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Not Running For Ambassador

Spoony Bard


Decided to not run for Lego Ambassador since certain members think I'll be horrible for the position and ruin BZP and Lego, etc etc. What is the point in doing something that you enjoy a lot when people just don't care about your existence and what you do.


I'm better of being banned here then being a member at all.




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I was actually going to write you a testimonial... I'd rather you do the job over someone like, oh, me. -Swert

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Ya know, the more you let the public guide your decisions, the less things you're going to be able to do. There's always someone else who is going to say that you're wrong, your decisions are going to be terrible, etc. etc. But, how could they know?


Truth be told, they can't. Just go with what you want, do your best, and make the choice. Don't let others make it for you, or you'll never be happy with what you're stuck with.

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1. You, Shilo, are the first person that comes to my mind when thinking of possible LEGO Ambassadors for this community.


2. The main reason, besides laziness, why I didn't write you a testimonial was because I figured you wouldn't need it. Your obvious record of talent and dedication, I figured, would speak for itself, and the outcome of your candidacy would be decided on the basis of those merits.


3. Now let me see if I have this right. Because of a few haters, you're going to throw in the towel? That just makes no sense to me. It's not possible to please everybody, and that's a fact of life. Now it occurs to me that this (your possible ambassadorship) may be something you don't truly believe in, after all?


4. Decide what you want, and then go for it. "**** the torpedoes!" Just believe in yourself, man.


5. I can understand that the thought of being ambassador for a community that's divided on whether you should be in that position is less than appealing. But I've gotta say, who are these people, the Omi-criticizers? I've not come across a one - or, if I have, then the case must have been so insignificant in my mind that I promptly forgot about it. I know the type, though. Those people will find anything to complain about. To take that personally is just doing yourself a huge disservice. So unless they're making an actual, valid case against you, which I've yet to see, then the best way to deal with them is to simply not care what they say.


6. Actually, I now have a valid argument against your ambassadorship: the blog post above! Rescind it, though, and my argument is dead. :) So there you go.


Best of success in the pursuits you do choose to undertake. May the Force be with you. :psychotwitch:



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Ya know, the more you let the public guide your decisions, the less things you're going to be able to do. There's always someone else who is going to say that you're wrong, your decisions are going to be terrible, etc. etc. But, how could they know?

3. Now let me see if I have this right. Because of a few haters, you're going to throw in the towel? That just makes no sense to me. It's not possible to please everybody, and that's a fact of life. Now it occurs to me that this (your possible ambassadorship) may be something you don't truly believe in, after all?

My platform for ambassadorship was about the community and doing what I can for it. So if the community comes up to me directly, says I shouldn't be ambassador (and among other things), then I have no choice but to go with it. Cuz it goes against my platform if I don't.

2. The main reason, besides laziness, why I didn't write you a testimonial was because I figured you wouldn't need it. Your obvious record of talent and dedication, I figured, would speak for itself, and the outcome of your candidacy would be decided on the basis of those merits.

Thanks, though I didn't recieve any testimonials yet. And those are actually a requirement, regardless of what my background contains.



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Guess what, I'm still gonna write a testimonial and submit it.

Don't really know how/if that'll work, but I'm gonna do it, dangit.

Also, you know that's not what the whole of the community thinks, its what that one group, the same one who always gives you flack, thinks.

Don't listen to 'em, you'd make a great ambassador. You've pretty much done it all, Lego-wise, and are almost overqualified for the position.

Only thing I'm wondering about is if you could still work for Lego (after you nail the interview, of course), and be an ambassador.




Also, if you don't don't resume your run, I'll find you and hurt you. :3

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Only thing I'm wondering about is if you could still work for Lego (after you nail the interview, of course), and be an ambassador.

Employees cannot run for Ambassadorship, and if I was an Ambassador and then recieved the job, I would have to step down from Ambassador anyways.



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I wouldn't think you to be one to cave to a few complainers... sometimes your hard on rule breakers, but so are all staff members. I don't see what that has to do with being an ambassador... unless every body's taking that silly "It sucks" fad at face value. :glare:


Well, if you aren't going for ambassador, best of luck getting the job with Lego. At least that would bring in some money, right? :sly:



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I don't want you as an ambassador for Lego. I'd rather you be on Lego's payroll. An inside man, as it were. Someone needs to bring purple back and make Steampunk a line for Lego.

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What is the point in doing something that you enjoy a lot when people just don't care about your existence and what you do.

Well, I care about your existence, and I know I'm not the only one....

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There are always people who are going to think you're going to suck at everything you do.


I have learned this.


I have learned what to say to those people.


"Screw You"

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