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At This Rate, My Dragon Will Never Get Trained

So I recently acquired this dragon which needs a lot of work. It's not exactly house trained, and is constantly eating my goldfish and cats instead of the nice Dragon Kibbles I bought for it.


In my desperation, I've resorted to unlikely places for solutions to my dilemma. When I reached the BZP blogs, I thought I'd finally hit the jackpot. Entry after entry with tutorials on the very problem I'm having! At last, my goldfish are saved!


Except every single one of those entries have to do with some stupid movie they're all excited about.


We really need a rule about misleading entry titles.






Recommended Comments

Laughing Man


+9001 Awesome Points to you, dudette.


I'm seeeriously getting tired of all the ranting and raving over this stupid movie. Sooo overrated.



I'm seeeriously getting tired of all the ranting and raving over this stupid movie. Sooo overrated.

It's like Portal, except with movies instead of games!



This entry is the best thing I've read all day.


Obviously you need to watch the movie in order to figure out how to train it. That's why we all like it so much, because it taught us how to train OUR dragons!


(And seriously, looking through BZP forums for advice? :P )





Just use an EXP. SHARE, it saves soooooo much time.

Laughing Man


I'm seeeriously getting tired of all the ranting and raving over this stupid movie. Sooo overrated.

It's like Portal, except with movies instead of games!

Except Portal is actually fun. How to Train Your Dragon is just boring.

Vezok's Friend


Things are a lot easier if you are a dragon instead of having to train one. ^^



Obviously you need to watch the movie in order to figure out how to train it. That's why we all like it so much, because it taught us how to train OUR dragons!


(And seriously, looking through BZP forums for advice? :P )



» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
1. Shoot its wing off, tangle it in ropes and let it crash land on the ground.

2. Wait a day before checking if it survived.

3. If it did, refuse to put it out of its misery, and let it trap itself in a small canyon because it can't fly.

4. Leave it there for weeks, torturing it with minimal food supplies.

5. Degrade it by grafting on a mechanical wing that requires you to be riding it like a pony for it to be able to fly, with you being in control of which direction it flies.

6. ?

7. You've trained your dragon!



Things are a lot easier if you are a dragon instead of having to train one. ^^

As a dragon, I have to agree with this statement.


We tend to eat trainers, though, so be careful.


Oh yeah, and we go on rampages a lot. Sorry 'bout that.





+9001 Awesome Points to you, dudette.


I'm seeeriously getting tired of all the ranting and raving over this stupid movie. Sooo overrated.

Laughin'Man, you have got to stop stealing the words right out of my mouth :P



Toa Tarkana


...am I the only one who liked this movie?


~ :t: :a: :r: :k: :a: :n: :a:

Laughing Man


...am I the only one who liked this movie?


~ :t: :a: :r: :k: :a: :n: :a:

Heckno. There are rabid fanboys eeeverywhere.

Jean Valjean


:kaukau:I liked the film, but ywis, the title was ill-chosen. It was cheesier than the movie itself and it should have been more along the lines of "Friends With A Dragon".



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