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A Few Years Ago



Remember when, a few years ago, that people were trying to get kinetics to become an element?


This was around the same time PSIONICS became an element. Psionics was made an element, but Kinetics was rejected, under the basis that a 5-year old child would not know what kinetics is, I believe? Despite the fact that a child would likely not know what the word 'Psionics' meant either. Honestly, why use a fancy name if your target audience doesn't know what the fancy name means? It was a silly element anyway.


Actually, just how many elements did BZP canonise in the later years? Did the Bohrok-Kal elements becom elements when the Kal were introduced, or was that way later? In retrospect, G1 has way too many elements. I wouldn't really say there was any need for more than twelve.


If I could say what elements were to be the 'canon' ones, this would be it: there are the six primary elements. There are the two 'special' elements: light and shadow. Then there are no more than four secondary elements: lightning, sound, jungle (switch with air if G2), and metal. Plasma has been excluded because it was basically just hipster fire. Magnetism and gravity have been excluded for being too specific. Psionics has been excluded because of aforementioned reasons. Sonics has become sounds, Iron has become metal in general, and lightning can remain as is, as can jungle which was formerly known as plant life or the green. This totals to twelve elements total, which is a good amount and covers a decent range I think. Any more would be pushing it.


Sorry to anyone who likes plasma (myself), magnetism, gravity, or psionics as elements.


Since I'm in the mood to talk about elements again...

  1. What's the most ridiculous but plausible G1 BIONICLE element you can come up with?
  2. What do you think of late elemental additions, such as Psionics?
  3. Would you prefer that it had remained the original six elements?
  4. Light and shadow: good addition or bad?
  5. The secondary elements: which are good, which are bad, which are silly?
  6. Do you agree with the dropping of air in favour of Jungle in G2?
  7. Stone and Earth present a bit of a problem. How would you differentiate them? Or would you just scrap one of them?


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I actually do not have any knowledge of the movement to make kinetics an element. :shrugs:


Personally I was always most fond of just the original six elements. Add ons like gravity and electricity are fine because they're still easy to understand, but throw in plasma and psionics and you have at least one very confused kid. Light and shadow are fine. Earth and stone are pretty redundant to me, though I suppose Onua, as a Toa of Earth, could have control over earth movements like earthquakes, control landslides, make volcanoes erupt, etc., while Pohatu as a Toa of stone can control rocks, and the things that come from rocks like sand and some soils.

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1. Probably some extension of "legendary" powers, like making Time or Life into an element or something.

2. Shouldn't have been blue.

3. it never really made a difference so, yeah, probably.

4. Probably among the better ones.

5. Pretty much the ones you said.

6. Yeah, I don't mind.

7. Make Stone part of Earth, turn stone into Metal, I guess.

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2) I freaking love them! They're so interesting and weird and add so much potential for more character types and backgrounds in a super trippy fantasy story. The more potential for individuality and creativity with elements, the better.


3) No way. Water and Ice are totally redundant, and the explaination for both Stone and Earth was a bunch of hippie dippy bologna.


4) I always hate how stories handle these two elements. They always assume Shadow is automatically evil and malicious while Light is more virtuous and good. That logic is fundamentally flawed in my opinion. In the yin/yang model (which I believe it's supposed to be based off of half the time), it represents a whole that is comprised of two complimentary forces that appear contradictory. These forces are not there to erradicate one or the other. They are meant to be balanced so the whole can exist. At the same time, each side has a bit of the other in themselves. Legend of Korra came close in its final season, and I am so glad that someone finally came close. Unfortunately it kinda fell apart with Raava and Vaatu because wow was that bad.


Light is primarily active while Shadow is more passive according to my understanding. Light has just as much potential for a direct assault while Shadow has as much potential for working behind the scenes to make small changes to better the world. Why can't we have more stories like that? Shadow being evil is way over used, in my opinion. Though, it would be even cooler if a story actually recognized that neither is inherently good or evil. BIONICLE never did that. The Makuta were always playing with moral boundaries while Takanuva was always the hero. Even when he was evil in other universes, he was shadow. Even when Teridax was good, he was light. Uuuuuugh that is so annoying. I wanted an evil Takanuva that never lost his light. I wanted a good Teridax that never needed to abandon his shadow. Why didn't they exist?


5) The main six have more silly elements than the secondary ones. All of them are interesting, though, in their own rights.


6) Rumor has it, Lewa was originally planned to have a Jungle element in G1. Seeing as it was dropped for Air, I am more than fine with this new change. Also, if he were Jungle in G1 as originally planned, it would have made so much more sense in hindsight.


7) Okay, story team. This was a simple solution that you totally overlooked and made overly-complicated and lame. Just make Earth organic matter while Stone is inorganic matter. Earth is soil that is lush with potential for growing plants. Paired with a toa of plantlife, this could be really cool and applicable in the story. Having them be the exact same inorganic matter with just "PaRtiClE sIIIzE" being different is sooooooo stupid. Seriously. I hate you all so much for that explanation and nothing will ever make me believe otherwise.


8) Yes, your fly is, in fact, down. You should fix that.

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1) Ignoring the fact that my OC was light before it was cool ever announced, my "custom elements" have been quite varied. They included Magnetism (yes, thought of that within the first few months too), Acid, and some "prototype elements" that were necessary for my long-since-hiatus'd-epic including Emotions, Velocity, Transubstantiation, and a sort of quasi-clairvoyant "Universe" dealybob.
2) I'm glad there's more elements to work with, though I'm iffy with Iron due to how OP it is (discount Life element in such a universe, might as well be the elemental power of flesh) and Psionics I lean towards "no". In any case, we never saw these elements enough in official canon for me to form a solid enough opinion.
3) Not at all. I'm only disappointed we didn't get proper sets with the other elements.
4) Definitely good, but my thoughts pretty much mirror Tekulo's.
5) See 2.
6) Since we know basically zip-all about how elements actually work in this new universe, I can't form much of an opinion. I'm hoping the other elements are still a thing. If anything, I'd take issue with the fact that Lewa's element changed. I'll have to wait for books until I can decide I imagine.
7) I've never understood why these are such a problem.

