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Year 15

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  1. I wonder if they plan to continue Hero Factory next year beside Bionicle? Seems like the two might step on each others toes if they run both themes.
  2. It was not an easy vote by any stretch. Keep on making awesome stuff Lord Oblivion!
  3. A very good lot of MOCs, you guys are not making this easy XD Keep on making this stuff, it's a lot of fun to look through these gallaries!
  4. So I would assume this mask weighs more than the plastic ones, does it comfortably fit and hold up on one of the toa mata heads?
  5. Heck yes! I loved this game, so much nostalgia playing this again
  6. That sounds very painful.Glad to see they got the foreign object out of the poor kid.
  7. Yah. Breakout Wave 2 sets are way better than the Wave 1 sets. It seems like the creators are getting better on how to improve their products. That's a good thing if you want the products to sell well.I wouldn't call BO2 "better" than BO1, but some of the common design traits are better. I still think Rocka is the best hero in either BO; the addition of one of the jungle planet claws on the back of Core Hunter instead of a foot peice really makes him seem well built and not see through like some villans, and I hope they keep up with trends like this.Hopefully there will be a 4th year, I do really want to see what they come up with next, since 3.0 had such great improvements on the 2.0. (I just hope they don't get stuck in 3.0 like they did with Inika style bodies)
  8. I like the new theme. It does seem like the forums of old again but with some functional improvments
  9. A glorious day indeed!Happy Birthday BZP, let's hope for another 11 more years!
  10. ...Gonna be honest, that sounds a little dark for Hero Factory. Sounds like the kind of thing I'd expect the Master to use in Doctor Who. They sometimes seem to make villian plans very dark, so it removes the moral abiguity of them being maybe/maybenot evil. Destroying the entire universe= unquestionably evil. Makes it easy to make stock enemies I guess?
  11. I like this radical new direction LEGO is taking their products. Innovating for the future and all that good stuff!
  12. Yeah, really creepy <<One of the most bizarre looking sets I have ever seen.
  13. Brutaka. I still love his blue and gold color scheme, and he looks so flipping cool.After that, probably 2003 Makuta. Though that set just has nostalgia value to me, though it kind of started the Titan thing.
  14. I always love your shirts. I'll have to come to brickfair one year just to buy a bunch XD
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