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Blog Comments posted by Inferno630

  1. New enemies: Maelstrom, maybe? Definitely some LEGO ones.*

    Actually, Maelstrom wouldn't work, but, those skeleton zombies from Alpha Team would work really well (Smiley's archnemesis was Ogel).


    A fellow Dark Hunter [this could be one of the staff... Inferno maybe?]

    Nope, can't do that, Inferno is a character from a non-bionicle story. I may make an MOC with a new name, but I'm not really good at MOCing (If need be).


    After all, I did build you and my arm, which I might add works smoothly and fluently - definitely the highest standard of technology in this universe." To prove his point, he snatched a mace from his workbench and spun it wildly around the room.

    I believe that Talos meant that the dark hunter's arm literally turns into a mace.


    strange, multicolored, pulsating tunnel

    I think that Smiley's portals should be a purplish color, like a black hole from the DS game Scribblenauts (you could probably look that up).


    "Ouch. Now, where might I be?"

    This should be switched to an easier "Now, where am I?" Smiley speaks that way.


    Smiley concentrated, using his psionic powers to heat up the glass around the sword until it melted into slag.

    Just one clarification, Smiley doesn't just deal in psionics, he pretty much absorbs power from anyone he encounters. He has encountered a lot of people, hence the huge amount of power.


    Just to note is that I only chose Roodaka because 2Tie had mentioned to me that no one has written about Roodaka yet. I don't care that you took her out, it actually makes more sense.


    Well now I will probably start working on Smiley's next chapter. Smiley vs Shadow Smiley

  2. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Chapter ? :


    Cutscene: New Arrival


    “Almost there!” said Smiley going through a portal. He was chasing a shadow version of himself, created by all of his old enemies. The shadow had all of his powers. Then, the world around him dropped. He felt like he was going through this tunnel forever, and this detour was not going to help anything. He saw a light in front of him, got and got prepared to land. Then, he dropped again, and his face slammed into the smooth, dark grey ground. “Ow”, he said as he was getting up. “Man, I was not expecting that. Now…where am I?”


    *Insert Level: Walking through laboratory, reach an elevator going down.*


    Cutscene: The Queen of the Visorak


    Smiley rode an elevator down. Upon reaching the bottom he saw a being he recognized from a few previous adventures. “What are you? Why are you here?” said the tall silver being in the center of the room. “No matter, I will crush you all the same!”


    *Insert Standard Brawl: Smiley vs. Roodaka in a single-stock battle.*


    Cutscene: Temporary Alliance


    Roodaka shot a rhotuka spinner at Smiley. Smiley concentrated and Roodaka was surprised to see the disk bounce off of an invisible wall around Smiley.

    “Now, stop trying to fight me and get up.” Smiley said helping her up.

    “What are you? What is your purpose?”

    “I am Smiley, I am a minifigure from the Lego universe. You are Roodaka, and you are only the queen of the Visorak because you betrayed their king. You were later employed by the Order of Mata Nui, and then imprisoned. But of course, these rips in time and space have sprung you from your prison.”

    “Smiley? What a dumb name!”

    “Shut up, I’ve heard it before, but don’t forget, I can crush you in a fight.”

    “Really? Why don’t you try again?”

    “Not now, maybe later. Now I need to find my sword, and then find my shadowy doppelganger, he must have passed through here.”

    “Fine, I’ll help, but in return, you are going to help me with something.”

    “Might I ask what?”

    “You might”


    *Insert Level: The Search. Running through the lab going steadily lower, until you reach a chamber with Smiley’s golden sword in a locked glass case in the center of the room. Enemies: Rahkshi and Skakdi.*


    Cutscene: Glint of the Golden Sword


    Smiley concentrated and used his mind to blow up the case around the sword. The explosion knocked his hat off and set off the security alarms. Smiley turned and grabbed his hat, and then grabbed the Golden sword.

    “Why so protective of the hat?” asked Roodaka.

    “It channels my energy, like a Toa tool for a Toa. I have the power, but it is weaker without the hat.”

    “Uh huh”, said Roodaka, plotting something.

    “Don’t even think about it. You won’t get my hat and if you did, I would get it back.”

    “You can read minds too?”

    “I can do a lot of things. I can do a lot more in my own world. In this one, I can’t even create a portal to escape this universe. No time to chat though, we have to get going. My doppelganger isn’t going to stop himself.”


    *Stage Clear Reward: Smiley joins team. Roodaka joins team (temporarily).


    Well there it is. If you are going to rewrite this chapter, I will probably have to re-rewrite Smiley's dialog.

    I am the only one who knows about his personality.

    Therefore, if anyone writes a chapter with Smiley, I will possibly have to change Smiley's dialog.

    I can write a few more chapters for this story arc if you would like. If you wish, you could have Smiley break the fourth wall, too.

    That's always fun.


    Spoilers Added -S

  3. It is time.






    Smiley UNLEASHED!


    You may not like the name Smiley, but this is in no way a democracy. I create the character, I pick the name. I only created the model because of the name’s history.


