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Make Your New Year's Resolution



to join the BZPRPG Season 2011. Because if you don't, I'll make my shore turtles hug you to death :P Savvy?


Seriously, even if you're a newb to RPGs, they're redoing everything, so the convoluted storyline will be gone, and the new environment will be newb-friendly. Everyone will be starting over.


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Hay, whoa, I like the sound of 'team'. If my character has less of a chance of being ditched and/or ignored, I think it might be worth looking into.

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Trust me, you can be a solo character and still be an active part of the RPG. Honestly, if you want to group up with people, stumbling in on a battle and taking a side works wonders.


Also, it might be a bit bigger than usual team size of six, depending on whom Mangerine, Zar (guessing he'll want in), and I decide to bring back and put in.


Gah... I might have to radically change Obsidius/Tarex for this year, if I can't get Obsidian approved as an element.

Watch there be a volcano on the island too, a perfect source of the material.



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:tohu: Hey, Mang and Raz, do you want to start a team? I'll be signing up. What about you, Aderia? :tohu:


Well, I'll be working on a team come New Year's Eve with Raz, so see if he wants you in, cuz I'm okey. Remember, though, 'tis Role-Playing Game, not Avatar-Playing Game. That's the biggest piece of advice I can give to any RPG newb.


I'm also working on another team with Kugh and Jild, but you dudes have probly never met them, so you should probly just stick to me 'n' Raz or some other dudes you know who play.

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Yeah, although it might not be a team so much as a motley group, depending on how many charries are there, I'll probably have Obsidius(modified to karz and back, probably), Jolek, and a new character that i have narrowed down to be a glatorian with a katana and epic shades :P.


Lolol, you can join in if you like.


We don't have to wait until new years, y'know.


We can figure out what the Foireann'll be like here, on this topic.



And Yeah, Listen to Mangerine.


When RPing and making Characters:






We cannot stress this enough.

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As Raz sez, you can't. I just often find it easiest to not be unrealistic when I'm not thinking about my representation of meself.


Well, I'll have a redone version of Mangai-Hau, who'll be an arrogant teenage martial artist who thinks he could take on the world and win with his hands tied behind his back. He won't start out in the group, mind you, just run away from Thornak and the Kirax masters and somehow find Jolek and Co., I guess.

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Looks like Jolek and Obsidius will have a new sparring partner...


*The two crack their knuckles*


Oh, what am I going to name my Kamina clone...?



New Charrie: Calming himself, the Glatorian exhaled, slowly unsheathing his katana. He was just as scared as anyone else, but he couldn't let his little bro know that. He knew that the kid looked up to him, so if he was brave, so would he. They were a real two man team. He provided the encouragement, and although no one in their right mind would say he didn't give his all, his little bro did a lot of the work. When calmed himsef as much as he could, he made his presence known.


"HEY, YOU! You've got a lotta guts, comin' into my base and trashing it like this! I almost feel sorry for you, as you should know: This base is ours! The Legacy of The Foireann Team rumbles across the land, Thunderous in the magnitude of their greatness! Nothing can beat us down, we go out of norm, do what hasn't been done! That's how we roll! And when you hear'em talking about the Foireann's bad-to-the-bone leader? He's tenacious! Manly! A being of indomitable fighting spirit! He reaches for the sun, ignoring the searing heat in his palm when he grasps it, his determination reaching above all else! When his enemies, gallant or foolish enough to challenge him come forth, he beats them into the ground, for nothing will stand in his way! When they talk about the Foireann's leader, a man whose spirit burns with the scathing fury of a thousand suns, They're talkin' about me! The Unbeatable _____! You think I'm gonna run? Don't mock me, Just who the karz do ya think you're dealing with?!! You can come at me with whatever you like, however you like! And I Never run from my enemies! ENOUGH TALK! LEEEET'S GOOO!!!!"



^Manly introduction >:[)

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Looks like Jolek and Obsidius will have a new sparring partner...


*The two crack their knuckles*


Oh, what am I going to name my Kamina clone...?



New Charrie: Calming himself, the Glatorian exhaled, slowly unsheathing his katana. he was just as scared as anyone else, but he couldn't let his little bro know that. He knew that the kid looked up to him, so if he was brave, so would he. They were a real two man team. He provided the encouragement, and although no one in their right mind would say he didn't give his all, his little bro did a lot of the work. When calmed himsef as much as he could, he made his presence known.


