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Super Smash Bionicle, Stories



This is where you post your story pieces. If you have questions about what to write about and whatnot, post them here too. Please wrap in spoiler tags so the comment page isn't the length of Florida. :P


Angel Bob:

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Chapter 9: Desert of Sorrows


Cutscene: Atero


Onua squinted his eyes against the sun.


“I don't know how your Po-Matoran stand it,” he grunted. “It's so hot out here in the light!”


“Maybe that's because we're in a desert,” Pohatu chuckled. “Still, it's not Po-Wahi... that's for sure.”


“Hmm. Certainly not Po-Wahi,” Onua nodded, “for Po-Wahi was never strewn with ruins.”


“What?” Pohatu asked, following Onua's gaze. Indeed, at the Toa of Earth's feet rested a cracked stone structure, with writing engraved in it.


“That's no language that I know of, but I seem to be able to read it,” Onua continued. “It says, 'A'...'T'... 'E', 'R', 'O'. What's 'ATERO'?”


“Dunno,” Pohatu shrugged. “Let's look around... see if there are any clues.”


They searched for a few minutes, burning in the red-hot sun. Suddenly, Onua gave a cry of shock.


“What is it, brother?” Pohatu asked, running to Onua's side. The Toa of Earth was staring down at something thin and bleached-white. With a surge of nausea, Pohatu recognized it as a skeleton.


“What kind of a skeleton is this?” he asked. “The proportions are all wrong... it's not a Matoran, it's definitely shaped more like a Toa. Well, Lewa or Tahu, that is. But it's the wrong size... and it's got nostrils, like some sort of Rahi...”


“It's an alien,” Onua grunted. “That's the only solution. We're on another world, and we're in the middle of a dead desert.”


Pohatu looked around. Indeed, the air was stale, the sand too scratchy, and the sun too ferocious. The rocks were sinister... ruins were scattered everywhere, the ruins of a city... and so were the alien skeletons.


“What happened here?” Pohatu asked.


“How should I know?” Onua frowned. “But if I catch up with the alien monster that did this...”


“Good for you,” a gruff voice said from behind them, “you just did.”


Cutscene: Lord of the Skrall


Both Toa whirled, to see a tall, black-armored being, wielding a broadsword and shield. Some crude launcher was strapped to his belt, and there were flashes of green in his scratched, rusted armor.


“Makuta?!” Pohatu bellowed. “What are you doing here?”


The being laughed – a horrible, rasping sound. “I am not the Lord of Shadows, Toa fools. I am only his servant... but one to be feared. For I am the mighty Tuma, , last of the Skrall Lords, and leader of the Rock Tribe!”


“Well, I am Pohatu, Kolhii Champion of Po-Koro, Toa guardian of Mata Nui, and wielder of Stone!” the brown Toa bellowed.


“And I am Onua, Wisest of the Toa, wielder of Earth,” the black Toa said. “You would be wise not to challenge us. We have bested your master, and we shall again!”


“The Makuta has not met you,” Tuma frowned. “He knows of you, for sure – your are two of the Toa Mata, a fabled Toa Team sworn to protect his weakling brother, Mata Nui. But he has never fought you. You have not woken, for you are not needed.”


Onua was confused – a happening unheard of until now. “How do you know of the Makuta, anyway?” he asked. “And why are we unneeded? Even now, Mata Nui lies in slumber, struck down by the Makuta himself. It is our sworn destiny to awaken him, the Great Spirit, and you stand in our way. Prepare to be cast aside.”


“Good luck with that,” Tuma sneered, tensing for battle.


*insert standard brawl: Pohatu and Onua versus Tuma in a two-stock battle.*


Cutscene: Tuma's Escape


The Skrall Lord staggered back, wounded from Onua's savage attack. Pohatu charged forth to strike at him, but the ebon-armored titan simply sneered and raised a curious device in his hand. With the press of a button, he had disappeared from the scene, leaving Pohatu to smash headlong into a boulder.


“Oof,” the Toa of Stone grunted, collapsing into the sand. “Now where's he gotten to? Is this some trick of Makuta's?”


“I think not,” Onua frowned, “more like alien technology. But let us continue onwards; it is vital to right the wrongs here and return to the island of Mata Nui.”


*insert level: The Desert. New enemies: Vorox, Zesk, Sand Bat (miniboss). Oh, and how's this for music?*


*no ending cutscene*


*STAGE CLEAR reward: none*




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Chapter 12?


Cutscene: An unexpected detour


Onua: We need to find Tuma, perhaps he will have answers for us on this alien world. Maybe we can leave this place as well, I quite dislike it here.

