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Status Updates posted by Grant-Sud

  1. lol I guess. But just know that being staff isn't the most important thing. :P

  2. Sweeet. Man I need to edit more myself. I've just been busy. D:

  3. (Sniff) Sayid is bad... D:

  4. What the lady below said. By the way, nice to see you my friend. :)

  5. Yeah I got you. XD I liked BC though, seems he's staying a little longer however, which is good. TNU, I didn't get to spend a lot of time with him, though I know he did a lot for the wiki. I wish I could have though. =(

  6. Cough* cough* Chp 8 is out my friend. You likey? ;)

  7. Yes actually. Mario Kart for the 64, double dash, and Mario Kart Wii. All were nice and Mario Kart Wii is the only one I still have. Not sure if I unlocked everything... >> But I did "beat" it technically. How'd you like it?

  8. Ah that's cool. Hope your computer works for the game though. I'm waiting for Other M personally. Huge Metroid Fan. ;)

  9. Hey buddy! What's up? :)

  10. Same. That includes school, my job and the new stories I'm trying to write. But hey, I'm sure "crazy" could be worse. ;)

  11. Well looks like you made it to the next round. Nice job man. :)

  12. Hey thank you very much I really appreciate that comment. You’re also an inspiring writer and I've looked through some of your stories as well. I didn't know you had another epic up though, I'll be sure to check it out. ^_^

  13. That's cool. So you're really a huge fan of the movies then? Which was your fav?

  14. "Rap music is like, the anti-chivalry. Just do the opposite of whatever you hear in rap music and you'll be the perfect gentlemen." (Lol)

  15. Ah, just the usual stuff you know? :/ Besides anything interesting, hmm, I'm taking a trip in May, gonna visit my grandmother for two weeks and that is going to be AWESOME. And lol if you'd like. xD Really just whenever is fine with me. How about you? Anything new? :)

  16. Yo!! Accept friend request!


  17. Sure that'd be great. I'm pretty busy with school and my Core War Entry, but I'll definitely read some of your work. Thanks for messaging me. See you around. =D

  18. Thanks for the help man. =)

  19. Lol what and why? It's no big deal. I just write cause I like it. xD

  20. No prob. Sorry to keep posting. But. Gamespot and IGN gave it a ten as well. That's SUPER rare. I'm buying it. :D

  21. Alright I've started. Hope you like. =)

  22. What's up man? :)

  23. Man I'm taking up all your comments... >> Anyway thanks for reviewing my story! :D And Steve Miller Band/Eagles for the win! :DD

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