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Overdramatic =/= good. I hate how many people think this is the case.


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Of course - In moderation melodrama is an excellent thing. When every little thing is the biggest deal ever though, when the main character walking to work every day is the Rocky jogging scene, and when every woman who looks at him is stunned by the immaculate, inhuman beauty, it gets grating.

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Of course - In moderation melodrama is an excellent thing. When every little thing is the biggest deal ever though, when the main character walking to work every day is the Rocky jogging scene, and when every woman who looks at him is stunned by the immaculate, inhuman beauty, it gets grating.


Depends; not when the character is being written that way just because, but if the author is attempting to make a point with such exaggerations it tends to appeal to me a bit more. Such as satirical work -- though when the same joke/same described action is repeated some eighty times throughout, then it gets a bit old and annoying.


'Course, that's just my opinion. However, I will say that melodramatic people in real life have a tendency to be rather grating in my experience.


@Garrus: I haven't seen much of William Shatner's stuff, so I don't have any thoughts on him. I also haven't seen that second bit, either, so I don't really have an experience to pull an opinion from.

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I think I see what you're shooting at - But it's not what I'm referring to. If you mean what I think, you're talking about acts that are melodramatic with purpose, often to parody overdramatic performances. What I mean is when someone is melodramatic because they think it automatically makes it a better performance or a better read or a better something, even if the content used to make it seem more dramatic is pointless meandering. It can be used to great effect, but what I'm referring to is when a bad writer tries to use it to cover up bad writing.

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Ha! This reminds me of the talk I heard at a Shakespeare festival once. ^^ Sometime when somebody died on stage he would draw out the act of dying for minutes only so everybody could see what was going on.

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