Pohatu: Is the sun getting to you Onua?

Onua: Lets just get moving.


*Onua and Pohatu begin running across the desert after a few seconds of sustained running a portal suddenly opens up in the ground Onua stops but Pohatu has yet to catch up*


Onua: Whoa!

Pohatu: what is it brother?

Onua: Stop running! Look out!


*Pohatu collides with Onua and they both fall into the portal*


Cutscene: Unexpected resistance


*Both toa fall from the sky to the ground, reminiscent of their entrance to Teridax’s cave*

Onua: For the love of Mata-Nui…..

Pohatu: Ugh, we have got to stop making entrances like this, not on is it bad for our health but it is not exactly stealthy either….


*several enemies previously fought appear all around, Multiman brawl begins*


Cutscene: Welcome to Odina [NOTE: It would be very easy to make cameos here on Odina because we could be very flexible with appearances of Generic Dark Hunters]


*An armor clad being runs towards the toa*


Generic Dark Hunter: State your business on Odina.

Onua: We recently fell from that portal up there*points up*, I am Onua and this is Pohatu.

Pohatu: Surely you have had problems with these things lately.

Generic Dark Hunter: We have toa, *grins* be glad we recently allied with The Order or I would have killed you both.

Pohatu: Killed us?!

Generic Dark Hunter: Yes, you two of all beings must know of this place…*scowls*…although you look rather different from what I have heard…


*several other portals open, spewing out enemies of all kinds[Enemies will be decided by someone else]


Generic Dark Hunter: Here we go again….

Onua: Brother look! The portal is closing!

Pohatu: Oh no…we have to get out of here!

*Level start, you have a time limit to get to the portal, jump from platform to platform facing resistance all the way*


Cutscene: Leaving so soon?


*Pohatu climbs into the portal Onua is about to follow when the Generic Dark Hunter intervenes*


Generic Dark Hunter: Toa, catch!

*Onua turns in time to catch a small device*

Onua; What is this?

Generic Dark Hunter: It is a device I stole from one of our friends over there, but I recalibrated it to open a portal like the one up there that will lead to Odina, so you can come back here any time. So if you need any assistance just start it up.

Pohatu: Onua? The portal is closing….

Onua: Thank you Hunter, I would wager that I will see you soon…

*Onua climbs into portal and the level ends*


Level clear

No reward




If you have done writing or plan to, please submit it to me and I'll add you to the list.




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Spoiler tags are only to be used for actual spoilers.


And I recommend that you aviod dialogue, going with mute scenes like in Brawl.



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Well, too bad. I'm not used to writing a story without dialogue, and I won't. As current leader of the project due to 2Tie's absence, I have the authority to decree that.


And I also have the authority to do this: :nahnah:


In any case, here's Chapter 10 (not wrapped in spoiler tags because I outrank Shadix)


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Chapter 10: The Ebony Master


*no beginning cutscene*


*insert level: The Laboratory. New enemies: None. Music: this.*


Cutscene: The Brute


Gali skidded to a halt. "Tahu, look!" she whispered, pointing at the room before them.


Tahu took it all in. It was a chamber full of vats - but not just any vats...


"We need to blow those up," Tahu grinned.


"But what is in them?" Gali asked. "It's… green…"


"It's antidermis," Tahu explained, "the very substance of the Makuta. If we blow it up, he loses his power."


"But… that would be murder!" Gali cried.


Tahu raised his eyebrows. "Makuta, of all people, is worthy of death. Toa don't normally kill, sister… but I think, given the circumstances, we can make an exception. Step aside, and I'll do my thing - you know, the one where things go boom?"


"You'll do no such thing," a deep voice rumbled. Both Toa's eyes widened when they found its source: a powerful, armored titan rising from one of the vats. He wore armor of blue and gold, and carried a wicked double-edged sword.


"This can't be good," Tahu muttered. "They've got Brutaka on their side."


"Brutaka?" Gali asked.


"Order of Mata Nui agent, went bad, tried to steal the Ignika, nearly killed us all with a single blow… tell me you remember, sister," Tahu said, genuinely worried. But Gali could only shake her head.


"Well, in any case, we'll have to fight him," Tahu said. "And you know what? Just for you, Gali, I'll refrain from killing him. After all, he might still see the light."


*insert boss battle: Tahu and Gali versus Brutaka.*


Cutscene: Master of the Laboratory


The figure reclined on his obsidian throne, watching Tahu and Gali through his viewscreen. They had defeated his antidermis brute, and were proceeding to destroy the vats… no doubt they thought it would slow Makuta's conquest.