    A few notes:


    1. This model is highly accurate in scale. One mm = one blender unit.


    2. This model is not rigged yet. 2Tie was going to do it later.


    3. This model also pays attention to detail. The legs even have holes in the back.


    A few notes about the character:


    1. He has many powers (Surprised?)


    2. He has worked with Bionicle characters before. He has experienced every part of the Bionicle storyline.


    3. He is extremely resourceful.


    If you want to know anything else about him, post questions here and I will answer them soon.

    If you want to see Smiley in action, check out the story chapter I wrote out in the story section.

    I will post his moves list later.

  4. Am I allowed to use that Laboratory that was in the story earlier?


    If so, I'm writing a chapter with the new character and possibly Roodaka.


    What number are we on?


    Seeing as no one has said anything, I will be putting the new character and Roodaka in a part of the Laboratory.


    EDIT: I'm done with chapter, I will probably post it tomorrow.

  5. OFFTOPIC: I got the collectors edition of Metroid prime trilogy awhile ago, if people are having this much trouble finding it now then I guess I will count myself lucky.


    ONTOPIC: If we are going to put versions of ourselves in the game eventually then I could make the generic Dark Hunter that appears in most recent chapter that I wrote my character, Talos. He seemed to fit the personality and skills assigned to him by Angel Bob, and i think he would fit into the story fairly well.


    I would just like to get permission before I write myself into the story. :P

    I think that is fine, but that is not my decision. After all, you already came up with where he can fit in story. But once again, not my call.


    Ooookaaaaayyyy... Everybody ignored my post. I'm goin to repost the modified version.


    Here's an assist trophy:


    Toa (25% of the time): Air Slash; an Issac from Golden Sun (assist trophy) style move, except there are huge crescents of air produced from Nidhiki's sycthe instead of huge, glowing hand produced from, well, Issac's hand.

    Dark Hunter (75% of the time): Rapid Slash; a Knuckle Joe (assist trophy) type of move. Not much difference here, except Nidhiki just starts hacking and slashing at one of the enemies.


    Do you like it?

    Sounds fine to me. Not my call again, though.

  6. I was talking about this post.

    yeah, inferno, he might be put in the expansion someone suggested that includes ourselves as MOCs...

    Which reminds me...

    I better get pictures of my char before i change her for the septillionth time...


    Wait, i have a Danska varsion of her on my Majhost...

    Wait, that's an old version...

    Well, it's more or less the same...

    Wait, no, i removed those 'shoe' shoulderpads and changed the shoulder...

    Wait, why am i saying this aloud..?






    Wait, what are you talking about? :huh:


    PS: Was everyone else having major technical difficulties here?

    Yeah, I know, but at the beginning I was confused as to why, at the time. Just look at the top.

  7. If it is storyline problems you are worried about, he has been gone to every story year of Bionicle. He has dealt with their characters. In an alternate universe of course, but the only real difference between the universes is that he came. I can easily fit him into story. Don't worry about that. Also of note is the fact that this game takes place in pretty much another alternate universe, you could have Mario show up if you really wanted to.


    EDIT: Or is is just the name...?


    Off Topic: Why are you playing Metroid on your laptop? Don't worry I'm sure you can beat Kraid quicker now. (You already fought him so many times) :lol:


    PS: Really? Cause the server was always too busy for me to do anything yesterday...

  8. yeah, inferno, he might be put in the expansion someone suggested that includes ourselves as MOCs...

    Which reminds me...

    I better get pictures of my char before i change her for the septillionth time...


    Wait, i have a Danska varsion of her on my Majhost...

    Wait, that's an old version...

    Well, it's more or less the same...

    Wait, no, i removed those 'shoe' shoulderpads and changed the shoulder...

    Wait, why am i saying this aloud..?






    Wait, what are you talking about? :huh:


    PS: Was everyone else having major technical difficulties here?

  9. Inferno, this new guy'd better be a great character, or you'll be deleted for adding one without your superiors' permission. XD


    Random thought: might this guy be the golden-skinned fusion from RoS? If so, then :happydance:


    ...If not, meh. Whatever. We'll see when we get to it. (And beat it in a brawl to unlock it. XD)

    I did get my only superior's permission (2Tie), I thought you got the authority smacked out of you. :lol:

    It isn't the gold-skinned fusion. You might not like the character, but too bad, they're in.

    EDIT: Actually, you may not mind the character, but you will probably dislike the name. (Once again, too bad)


    You're just mad that you haven't been in on a secret that I am. :lol:

  10. Still, no one wonders about my earlier post. Oh well.


    Hey, 2Tie you're back...again.


    Yeah, I don't remember seeing 2Tie writing anything, I don't have a problem with it, I just don't want someone appointing themselves to a high position. But if it's true, here's the key to the administrative lounge *Hands Key* and here is a parking pass *Hands Parking Pass*.


    Really? Inferno64? You should try harder to remember your superiors' names. :lol:

  11. Oh yeah, on staff descriptions for what we do, I'm head of Level design. Also, Angle Bob is head of story, and Inferno64 is... something. I don't remember what.

    1. Did 2Tie ever actually say you could be head of level design?


    2. Angel Bob, just call him Gornt, it's funnier.


    3. I am head of events/challenges just look in my sig.


    4. Really?!? No response to my above post?

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