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Everything posted by Inferno630

  1. The catch is: we have to give everyone else the option to have one or two characters to represent them. We aren't going to give you special treatment, just so you know. Although, who is getting a character? I have: 2Tie, Angel Bob, Me, Omega, and Talos. Am I missing anyone?
  2. Don't worry, the city isn't Metru Nui, this city is much larger and the buildings are much taller. The city also won't/doesn't have a name.
  3. Here is the newest chapter. Can you find the reference to the game Marathon? » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « That reminds me, for my next chapter I am going to have to reference Halo and RvB.
  4. I read it the first time through and then skipped when I was trying to figure out what you were talking about. By the way, you technically could have both the Clockwork Angel and Gornt be playable characters in the DLC (I figured that this would be a better place to discuss DLC than the story section).
  5. You heard him, make sure you only call him Algebra Bob or Cakewalk Angle (Yes, I do mean Angle not Angel). Actually, Talos, another thing you could do is come up with more ways to insult Angle Bob.
  6. I am going to take this seriously and made an official version. Added to the list... » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Number: ? Name: Destroying the Tyrant Player's Character: Switch between 2Tie, Inferno, Omega, and Talos, changing characters after each KO. In-Game Description (Objective): It's time to end this tyrants reign, stop his plot before he can take over! (KO Angel Bob 4 times in 7 minutes.) Stage: BZPower Forum
  7. After that a message will appear on the screen saying "TOPIC CLOSED". On a serious note, does anyone have any more event ideas?
  8. How could we possibly start thinking about that if we don't even know the ending? There is always a way to get everyone back together.
  9. Wait, what is deep-linking, and how do you do it?
  10. @Angel Bob: There can't be a standard brawl with the Rahi Nui. The Rahi Nui (being a final smash) would pretty much be invincible to KOs, therefore it would have to be a boss fight. Also, once again the Place of Shadow is not the Field of Shadows. Then again, all the places were jammed together, so I guess they could essentially be the same place now. Just running this by, I will probably be doing two chapters before ending up in the lab, one in an futuristic abandoned city, the second ending in the lab. Are there any more groups to pick up on the way? What happened to Kopaka and Lewa anyway? Who is writing for them?
  11. Pushing beyond the line?!? That shows incentive. But just one question, why didn't you just use the bat-teleporter?
  12. I have returned. Now where's my parade? :angry: This whole group of topics has been pretty dead. Kinda sad. Luckily that means that no one has made any dumb decisions. I expected Angel Bob to do something insane, seeing as two thirds of his obstacles were gone (good job holding the line for us Omega!).
  13. I'm on vacation. My DSi XL isn't connecting to any of the internet at the hotels I have been in. See you later. PS. Advertising sounds like a good idea to me. After all, we do need more people to actually get farther.
  14. You're one to talk, take care of that Lego City stage concept art would you (you may have already, I haven't checked yet).
  15. No, you shouldn't. Angel Bob can do it when he comes back, and he will just change your's when he comes back. This may result in a different idea than I really intended, creating problems when I see it. So in review, just leave it for Angel Bob to deal with later. He'll be back next Saturday anyway.
  16. You know what we haven’t had in a while? A story chapter. Luckily your good pal Inferno is about to fix that. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Chapter ?: Cutscene: In the Place of Shadow Smiley, Kualus, and Gresh arrived on the other the other side of the portal. Smiley, being used to this kind of travel, walked gracefully on arrival. The others, not being used to it, fell flat on their faces, having been tripped up in interdimensional space. Smiley, wanting to get moving, helped the other two up. “How do you get used to that?” asked Gresh. “Experience, you get used to it a lot faster than you think,” replied Smiley. “I don’t think I will ever get used to that!” “Trust me, by the time this is all over, you will be used to it.” As if on cue, a space-time rip opened up right above their heads spewing enemies out ahead of them, near a giant hole up above. Most of the enemies didn’t even notice the three heroes, as they were too busy jumping into the hole below. “Well, if they are so interested in that hole, then I guess that is where we need to go!” Smiley said. “I have a bad feeling about this,” Kualus replied. *Insert Level: Place of Shadow. Playable characters: Rahi Trainer, Smiley, Gresh. Climbing in a canyon ending at a hole with enemies surrounding it. New enemies: None. * *Insert Multi-man Brawl: Around hole fighting various kinds of enemies.* Cutscene: Freedom of the Beast The three heroes jumped down into the hole, Smiley heating up the ground beneath them to slow their descent. He couldn’t share his powers, which was unfortunate, because that would probably be easier. Smiley could manage, but the ride wasn’t necessarily as smooth as usual. This power loss was getting tougher and tougher, as if Smiley’s powers were still being drained from him. Then, they fell, luckily they were close to the ground when Smiley went unconscious, he had lost too much energy. After recovering, Gresh saw the problem, a shadowy figure standing at the side of the cavern. Focusing the stolen energy on helping a giant creature break out from the wall. The wall shattered and the creature turned and attacked. *Insert Boss Fight: Rahi Nui. Playable Characters: Rahi Trainer and Gresh.