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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2018 in all areas

  1. oh heck yeahhhhh and you know what this means: if there's any constraction in LEGO's future we may be getting Clone Wars era figures.
    2 points
  2. High school know nothing about having SPIRIT. BZPower? Now, there's a community that has SPIRIT. Someone make me a dad already. 24601
    1 point
  3. Well, I guess it's time to head to Freddy's.... Gateway had the next Ninjago lineup all out too, but I'm holding out on set purchases until Brickfair and after. But a quick minifig for a Cedric? That I can do.
    1 point
  4. hi nobody here remembers me or cares but here's a life update entry cause it's been a hot minute and things have been pretty big a little over a month ago some stuff happened and I ended up alone and jobless and checking myself into a hotel with the intention of hanging myself from a doorknob then I started seeing a psychiatrist and got diagnosed with PTSD and borderline personality disorder and started therapy and took up meditation and got put on like three more mood stabilizers fast forward to now and I have friends who I'm hanging out with regularly, a new job that so far is the best I've ever had, and an awesome and gorgeous new girlfriend who is incredible I went from the lowest point in my life where I felt utterly hopeless and like my life was over to an absolute high where I'm optimistic about the future and feel legit happy for the first time in a long time I still have my moments and I still have some stuff to continue working on, but things have changed (for the better) in a way that I had become absolutely convinced was not possible.
    1 point
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