Takuma Nuva

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1. Acid, probably. It was never really made an official element, but we know it exists in the BIONICLE universe and it's not covered by any other elemental powers. That or animal life. Conjuring vines to attack your opponent is about as believable as doing the same with fire or water. But conjuring monkeys feels considerably more ridiculous.


2. Some of them I really like, namely Lightning, Plantlife/Jungle, and Iron. Those are all cool! They're naturally occurring materials or forces that aren't really covered by other elements. They are very visible and concrete, and feel like something a pre-industrialized society might consider building blocks of nature, much like the original six. As far as naming is concerned, I really like the names Lightning, Jungle, and Iron, though Metal is also acceptable for the third of those.

I generally dislike elements like Sonics, Gravity, Magnetism, and Psionics which represent abstract or invisible forces. Magnetism also feels annoyingly redundant if you have an element of Iron/Metal, which makes a lot more sense as an element to me. I'm not fond of Plasma since it is something you do not regularly encounter in nature except in forms like lightning and fire that already exist as elemental powers of their own. After all, where would Matoran of Plasma even live?

3. Hard to say. I do not think the existence of other elements is harmful, but I think some were added without putting a lot of thought into how they fit in with the established world. Elements in BIONICLE are not just superpowers — they are defining aspect's of the world's culture, its geography, etc. There was never any compelling reason given why none of the secondary elements were represented on Metru Nui, for instance, or what kind of environment Matoran of Gravity would live in. Secondary elements' color schemes were also often contrived, and tended to overlap with existing elements far too frequently.

Ninjago has recently introduced a lot of elements of its own in the "Tournament of Elements" arc, including some weird ones like speed. But of course, it never had geography or culture defined by its elements like BIONICLE does, so new elements can be inserted without much difficulty (and the writers have named them very poetically).


4. Neutral, I think. The world could have done without those elements, but the 2003 and 2008 story arcs remain some of my favorites. I think it got really convoluted in 2008 when Greg had to explain how "moral light" and "moral shadow" were different from elemental light and shadow, yet still somehow connected, and how light could regenerate automatically unless a mental barrier was in place. But the elements were still interesting and believable, I think.


5. I think I answered this in question 2.


6. Generally, yes. Jungle is a more natural fit for Lewa's environment and color scheme than Air was. And his jungle powers still seem to include air powers, kind of like the element of wood in wu xing philosophy (or, for that matter, the Megaman Battle Network games :P).

I am a bit bothered that the Stone and Earth elements were left alone, when this could have been a prime opportunity to change them. There has always been a lot of weirdness surrounding those elements, and the new story makes it even more confusing by making a lot of the Stone characters' weapons and powers sandstorm-related (when loose sand is normally something you'd think of as Earth rather than Stone), while still using crystals as a defining trait of the Region of Earth.


7. Carrying on from the last point, I'm not quite sure what I'd do to fix the confusing nature of these elements. Swapping Stone for Metal/Iron would seem like a smart move (many personality traits of Stone like unyielding resolve could just as easily be applied to Metal), but on the other hand, that would mean dropping one of the excellent environments for those two elements (since neither a desert nor an underground cavern really evokes the element of Metal).

Treating Earth as organic material and Stone as inorganic material seems like an easy solution, but doesn't work out very well in practice. For starters, most soil is a combination of the two — only very fine clay or sand will be purely one or the other. Also, where does it end? Sure, it makes sense for Earth to allow controlling clay and maybe even coal, but what about other fossil fuels like oil and natural gas? Are these also "Earth"? What's more, the powers of the Earth element have long included earthquakes, but seismic activity is usually generated by movements in the bedrock, not simply by shifting soil.


Doing as the Bara Magna sets did — substituting Rock for Earth and Sand for Stone — works just fine for the characters' powers and environments, but not at all for Onua and Pohatu's personalities. Sand is not stubborn, unyielding, or dependable the way Stone is.

I suppose the simplest solution is just to think of the Toa's elements like Pokémon types. That way, Earth (Ground) continues to include moves like Earthquake, Dig, and Mud Shot, while Stone (Rock) includes moves like Sandstorm, Rock Throw, and Rock Slide.

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By the time Psionics rolled around, G1 was pretty entrenched in its own mythology. If it wasn't going to appear in anything mainline, there wasn't much of a point in saying "no", if that makes sense.



1. Ridiculous AND plausible? Void came close, which depressed me. I always wanted Rahi Control, too. Your elemental "beam" would function like the Kanohi Zatth.


2. I didn't mind the extra elements so much, but I do wish there had been a bit more structure to it. Not the crazy retroactive periodic table stuff people came up with, necessarily, but just something along the lines of the Rahkshi; six alternative elements that run counter the Toa and are led by a shadow entity.


3. No, more elements and powers was always good. The strict divide of "elements" and "powers", which most people don't get anyway, was unnecessary, but when they introduced more Toa, more elements had to follow at some point.


4. Good, both of them, but dipping their toes in metaphysics didn't always do them favors.


5. All of them are good, in their own way. Lightning always sounds incredibly pretentious to me, but it works.


6. Yeah, it's fine.


7. I like what G2 is doing, and focusing on how the environments inform the elements, in terms of the design and the colors. You could easily combine them and add a new element, but it would have to be something radically different, like Electricity or Gravity.

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