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Based Goomy

Premier Members
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Status Updates posted by Based Goomy

  1. I wasn't able to pin my father.

  2. I would have put it up today, but Brickshelf was down.

  3. I would like to purchase an Orange Miru of yours. Would you mind sending me a PM?

  4. I'll fix it later.

  5. I'll see what I can cook up.

  6. I'm actually surprised to see how many members have less than 10 posts.

  7. I'm not sure about good, but bad things include swearing, being mean, and being offensive.

  8. I'm With You is a great CD

  9. If I was standing next to you, I'd give you a high-five.

  10. Is it my imagination, or is that Sauron's eye in your avie?

  11. It's online now.

  12. Let me ask you a question: Have you ever met any BZPers in real life?

  13. Lots of people don't like it for some reason...

  14. Many people consider them

    "unmasculine", but I don't. Did you see the Viva La Vida tour?

  15. May I ask you, why do you dislike Coldplay?

  16. Money For Nothing, So Far Away, Brothers In Arms, and Walk Of Life. I'm not gonna lie, that albm is amazing!

  17. My gosh. That was a long time ago...

  18. Nice, nice. What are your opinions on Toy Story and Atlantis?

  19. Oh Dang! I missed your Birthday!

  20. Oh yes, it was so amazing! Did you see them?

  21. Okay, Toy Story is alright. The set with the soldiers is however, amazingtastic. Atlantis minifigs are pretty sweet.

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