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Based Goomy

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Blog Comments posted by Based Goomy

  1. Fun indeed. Okay. What's our hitlist?




    Jonas Bothers

    Miley Why-us


    All Names intended.


    If I add to the list:

    - Nickelback

    - Chris Brown

    - Flo Rida

    - Every bad Violinist


    They were just a flash in the pan, as will be Beiber and Kei%sh# or whatever its name is. No need for assassination attempts, their fans will loose interest when someone else comes along and will do it for you. :evilgrin:


    But assassination is so fun!


    I like the way you think, good sir.




    Why thank you good sir!


    They were just a flash in the pan, as will be Beiber and Kei%sh# or whatever its name is. No need for assassination attempts, their fans will loose interest when someone else comes along and will do it for you. :evilgrin:


    But assassination is so fun!

    Maybe so, but honestly, if you want to obliterate someone, you should to it the spectacular way,

    like with a mass destruction tank with spinning sawblades and all that. Or maybe a death ray, whatever floats your boat.

    If you have tried those methods, regular assassination gets boring after a while. :)


    Or possibly shatter them with 70 decibels of sound from their own guitars!

  2. eh, what's the point in hating on them now? their popularity has severely declined, you don't hear many people obsessing over them anymore. same with Miley Cyrus.


    now, Justin Bieber and Ke$ha are what we need to work on eliminating...


    That does not excuse the fact that they are pure evil!

  3. I happen to be listening to several songs you will probably be downloading.


    Including Muse and Depeche Mode, believe it or not.


    - :l: :flagcanada:


    You're finally expanding your taste! Yay!


    Yeah and I'm not liking it much.


    Except for one or two songs. Stranglove and Resistance or whatever are pretty good.


    - :l: :flagcanada:


    At least you tried it out dude. I can't blame ya for that.

  4. The White Stripes, Neutral Milk Hotel, Bright Eyes, Death From Above 1979, The Berg Sans Nipple, Radiohead, of Montreal, Black Moth Super Rainbow, Japandroids, Queens of the Stone Age, The Books, The Appleseed Cast, Mogwai, Brand New, The Field, Bersarin Quartett, Do Make Say Think, Fugazi, Belle and Sebastian, Minutemen, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, The Microphones, The Mountain Goats, Muse, Yo La Tengo, Fly Pan Am, Unwound, Wilco, Cursive, Battles, The Besnard Lakes, Vampire Weekend, Mr. Bungle, The Beatles, High on Fire, Be Your Own Pet, The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, Depeche Mode, Mika, The Moldy Peaches, Kimya Dawson, The Monks, Benga, Tobacco, Sleigh Bells, Caddywhompus, Them Crooked Vultures, Pavement, Joy Division, Nelly


    I just copy-pasted from a random generation of my library lawl


    Dude, thanks a lot. I'll check those out!


    P.S. Depeche Mode FTW

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