries today. Which is nothing, so... Yeah, if your car can't physically make it to school and you'll freeze to death if you try to walk, then our Wisconsin schools close hesitantly.





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I remember when I was living along the Texas-Mexico border, and just a few inches of snow was cause for alarm. At one point, my father was encouraged not to drive due to low visiblity and an inch or so of snow. (Then again, I was just as surprised to actually see snow.)


~ BioGaia

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