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Ask Swert!



Sure, why not; Ask me anything (within BZP limits) I will do my best to answer.


Now, I will also say, I may paste the questions here so people can read 'em in the same post, I dunno yet.


So yeah, ask away.


Edit #1: I added my replies to all of the posts, bolded, and spoiler-tagged it so it doesn't stretch the screen:


Spoiler tags are for spoilers, sorry man. -TMD


Best pony?

No D:

"Call Me Maybe" or "Gangnam Style"?

Have not seen either

Logarithms or exponents?


Pencils or pens?

Finally something I can answer. Pens.

Funniest Greek letter?


Most useful LEGO part?

Brick Seperator.

A-flat or G-sharp?

They're technically the same.

You are given a choice between living in two alternate dimensions. In the first, rubber duckies do not exist and cannot be invented. In the second, the letter "O" does not exist. Which one do you choose?

Given the choices, kill the duckies! I can't handle not having Os.

You must have one digit removed from one hand. Which hand and which digit do you choose?

Left Pinkie.

Do you dream in color?




Do you know the name of the man who created the evil that goes by the name of pie?




Your boss comes to you and tells you that you must build exclusively in Duplo from then on. Do you continue working for him, or do you quit?

He pays me, I ain't gonna complain too loudly.

You can replace one part of your body with a musical instrument. Which part do you replace, and which musical instrument?

Right leg, with a Saxaphone.



What is a tuba ruba scuba?

.... dunno.

When do ducks use toothpicks?

When they have something stuck in their bills?

What kind of rag tag does a dog need for monkey jam?

... dunno.

How many light years will it take for Venus to open the refrigerator?

None, they ask Mars to do it for it.

Can toilets flush?

Only on thursdays.

Will my Shish Kabob drop a melon on the prime time of lunch?

Only if you allow it.

What time is it?

... Too many answers, not enough lines in text...

What year did President Franklin invent hot dogs?

Trick question, he invented the hamburger.

When do babies need Star Wars watches?

3 months prior to birth.

Would you possibly consider?


What type of scarf will Jimmy take on British Idol in the summer 2089 winter seasonal finale?


Shall we?


What's the highest number?

What year will the world end in?

When it ends.

Does I have well grammar?


Google or Bing?


Bing or Google?


Or Google Bing?


What's your favorite ice cream nosy pizza topping?


Since when did bicycles have rollerskating banana choppers?

Last week.

Do toe nail clippers have feelings?

Only until they're cut off.

Can rubber dust bunnies love candles?


asfhg why so many stupid questions?

Good question.

What do you think of the color rainbow?

Trick Question again. Rainbow is actually a sound.

Is it good to smell fresh taco salad after you buy it from Wal Mart?

Eh, I prefer my taco salad homemade.

Are you my neighbor?

Maybe. If you are, sorry about the music. If you're not, sorry about the music anyway.



Look to your left. What do you see?

My Shoulder.

Do you think it'd be fun to fly in an umbrella?


How many hockey pucks were lost in Super Bowl #VIIDYTAZXOAP?

Only seven. The eighth one was recovered in Rio.


This is not a proper question. You're missing special characters.

How many times can you click your mouse in 1 second?


Jump off of a 2-story building and land head first. Does it hurt?

Haven't tried it lately.

Do you want more questions?




If you could invent a new letter to put in the alphabet, what would it be, and what function would it serve?

The Awesome Letter. It would be strictly for the purpose of being awesome. I would then use it to promote a new phone, the Awesome Letter Phone. I would then be sued by Apple, and win because I invented the Awesome Letter.

You have a time machine that can go anywhere, at any time. The problem is that it will only work for one round-trip. Where do you go?

Five seconds into the future, so I can claim I did it.



Why are you being a trend-follower, not a trend-setter?

Why are you looking at my blog when you can be working on my website?




Valenti edit: Spoiler tags are for spoilers only. Not to prevent screenstretchingness.


Recommended Comments

Best pony?

"Call Me Maybe" or "Gangnam Style"?

Logarithms or exponents?

Pencils or pens?

Funniest Greek letter?

Most useful LEGO part?

A-flat or G-sharp?

You are given a choice between living in two alternate dimensions. In the first, rubber duckies do not exist and cannot be invented. In the second, the letter "O" does not exist. Which one do you choose?

You must have one digit removed from one hand. Which hand and which digit do you choose?

Do you dream in color?

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Your boss comes to you and tells you that you must build exclusively in Duplo from then on. Do you continue working for him, or do you quit?


You can replace one part of your body with a musical instrument. Which part do you replace, and which musical instrument?

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What is a tuba ruba scuba?

When do ducks use toothpicks?

What kind of rag tag does a dog need for monkey jam?

How many light years will it take for Venus to open the refrigerator?

Can toilets flush?

Will my Shish Kabob drop a melon on the prime time of lunch?

What time is it?

What year did President Franklin invent hot dogs?

When do babies need Star Wars watches?

Would you possibly consider?

What type of scarf will Jimmy take on British Idol in the summer 2089 winter seasonal finale?

Shall we?

What's the highest number?

What year will the world end in?

Does I have well grammar?

Google or Bing?

Bing or Google?

Or Google Bing?

What's your favorite ice cream nosy pizza topping?

Since when did bicycles have rollerskating banana choppers?

Do toe nail clippers have feelings?

Can rubber dust bunnies love candles?

asfhg why so many stupid questions?

What do you think of the color rainbow?

Is it good to smell fresh taco salad after you buy it from Wal Mart?

Are you my neighbor?


Look to your left. What do you see?

Do you think it'd be fun to fly in an umbrella?

How many hockey pucks were lost in Super Bowl #VIIDYTAZXOAP?


How many times can you click your mouse in 1 second?

Jump off of a 2-story building and land head first. Does it hurt?

Do you want more questions?

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If you could invent a new letter to put in the alphabet, what would it be, and what function would it serve?


You have a time machine that can go anywhere, at any time. The problem is that it will only work for one round-trip. Where do you go?

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You must go back to being another age, with stature, personality, and everything that comes with it. You will remain this age for the rest of your life. Which age do you choose?

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What is your preferred method of pranking members?


What is your most amazing accidental achievement in a videogame?


What is your most amazing intentional achievement in a videogame?


If you were required to name an inanimate object in your house/cave/hobbit hole/cardboard shelter, what would that object be? And it's name?


What is the weirdest question you have been asked, ever?


Do you fear sock monkeys?

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