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Status Updates posted by GlatorianJaller

  1. Thanks for being nice to me in my forum:) add me ok?


  2. Glad to hear! If you have any questions about BZP feel free to ask me!

  3. How are you doing?

  4. What dude? I'm not going anywhere near her. We are just friends.

  5. I know, just like your face.

  6. Welcome to BZPower, Nathan! I'll be sure to show you around dude.

  7. Now.. Why did she look me up?

  8. Hello. Welcome to BZPower! I hope you enjoy your stay here!

  9. What? What's wrong?

  10. Nope, didn't know it.

  11. Lolno. I'm close, though... 1 more proto point!

  12. Eh, I'm getting bored of it.

  13. Glad you're getting better. I'm hoping this isn't a lifetime thing.

  14. Of course. But why?

  15. what are you doing for halloween?

  16. Hello! Welcome to BZPower! It's always good to have new members. If you need anything, just drop by my profile.

  17. Hey! It's doing pretty good... I've actually been pretty busy recording an album. Maybe I'll give you the demo to two of the songs soon? :D

  18. Yeah, I don't think I'll change it. It sounds good.

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