But they were wrong… the antidermis was not Makuta's, it belonged to another member of the Brotherhood. That member had also spawned here, only to be brutally slain by Makuta's new pawn, Tuma. It was his antidermis that was dying, dissipating… deceiving the two Toa and allowing Makuta's plan to proceed.


"Let's see what they do against these," he said in a whisper barely audible to his ears. His clawed hand rested in the air over a large, conspicuous red button… then he moved it to another, smaller one, and slammed his palm upon that.


Tahu looked around frantically. Space-time rips were opening all around the walls of the room, and all manners of enemies were climbing out. Winking at Gali, he readied his sword.


*insert huge multiman brawl against most of the enemies fought before. Music: 0:46-1:39 of this.*


*no ending cutscene*


*STAGE CLEAR reward: none.*


Spoilers added -S


Drat these blog owner rules! XD

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Hey, over at B:NG's forums, i had posted all the story segments...

I'm currently adding on to the Lewa/Kopaka story... i haven't been able to work on it much, between beta testing LU (stupid character wipes) and being forced to work on another project by my parents... i rarely have time to work on this at the mo'. If i get enough done, my dad will let me work on this a bit more... which means character controls being set up.


The game will have progress.


But for now, I must work on other things. I'm currently sneaking my laptop, since my dad has blocked this site on all the main computers in the house...


Oh, the drama!



*smacks the authority out of angle bob*

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*smacks the authority out of angle bob*

Okay, I have to know, did you do that on purpose like me, or was that just a mistake?

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On purpose.

Who's she..?


...Or am I..?



Yay! Another StarFox fan! D'you hear they're remaking StarFox 64? For the 3DS?

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Yay! Another StarFox fan! D'you hear they're remaking StarFox 64? For the 3DS?

I did.


On another note, what kind of project (I'm just curious, you don't have to say anything :lookaround: )


I laughed at the whole "smacks authority from Angel Bob" thing, it was great.


Now get back on topic...

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Will we ever know? :P





Ever know what?

I think he means your gender...

But I have no idea.


Who is writing the next story chapter?

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I have recently finished this story for Angle Angel bob to edit.

Warped in spoiler tags for your convenience.


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Chapter 12?


Cutscene: An unexpected detour


Onua: We need to find Tuma, perhaps he will have answers for us on this alien world. Maybe we can leave this place as well, I quite dislike it here.

Pohatu: Is the sun getting to you Onua?

Onua: Lets just get moving.


*Onua and Pohatu begin running across the desert after a few seconds of sustained running a portal suddenly opens up in the ground Onua stops but Pohatu has yet to catch up*


Onua: Whoa!

Pohatu: what is it brother?

Onua: Stop running! Look out!


*Pohatu collides with Onua and they both fall into the portal*


Cutscene: Unexpected resistance


*Both toa fall from the sky to the ground, reminiscent of their entrance to Teridax’s cave*

Onua: For the love of Mata-Nui…..

Pohatu: Ugh, we have got to stop making entrances like this, not on is it bad for our health but it is not exactly stealthy either….


*several enemies previously fought appear all around, Multiman brawl begins*


Cutscene: Welcome to Odina [NOTE: It would be very easy to make cameos here on Odina because we could be very flexible with appearances of Generic Dark Hunters]


*An armor clad being runs towards the toa*


Generic Dark Hunter: State your business on Odina.

Onua: We recently fell from that portal up there*points up*, I am Onua and this is Pohatu.

Pohatu: Surely you have had problems with these things lately.

Generic Dark Hunter: We have toa, *grins* be glad we recently allied with The Order or I would have killed you both.

Pohatu: Killed us?!

Generic Dark Hunter: Yes, you two of all beings must know of this place…*scowls*…although you look rather different from what I have heard…


*several other portals open, spewing out enemies of all kinds[Enemies will be decided by someone else]


Generic Dark Hunter: Here we go again….

Onua: Brother look! The portal is closing!

Pohatu: Oh no…we have to get out of here!

*Level start, you have a time limit to get to the portal, jump from platform to platform facing resistance all the way*


Cutscene: Leaving so soon?


*Pohatu climbs into the portal Onua is about to follow when the Generic Dark Hunter intervenes*


Generic Dark Hunter: Toa, catch!

*Onua turns in time to catch a small device*

Onua; What is this?

Generic Dark Hunter: It is a device I stole from one of our friends over there, but I recalibrated it to open a portal like the one up there that will lead to Odina, so you can come back here any time. So if you need any assistance just start it up.

Pohatu: Onua? The portal is closing….

Onua: Thank you Hunter, I would wager that I will see you soon…

*Onua climbs into portal and the level ends*


Level clear

No reward

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