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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2023 in Posts

  1. Gathered friends, listen again to our legend of the late happy birthday topic. In the time before time (approx 03/04/1945), BZP member @Mushy the Mushroom was born. And BZP member Bambi thought her birthday was in April, so he didn't make a birthday topic. Shame on him. So, here it is nineteen days late. >_> Happy belated birthday!
    2 points
  2. Content Warning: internalized victim blaming OOC: @Toru Nui
    1 point
  3. Figured I'd see if anyone still browses BZP and was interested in any parts of my collection. It's a bit much to list everything and I might miss something, so ask if there was something you are looking for specifically. All Toa Mata (missing red Hau, have a couple of other masks like a green Hau) All Toa Nuva All Bohrok All Rahkshi (some duplicates) Some Bohrok Kal (Earth, Stone, Ice, not sure about the others) Some Bohrok Va (Poison, Stone, Earth, might just be those) Some Turaga (Onewa, possibly Vakama?) All Kohli Matoran (they came in pairs with kohli sticks and 'hockey pucks'?) Gukko and Pewku with Jaller and Takua Tarakava, Nui Jaga, Muaka and Kane Ra Bahrag Makuta Takanuva and Ussanui All Toa Metru All Toa Hordika Some Visorak (Fire and Water, if I'm not mistaken) All Vahki Krekka and Nidhiki Turaga Dume with bird Keetongu All Metrutoran Toa Lhikan and Kikinalo Toa Hagah (were there only two?) Some Toa Inika (Nuparu and Matau, might be only ones) Some Piraka (I think only Ice) Axxon and Brutaka Vezon and Fenrakk One of the underwater foes (shows how much I know about the Mahri saga) Several of the "reboot" toa Several of the "masters" reboots (kopaka for sure) All Stars Tahu and Rahkshi So obviously you want a good deal and obviously I too would like a good price. If I think I could make more on Ebay, I'll probably try to sell it there, but if I feel like you're offering a decent price then I might just consider it simpler to sell it to you here. Not looking for any trades as I'm just looking to sell my old beloved collection and move on with the memories. I have instructions for probably at least 75% of the sets, and a ton of the canisters. I live in Eastern Canada. Not looking to spend $70 to send you a package you're paying me $100 for, obviously. We can negotiate.
    1 point
  4. IC: Lorqua - Streets of Atero Out into the streets, warmer still than inside the Red Star. Cool enough yet that there were still people on the streets, streets that would deaden as they reached the warmest part of the day. Walking alongside Lutenus, she considered the offer. She could use the practice, she supposed. She was going through with it now, and the fact that she was actually going to be expected to fight hadn't quite sunken in. Lutenus, not to mention everyone else, would definitely frown on it if she just surrendered. "Yeah, alright. Let's do it. You probably know better than me: where's the nearest arena?" OOC: @Toru Nui
    1 point
  5. IC: Lutenus and Vraek (Streets of Atero) - Wreckage “Vraek.” She corrected, insistently. “But yes, I will be representing Iconox. Would I be doing anything else?” What else could she do? Barbaric practices or not, the Ice Tribe were her people and her home. To abandon them was unthinkable. Elsewhere, Lutenus stepped out of the Red Star Inn, and back onto the street. “Hmmm… what do you say… you and I have a little sparring match before we depart for Tajun? To… reintegrate yourself with arena combat.” @Daniel the Finlander @That Matoran with a Vahi @oncertainty IC: Skrall (Roxtus, Stables) - Road Trip Skrall looked at the prisoner. He forcibly suppressed and quashed a treacherous feeling akin to pity. This creature was no longer Skrall, and must be treated as such, despite the semblance of honour he had regained in resisting them. Meanwhile, there were his brothers, Skrall without question, despite their myriad differences and their quarrels that would have brought shame to the Rock Tribe if an outsider or a higher-ranking tribesman beheld them. He finished loading the last of the supplies, and boarded one of the carriages. He wasn’t certain what possibility would be worse - the mind-numbing boredom of such a long journey in silence, or the return of this… infighting. @BULiK @a goose @Burnmad @Nato G @Vezok's Friend @oncertainty IC: Taldrix (Bone Hunter Stronghold, Outside Somnii’s Cell) - Rude to the Waiter Oh. This one. This worthless, pathetic wretch. She snatched the plate of food out of his hands with only a mildly contemptuous glare. “This is usually where I’d make a joke at the Skrall’s expense, but the one that just walked in should be quite sufficient. You can go now, unless there was anything else?” @Mel
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. I've had some free time, which has given me the opportunity to redesign Talli in Lego Studio, as well as fully create designs for Ranok and Hatchi.
    1 point
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