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Lady Kopaka




No idea on my grades, don't care right now. I'm so relieved I just survived. Terrible semester, I hope I never have to go through that again.


Since three I've been tying to take a nap because I'm so exhausted and hurting all over, but people in my family are so loud, good heavens. Earbuds, which usually do the trick have not been exactly helpful either. Escaped college, yes, escaped life for awhile? I'm still working on that. Been praying nonstop that things will get less stressed here, even just for a bit.


I'm really really really hoping I'll be able to do some art and writing over winter break as well, but I have no idea how things are going to hold. Cross your fingers, maybe a miracle will happen.


Hows everyone doing? Excited about break as much as me?


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Excited about break... yes.


Excited about having to go to school for another two days...




To put it bluntly i [insert Explitive here] Hate school.


With a passion.

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Yeah I just finished as well. Celebrated by locking myself in my department's game room and just jammed on Vanquish for two hours. I'm still feeling the adrenaline. xD;

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My winter break is probably only going to be two days longs. (Yes, two days long.) They are going to be the two days before Christmas. But I'm home schooled and choosing to go through with this(and actually wanting to go through with this), with the hope that I will be able to finish school early in May. :)


P.S. I do get Christmas off too, but its on a weekend, so I won't count it on my winter break.

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Since three I've been tying to take a nap because I'm so exhausted and hurting all over, but people in my family are so loud, good heavens. Earbuds, which usually do the trick have not been exactly helpful either. Escaped college, yes, escaped life for awhile? I'm still working on that. Been praying nonstop that things will get less stressed here, even just for a bit.


*mutters something about earmuffs and giving nousy family members death threats* :P


Hows everyone doing? Excited about break as much as me?


Somehow I don't think my break will be very long, I need to catch up a bit. :P


Wait, Smoke monster, you mean to say that you don't get Christmas off?



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Wait, Smoke monster, you mean to say that you don't get Christmas off?


Yes, I do get Christmas off. I just forgot to add it to my days off since its on a Saturday this year. :P



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Wait, Smoke monster, you mean to say that you don't get Christmas off?


Yes, I do get Christmas off. I just forgot to add it to my days off since its on a Saturday this year. :P

I actually relate. when I was in high school I didn't get much time off either, it was pretty stinky for sure.

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Will be nice to get into Christmas Break soon. Can finally go to gift-giving and family time-spending. Away from all of the school work and high-school everyday life, it should go pretty well. And now to enjoy snow when I can.


Speaking of gift giving, there was an art piece that I made of you, Lady K., as well as several others. I figured you were kinda busy with some things before this, but you can check it out now if you'd like. The topic should be right here.


I am not trying to solicitate, but merely show that it is available now for viewing. Hope you enjoy it.



-Toa Deserok

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Congratulations! You're still alive! That horribly stressful few months are behind you!

I'm sure your family members would be more than happy to comply with a request to be quiet. Unless you already tried that and they're still being loud. But you deserve the rest. I don't think I'd be able to get through a tough semester like that.

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WHOOP DE DOOP! :happydance:


I'm so happy too!


I was off after Dec 18 (I arranged my Biology final on the last day at the last time =P) and am feeling good. I'll know the results for all my classes tomorrow, and my grades are pretty good so far (A!). ^_^


Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :D

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