"HEY, YOU! You've got a lotta guts, comin' into my base and trashing it like this! I almost feel sorry for you, as you should know: This base is ours! The Legacy of The Foireann Team rumbles across the land, Thunderous in the magnitude of their greatness! Nothing can beat us down, we go out of norm, do what hasn't been done! That's how we roll! And when you hear'em talking about the Foireann's bad-to-the-bone leader? He's tenacious! Manly! A being of indomitable fighting spirit! He reaches for the sun, ignoring the searing heat in his palm when he reaches it, his determination reaching above all else! When his enemies, gallant or foolish enough to challenge him come forth, he beats them into the ground, for nothing will stand in his way! When they talk about the Foireann's leader, a man whose spirit burns with the scathing fury of a thousand suns, They're tlkin' about me! The Unbeatable _____! You think I'm gonna run? Don't mock me, Just who the karz do ya think you're dealing with?!! LEEEET'S GOOO!!!!"



^Manly introduction >:[)


Oh, yeah. Luv the intro! Foireann Powah! >=D


How about we name this dude...Uh...










How about he has a Bionicle-ish name, but everyone just calls this dude by some nickname? Like, I dunno..."Thunder"?


I mean, his bark is just as bad as his bite :P

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*sigh* see, all you guys know each other already, and have actually RP'd before. Do you think there'll be a team for noobs that I might be less likely to embarrass myself in??

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*sigh* see, all you guys know each other already, and have actually RP'd before. Do you think there'll be a team for noobs that I might be less likely to embarrass myself in??


Look, Ads, don't get all confused. Even if you do embarass yourself, it doesn't matter. No one will kill you for accidentally G-modding or anything. And if you're getting confused by all the names we're tossing around, I can just give you the profiles for the dudes.




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blaargh!!! I just took a little looksee in the RPG fourm, and there's so much info there, it's not even funny! I'm just kinda like :OMG:...


are you on MNI?

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blaargh!!! I just took a little looksee in the RPG fourm, and there's so much info there, it's not even funny! I'm just kinda like :OMG:...


are you on MNI?

:tohu: I know! I posted in it a few times, and was actually ignored. :OMG:


Mangs, could you make a char for me? I'm busy, and I don't care what you do as long as its a guy. :tohu:

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Okay. Guys, if you have any trouble, just talk to me, Raz, or Zar. I'm serious-it's not that bad, once you get an explanation.


And, KNI, are you sure? Don't you want your char to be good or evil, or something?

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Well, no one has really worked that out yet XP


However, I'm guessing the chars are going to be in almost a sort of "family" relationship, mainly banding together for survival, and that they're going to be good- or neutral-aligned, as well as quite possibly chaotic-aligned. I would guess, as well, that they may be going against Xa-Koro, but again, we haven't worked much out about this one yet ^_^ What do you think, guys? What I said is just what I feel, not what you feel, necessarily.

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I like the idea of a family, seems like something new. As for against the Xa-Koro church, I think that is a must as well. Besides that I don't really have any others ideas. Maybe it could me a mix of Toa and Matoran, like the Matoran are the younger members of the family?



-Jild was here

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I like the idea of a family, seems like something new. As for against the Xa-Koro church, I think that is a must as well. Besides that I don't really have any others ideas. Maybe it could me a mix of Toa and Matoran, like the Matoran are the younger members of the family?



-Jild was here


Well, I was thinking more like a group of friends that have evolved into a family. Not literally, of course, but you know...A bit like a gang. That would mean they could come from any race. Although I do like your idea, Jild, we'll just have to wait and see if it turns out that way. Besides, Mangai-Hau will probably be a "little brother" even without being a matoran.

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Oh, I understad now. Like, brothers in arms... Okay. I can't think of any more ideas. But, if I do, I'll try to post it and see what you think.



-Jild was here

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Meh, I dunno, all I know is that that kinda bravado will be around everywhere. That Manly Speech? Expect more of that.


Also: Triangle Shades.




I really don't want to rip off Gurren Lagann (watchititssomanlyitrocks) anymore but...


He's just so Kamina. I mean he'll be a big brother figure to some, (Possibly Mangai Hau after his ego is crushed to bits) He won't actually be trainecd in fighting at all, just have a decent Idea of how to use his fists, feet, and Katana. He could be a pillar of Moral support to the team, when they feel like giving up, he'll be there to get their fighting spirit back into high gear. (A Kamina punch may be needed) He'll be a boisterous bruiser, no doubt. (Maybe in a reference to Gurren Lagann I can arrange for him to find a mount pretty early in the story). The little ones would look up to him, maybe. As Simon describes Kamina:


"This is bro. He's big, tough and kind. One day, I want to be a man like bro"


Yeah. The awesomest character I've made.


Also, Ads, don't worry. Just so long as you keep your character realistic, RP fairly, and keep whatever ego you have in check, you'll be fine.


Also on the subject of realism, Are me and Mangs just about the only ones that have had charries pass out of exhaustion?

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:tohu: Okay, heres my char, and I'm only doing one.


Name: Kinika

Mask: Pakari

Bio/weapon: Avtoran turned toa, not interesting past. Longsword with spikes above the handle. :tohu:

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:tohu: Okay, heres my char, and I'm only doing one.


