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Keep In Prayer



We went to a funeral this morning for a woman we knew who's liver finally gave out on her. While this may not seem like much to you all, hear the full story...


3 years ago, my Dad got booted as the pastor of a church on incorrect basis. During that time we were good friends with Kay & Jerry and their two girls. It was kind of a tough time for us all as our boot caused a church split. Shortly after, Jerry shot himself. That in itself was terrible. However, it only gets worse. Kay managed to keep it together for a while but then went to prison for four years (not sure if I can say why...). During that time her liver gives out and she passes away fairly fast.


So, the two girls, at ages 17 and 11 are without a mom or dad. That would seriously stink. Keep them in your prayers during this tough time in life for them.


Night Fury


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Hearing this reminds me that my "terrible" day is nothing compared to some people's hardships.


I will keep them in prayer, definitely.

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:tohu: I remember you telling me a vague version of this story, and I never forgot it. You still have my prayer, for what it's worth. *Fires blank* :tohu:
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Thanks for the support guys. None of that "prayer doesn't do anything" stuff. That personally is a bit annoying.


Night Fury

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Thanks for the support guys. None of that "prayer doesn't do anything" stuff. That personally is a bit annoying.


Night Fury

*Keeps mouth shut*

As I cannot sincerely pray, I shall keep them in my thoughts, and hope that they get through this tough time, that they have a good life and are cared after by good people.

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Hearing this reminds me that my "terrible" day is nothing compared to some people's hardships.


I will keep them in prayer, definitely.

I fully agree with you, Chols.


:tohu: I remember you telling me a vague version of this story, and I never forgot it.

I remember you telling me something like this as well, Shadix.



And y'know...I gotta confess here. I don't pray. I guess you could say I'm a Christian, since my parents are, but my family doesn't belong to a church or anything. Personally, if you ask me, our religious situation is kinda messed up, since we just can't find a good church or anything. But I'll do what I can for these girls.

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My mom just read this. That's really sad. :( In fact she said she knew them. Just makes me think, we have verything we need, yet those two girls, don't even have parents. :(


-Reznas Nui ;)

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