* Cutscene: The Shadow in the Pit The Rahi Nui slid back into the wall, defeated. Suddenly, the shadow figure who had been watching the fight jumped up towards the beast. Smiley woke up just in time to see shadowy tendrils wrap around the great beast, turning into a creature of greater nightmare. Spikes shot out along its body, a black coat wrapping around and around its massive body, ending in deep, red, triangular eyes, reminding Smiley of the eyes of the Makuta. But this wasn’t the work of the Makuta, just one of his deputies. The aforementioned deputy, sat on top of the beast that he changed, a look of malice in his eyes. “He found his master after all,” Smiley said, mostly to himself. An all too familiar laugh rang through the chamber, sending a chill down the heroes’ spines. “I finally have the tools to annihilate you, Smiley!” Shadow Smiley yelled, in a deep roar. “We’ll see about that. C’mon guys, let’s defeat this servant of Makuta’s!” They charged into the battle, none of them truly believing they could win. *Insert Boss Battle: Mutated Rahi Nui. Playable characters: Smiley, Gresh, and Kualus. At least three times stronger than the previous boss fight. Also includes new shadow based moves. Shadow Smiley also throws random powers into the mix.* Cutscene: A Short-Lived Victory The giant rahi toppled to the ground, slowly changing back to normal. Kualus took advantage of the creature’s weakness to take control of the great beast. He helped heal the creature’s wounds with a nice chill. Shadow Smiley lay on the ground. Just as Smiley was about to reach him, the doppelganger flew up into the air, looking down on the heroes and the beast. “You haven’t won yet; the Makuta still needs me for his master plan. And, in spite of my loss, I think I will bring him one, no, two nice presents. I hope for your sake, he forgives my failure.” With those words, he pulled out a gun-like device and pointed it at Kualus and his new prize. He shot the burst of mind control at the two of them after draining some more energy from Smiley. He opened a dark portal and the three disappeared. Smiley was speechless. This was his fault. He didn’t know what to do. “We’ll find him, just not yet. We have to find some others to help us though,” Gresh told Smiley. With that Smiley felt confident once more, though the peace was not going to last. Space-time rips opened all around them and spewed out mutated monsters, each carrying a mutagen bomb. As you should know by now, I'm going to be gone for a while. Hopefully you liked the little cliffhanger I added to the end of this chapter. I may be able to check back on here from time to time. Don't expect me to, though.
  17. Move set, for Talos. It is just a few posts above this.
  18. Funny you should bring that up. I am also going to be leaving soon. From August 7, 2010 - August 22, 2010. I may be able to check back in that time, but don't expect me to. I'm going on vacation with my family, if one of the hotels has free wifi I may be able to look at what everyone has been doing. Don't do anything dumb, especially you Angel Bob, seeing as 2Tie is gone, although 2Tie may be back by the 14th, I'll just have to hope so. @Omega: Is it a top secret proposal for the game, or is it for something else entirely? I'll try to write the next chapter for Smiley before I leave, but I'll have to start writing it first.
  19. Sheesh, this place has been like a ghost town. Where is everyone?
  20. Do you ever pay attention? I already mentioned earlier that my character is not a Lego anything or related to Lego. My character could crush those Weeping Angels of yours to dust. So there. And if you get any hints from my character Smiley, I make all my characters pretty much invincible, so there again. Now that I think about it, isn't Talos the only one of us that has a name based on a Bionicle character, I mean Gornt used to be, but now no one here really is. Although I may be incorrect.
  21. Wait, am I supposed to join that other thing now?
  22. You watch RvB?! So do I! Note: I couldn't remember the exact wording so I copied and pasted this. Sorry this is off topic...
  23. I was hoping you would say that. I will get to work. But first, I have noticed that I am the only one who isn't writing chapters like a novel, should I start doing that? Another thing, do you guys want me to post a back story and picture of Talos so I am not the inly one who knows what he looks like and where he came from? Funny that you should say that, because just today, I was looking at your profile and looked at Talos' Bio and v15's pictures. I forgot when you said you were coming back, so I looked around a bit. I was hoping you would say that. I will get to work. But first, I have noticed that I am the only one who isn't writing chapters like a novel, should I start doing that? Another thing, do you guys want me to post a back story and picture of Talos so I am not the inly one who knows what he looks like and where he came from? No, actually Angle Bob is the ONLY one who wrights in prose, not script. He just re-wrights every one's chapter. Not true, I have been writing similar to Angel Bob, he seems to change it less when I do, plus you get more detail.
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