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Status Updates posted by Grant-Sud

  1. Ho, HEY! Ho, HEY! Ho, HEY!

  2. Yeah it is. This is my final year man. Can't wait. 8) How about you?

  3. Yeah I haven't played MM in years either. :/ Yes I have played diddy kong racing. I couldn't beat the final boss, but I unlocked everything else I think. :P That was a fun game.

  4. You come by my profile, and don't say a word? When is the all night contest happening again? This Saturday? :P

  5. Well maybe you'll get to the end eventually. :P Thank you very much KH. =)

  6. Thanks a lot guys. =)

  7. How you doing buddy? Also, next chapt soon? Kthxbi.

  8. Hey Megan, would you uhh, mind reading my newest story, To Soar? :3 I'd really like a review on it.

  9. "There are going to be Jedi who disappoint us."

  10. Part 4 of Second Chance? Completed. AWWW YEAH!

  11. No. I don't have one. ;_; I was thinking of saving up for a PS3, but, not sure If I am now. I hear it rocks though. :)

  12. Ah no, but my sister does. She has Animal Crossing Wild world, Mario Kart DS, Professor Layton and Curious Village, and Super Mario Bros DS. (I know she has one more ... but I can't remember.) I'm thinking of getting one myself. :)

  13. XD I know dude. I know.

  14. Dude. Me stuck in RPG, HELP! D8

  15. Comments for the win and you read my story thank you... ;_;

  16. I was commenting because I remember that's the name we gave you when you became boss. Don't worry bout it. Tis awesome! :D

  17. I haven't played MM in years. What was the stone tower? I remember a swamp, a mountain and Zora Domain. Also a graveyard area. (It was hilarious talking to Zombies. They were all like, "Hey. How you doing?" XD)

  18. Hey were have you been for BS01?

  19. What the... Oh i'm awake!

  20. Oh mi. U red ma storee too? Thankee. =)

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