Name: Kinika

Mask: Pakari

Bio/weapon: Avtoran turned toa, not interesting past. Longsword with spikes above the handle. :tohu:


Ok, once Ads creates a character, I'll see If Mangs'll Partake in a mock combat bout, so you guys can get a feel for fighting.


That said, I'll take the liberty of putting down some explicit guidelines.






Well, actually, yes, you are unless if you want them to die. BUT! That does not, by any means, mean you can't get hurt. If you get kicked in the stomach by someone, do you shrug it off? No, you get knocked down, the wind Taken out of you. If someone punches you square in the nose, do you ignore it? No, you get stunned, blinded by involuntary tears in the eyes. If you fall, landing on your arm, is it fine? No, it hurts a carkin' lot, probably breaks from the force. This is, like the other rules, something you MUST remember when RPing.



Yes, the other people aren't allowed to auto hit you and vice-versa. BUT! That doesn't mean you can go dodging everything they throw at you with the greatest of ease. Come on, I shouldn't have to tell you this, it's logic. You won't see everything coming, and even if you do, you won't have time to react to all of it.




If I have to explain this, I will snap your neck. If you're gonna auto-hit, prepare a good explanation as to why they couldn't have avoided it.




You won't be able to pick something up and instantly be a master with the weapon. Likewise, you don't have infinite reserves, of, well, anything, really. Except food and water, but that's not important. You don't have unlimited npcs, you don't have unlimited ammunition, you don't have Uber-tech, especially not in the reboot. And you definitely don't have unlimited energy. Your charries can get tired, hungry, even pass out from overexertion.


Anyways that's all that comes to mind right now. Mangs, Zar, feel free to add on to the list.

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I did my char's profile a while ago. I think this sounds interesting, so let me know if I can PM it to you and then join the team.


Fine by me. Just remember: this group is not going to "always have been there", it's going to rise to power at the beginning of the year.


Raz: yeah, I think that's it. Realism, realism, rea-


Oh, wait. One last thing:


- Teleportation powers do NOT equal a free pass!

A personal favorite of many, and a personal gripe for everyone else. This makes the Top Five easily. It’s one thing to move quickly from one location to another, or shot jaunts between buildings, or even messing with the head of an opponent during battle. This however DOES NOT give you the right for hit and run, bases particularly. Is it fair that one person, who has spent a lot of time, effort, and time working with his organization, when all it takes is one person who can teleport a squad of crazies to go “Let’s blow something up!” *zap* “Oooohh! Main control center! Mines! Guns! Grenades! Explosives! C4! Grandma’s Fruit Cake!” *bang bang boom* “Uh-oh! It’s gonna collapse! Bye! *zap*


This goes in conjunction with base invasions above. How in the world did you know where the main controls were? Armory? Database? Kitchen for snacks on the way out? Are you aware that you also disregarded everything that has been previously discussed including the victim’s privacy? This leads to the next point-


Common Sense dictates that:

- There is NO such thing as instantaneous and omniscient intel

Unless you have taken the grand tour, or have managed to steal a current blueprint of a building, how to you know that the room isn’t a wall? Or a vat of toxic liquid verses a laboratory? Perhaps it’s the vicious animal pen than the shield controls? How do you know you’re gonna appear in the library? You could just as well imprison yourself in the brig for all you know.


- Plans are NOT perfect!

The second extension of the Physics/Logic conundrum. While plans are good, they cannot possibly predict every possible outcome, especially if you’re matching wits against an equal. There comes a time in battle where your “prediction” or how you wormed out of something hits the Ridiculous Factor. I mean, its one thing to come prepared to fight a necromancer that has a fascination with zombies; shotgun, crowbar, and a few friends with a workable strategy will win out almost every time. Its another to come prepared for that necromancer who secretly took over a circus, and now you has demented clowns coming after you, their baggy clothing making most of your weapons useless, but aha! I have Zombie Clown Repellent… in a bottle. Never leave home without it. Seriously folks, did you happen to lean back and read it as objectively as possible, or did you decide to disregard whether or not this was getting rather over the top? Sometime while clever, it elicits an “Aww, come on! LAAAAME!”; Ridiculousness 1, Brainpower 0.



Common Sense dictates that:

- It’s ok and natural not to win

There are winners, and there are losers, but you are never, or rarely, either one all the time. You don’t have to always win the battles to win the war, and “sometimes cowards live”, to quote a famous Decepticon. There is ALWAYS someone better than you out there, so take your defeat like a man and swallow some of that over-sized ego and pride you have been lugging around. There are just some things you can’t do, places you can’t go, people you can’t influence or talk to; it’s a fact. You can get captured, you can’t always escape, but sometimes you pull one out from under your opponent for the epic win. So take a chill pill, take hold of your limits, and realize that there are just some things out of reach. After all, we’re only human.


Credit to all this goes to Friar Tuck, the dude in charge of running the BZPRPG.


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