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She's a purpose-built combat robot meant to deter law-breakers and keep people from being hurt or killed.


Why does she need to look "feminine"?


I mean really this time the one you're complaining about doesn't even have biological components for you to use as a loophole.


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It does help if the one described as a "she" was not the ugliest one of the bunch. :P


And I don' really see how any BIONICLE set outside of maybe Roodaka looked feminine at all, so I don't see the point either. :P

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I agree.


I don't think lego should've started this girl robot thing. Now it's getting complaints about non-feminine looking breez 2.0. Why not just make them all robots. No genders, just bio-mechanical machines.

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It does help if the one described as a "she" was not the ugliest one of the bunch.

Oh, Hahli. Why can't you bleach your mustache?

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As a purpose-built combat robot meant to deter law-breakers and keep people from being hurt or killed, why does she need to be programmed as feminine either? They'd be much better off as all gender-neutral.


But seeing as she is programmed and walks in a feminine way, it's bad design for her to have a masculine frame. The way women walk is largely influenced by wider hips, which Breez doesn't have. Aside from citizens preferring a robot's gender mentality and appearance to match up, it's bad structural design for Breez to walk in a way that she isn't built to walk in.

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As a purpose-built combat robot meant to deter law-breakers and keep people from being hurt or killed, why does she need to be programmed as feminine either? They'd be much better off as all gender-neutral.


But seeing as she is programmed and walks in a feminine way, it's bad design for her to have a masculine frame. The way women walk is largely influenced by wider hips, which Breez doesn't have. Aside from citizens preferring a robot's gender mentality and appearance to match up, it's bad structural design for Breez to walk in a way that she isn't built to walk in.

lol, she's a robot. I don't think their bodies are built with physical restrictions on the way they can walk. I mean, if she was programmed to prance around everywhere, even during combat, that would be weird too (unless it was some special fighting technique, but then it would still be weird), but as-is she's capable of fighting just fine.


I see the personality thing as a way for citizens to identify with the bots and not be entirely intimidated by some automated thing, while being able to keep the physical aspects the same or similar and therefore not sacrificing skill and/or power. It's nice to know that I'm being saved by something with thoughts and at least a good approximation of feelings, but I don't think I'd feel any more confident knowing that I'm being saved by a robot that looks like a human female.


Just in general, I don't see the point of creating multiple body types for the heroes. If one works, use that. If another one works better, use that instead. If one contains an unnecessary aspect or something that may impede fighting, get rid of it. (That actually sort of bugged me a bit about the Alpha Team; the unnecessary shoulder spikes and stuff.)

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Yeah, I kinda agree here.


Besides, at least she doesn't have massive shoulders or a mustache, so they still did better than Bionicle in that aspect.


It's still an awful set, though. :)

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The Heroes aren't designed to look human. That'd be super creepy. Nobody would want robots that look like humans, or try to look like humans. Uncanny valley stuff.


They use the human frame because we like to believe our bodies are the best for varied sorts of fighting in different environments. We're adaptable, especially with robot parts like jet boots and the like.


Thusly, no reason for Breez to look like a woman.

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Lets face it. Only Roodaka looked remotely female, and in Bionicle Heroes, Hahli had a guy voice. Maybe it's the armor. I've read some stories where people thought a woman was a man until they took off the helmet on armor.

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