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Based Goomy

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Everything posted by Based Goomy

  1. Oh goodness I haven't posted something here in forever. I only recently got back into building and decided to recreate the infamous pokemon ground serpent from the newest generation. Also I'm not the best at photography lol enjoy! Gallery: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=537000
  2. might be the first hero factory set I'm interested in in ages!
  3. xccj and some of the older staff.
  4. I've gotta buy this set. I haven't felt so good about a set in a while.
  5. Well I see from your topic that you're looking for Metus and Atakus. I could trade you some pieces off of them?
  6. I'm afraid I don't MC. I traded those away a while ago
  7. What sort of things? I suppose I forgot to mention pieces... whoops
  8. Hey everyone. I am in need of a gunmetal Ignika from Maxilos. I will trade you pieces for it. I would rather not pay for it. You must be able to ship to Canada. Thank you.
  9. Looks like a nice set but I'm going to wait for the one with Saruman in it!
  10. I was looking for Kardas instructions and found this site. I joined a few years after I found it though...
  11. oh goodness, I'd love to get my hands on some of those LOTR sets!
  12. eh, the sets this year don't really convince me. I might pick one up for that brain lizard though
  13. I found 3 of those in my collection (there may be a 4th in there somewhere but I doubt it) That can't possibly be enough though. Is there anything else you'd like?
  14. Make a request and I'll see if I have it!
  15. Hey everybody. I'm looking for the '08 titan Takanuva mask. I decided to rebuild the old fellow but remembered I traded his mask away I have lots of parts to offer as well as a few collectables. I would rather not pay money. Thank you!
  16. My first set was Turaga Onewa. Oh those memories
  17. Looks like a pretty decent set. I might buy it for the alien
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