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I'm Thankful For Nothing

-Toa Lhikevikk-


I really am! :D




I mean, we should all be thankful for nothing. Imagine a world with no nothing! How would you like to live in a universe in which there was no nothing at all? Every point in space would have something in it! That'd be horrible! (And awfully cluttered.)


This year, take a moment to be thankful for nothing. Nothing is truly wonderful. :)


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Technically, there is something everywhere, except the vacuum in space. Oxygen and nitrogen and other gases.






Hence the nothing. And then in the space between the atoms.


Even the vaccuum of space has dark matter and dark energy in it.


Maybe. I can't see it, can you?

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Dark matter was proven to exist because when scientists calculated the gravity of the universe based on known matter, they fell hugely short of the universe's actual gravity.


Dark enery was proven to exist because said amount of gravity should have stopped the universe's expansion long time ago, and not only that, the universe is actually accelerating.


Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. (Unless the original calculation was horribly wrong. :P)

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