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Year 18


  • Birthday 10/07/1994

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Tohunga (5/293)

  1. And if you don't, then you're weird. I used to talk to you almost every night over IM in 2006. I forgot my name, NM501 or something like that?

  2. OMFG It is you Jaller47! You do remember me right?

  3. You are Spontaneous Explosions. Explosions are win. Therefore, you are win.

  4. IMO it is, but the Maxilos mask would be awesome on it. I can't find my Maxilos mask. ;_____;
  5. 1-1 2-6 3-4 4-1 5-5 6-2 No one is voting for the Toa Necessity(Hahli, Jaller, Myzak, Jantas, Sikaz). ;____; If anyone but me should win (lol ego much), it should be Toa Huki. Savage, Sniper and Stealth are awesome. P.S. Bunda, if you read this, the link to my gallery is broken. P.S.S. lol nevur mind
  6. Yeah, it's black and red, and has custom shoulders/thighs. It's really tall, too. Thing is, I can't post pics yet. So I'm going to give you all a BoTR Canon Bio. Name: Carax Mask: Artakha Hau, Modified A.H (tracking system and heat sensors built in, also can connect to an air tank) Tools: 7 daggers, one sword Powers: Limited fire, energy blasts, temporary staisis fields, telepathy (mind shielding), telekinisis, electric blasts, healing abilites, teleportation, super strength Bio: An extremely well-trained warrior, the Order of Mata-Nui agent had a long track record: He helped trained the Toa Mata, he recruited at least 9 people into the Order, including Trinuma, the current leader of the Order, and he discovered Hydraxon had been revived, and re-recruited him into the Order. A master of weapons like his friend Hydraxon, he carries quite a few daggers, and a sword he modified from a Vahki staff, so that it can shoot fire instead of its natural power. As of the time of the end of BoTR I, he has been sent on a mission to the secret island of Daxara, to insure a certain artifact is kept safe. This means taking a shipment of Pit Guardian Robots, and a few Energy Hounds, to this location. By the end of BoTR II, he has been sent back to Daxara with two caches of weapons, to insure the battle there goes smoothly. He has been ordered to team up with those that have been sent by The Defenders to stop the Makuta from gaining a certain artifact. By the way, check later for a chapter of BoTR. In order to speed up BoTR, I'm combining three chapters, ultimately shortening the number of chapters, but don't worry, I'm not cutting anything out. ;D Edit: lol forgot. hopefully tonite. plus, that profile is only priliminary. And please, if you pay atention to this stuff, tell me. I feel like I'm talking to myself. ;___;
  7. XD Yeah BtB pmed me about it.

  8. You need to submit a new image of Elekon for Bbbcc #1. You're the only person with a maj image.

  9. Okay, time to address my non-existant fanbase. >_< First off, writing has begun on BoTR III. I need to publish the last few chapters of BoTR II. I really rushed it, don't know why. I plan to spend a lot of time on BoTR III though. anyway, down to business. There are two new factions you need to know about: The Watchers, and The Eastern Empire. The Watchers: An organization led by a rogue Makuta named Gurdax, their goals are unknown, and their last major involvement with anything was in the First War of the Orbs. The agents' species range greatly. The Eastern Empire: The eastern islands, which no one can reach by boat, due to the fact that the water flows from east to west in the BoTR Universe. It is believed the only inhabitants of this empire are Matoran, though this hasn't been confirmed. The inhabitants of this foreign empire are large Matoran, with highly advanced technology. The island of Areni-Nui was once here, until it's dome was uprooted and drifted to the South, where it was anchored to the ocean floor by Rahi known as Protocairns, amphibious Rahi which left a huge dent in the bottom of the island. Now, onto the new Makuta I just built. I'll take pictures this week hopefully. (Thank god for Spring Break. XD) Brotherhood Makuta: Makuta Xorak is a powerful foe, and someone you don't want to cross. His weapon, known as the Tren Krom Staff, has the power to disintigrate a being's protodermic armor turning them into an organic being like Tren Krom. He wears the Kanohi Korzak, the Mask of Fear, which has power equal to a Level Six Fear Kraata. Makuta Mira is tall and powerful. She wields her Dual Staff, which is made of two daggers she stole from a Xian armory. She has two large wings sprouting out of her back, and wears the Kanohi Smirak, the Mask of Tracking, which can lock onto a target, and find them even if they're on the other side of the planet, or in another universe. The Defender's Makuta: Makuta Miserix, former leader of the Brotherhood, has joined The Defenders in an atempt to stop Hadrax from taking over all of existence! He carries a Tri-Blade, and a basic Zamor Launcher, and wears the Kanohi Sorax, the Mask of Stasis, which can freeze a large number of creatures in a stasis state, and he doesn't have to keep focus for this stasis field to be maintained. He has decided to enstate himself as the Makuta assigned to the island of Sidas-Nui. The Watcher's Makuta: Makuta Gurdax is a renegade Makuta, who quit when he learned of Teridax's evil plan. He tried to warn Miserix, but he was too late. He formed the organization known as The Watchers, which guards its goals fiercely. He has, for some reason, been shrunken to the size of a Toa, and locked in his current form, by what means, however, is unknown. He carries no weapons, and wears a powerless Kanohi. When his transformation was completed, somehow his control over the Kraata Powers, and control over Shadows was boosted, making him a strong foe.
  10. Member Name: SPONTANEOUS EXPLOSIONS Toa Name(s): Hahli, Jaller, Myzak, Jantas, Sikaz Entry Picture: http://i111.photobucket.com/albums/n142/IW...c1/IMG_2333.jpg Gallery: http://s111.photobucket.com/albums/n142/IW...ionicles/Bbbc1/ Topic: http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=281783

    Beat that! >:D

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