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Super Smash Bionicle, Stories



This is where you post your story pieces. If you have questions about what to write about and whatnot, post them here too. Please wrap in spoiler tags so the comment page isn't the length of Florida. :P


Angel Bob:

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Chapter 9: Desert of Sorrows


Cutscene: Atero


Onua squinted his eyes against the sun.


“I don't know how your Po-Matoran stand it,” he grunted. “It's so hot out here in the light!”


“Maybe that's because we're in a desert,” Pohatu chuckled. “Still, it's not Po-Wahi... that's for sure.”


“Hmm. Certainly not Po-Wahi,” Onua nodded, “for Po-Wahi was never strewn with ruins.”


“What?” Pohatu asked, following Onua's gaze. Indeed, at the Toa of Earth's feet rested a cracked stone structure, with writing engraved in it.


“That's no language that I know of, but I seem to be able to read it,” Onua continued. “It says, 'A'...'T'... 'E', 'R', 'O'. What's 'ATERO'?”


“Dunno,” Pohatu shrugged. “Let's look around... see if there are any clues.”


They searched for a few minutes, burning in the red-hot sun. Suddenly, Onua gave a cry of shock.


“What is it, brother?” Pohatu asked, running to Onua's side. The Toa of Earth was staring down at something thin and bleached-white. With a surge of nausea, Pohatu recognized it as a skeleton.


“What kind of a skeleton is this?” he asked. “The proportions are all wrong... it's not a Matoran, it's definitely shaped more like a Toa. Well, Lewa or Tahu, that is. But it's the wrong size... and it's got nostrils, like some sort of Rahi...”


“It's an alien,” Onua grunted. “That's the only solution. We're on another world, and we're in the middle of a dead desert.”


Pohatu looked around. Indeed, the air was stale, the sand too scratchy, and the sun too ferocious. The rocks were sinister... ruins were scattered everywhere, the ruins of a city... and so were the alien skeletons.


“What happened here?” Pohatu asked.


“How should I know?” Onua frowned. “But if I catch up with the alien monster that did this...”


“Good for you,” a gruff voice said from behind them, “you just did.”


Cutscene: Lord of the Skrall


Both Toa whirled, to see a tall, black-armored being, wielding a broadsword and shield. Some crude launcher was strapped to his belt, and there were flashes of green in his scratched, rusted armor.


“Makuta?!” Pohatu bellowed. “What are you doing here?”


The being laughed – a horrible, rasping sound. “I am not the Lord of Shadows, Toa fools. I am only his servant... but one to be feared. For I am the mighty Tuma, , last of the Skrall Lords, and leader of the Rock Tribe!”


“Well, I am Pohatu, Kolhii Champion of Po-Koro, Toa guardian of Mata Nui, and wielder of Stone!” the brown Toa bellowed.


“And I am Onua, Wisest of the Toa, wielder of Earth,” the black Toa said. “You would be wise not to challenge us. We have bested your master, and we shall again!”


“The Makuta has not met you,” Tuma frowned. “He knows of you, for sure – your are two of the Toa Mata, a fabled Toa Team sworn to protect his weakling brother, Mata Nui. But he has never fought you. You have not woken, for you are not needed.”


Onua was confused – a happening unheard of until now. “How do you know of the Makuta, anyway?” he asked. “And why are we unneeded? Even now, Mata Nui lies in slumber, struck down by the Makuta himself. It is our sworn destiny to awaken him, the Great Spirit, and you stand in our way. Prepare to be cast aside.”


“Good luck with that,” Tuma sneered, tensing for battle.


*insert standard brawl: Pohatu and Onua versus Tuma in a two-stock battle.*


Cutscene: Tuma's Escape


The Skrall Lord staggered back, wounded from Onua's savage attack. Pohatu charged forth to strike at him, but the ebon-armored titan simply sneered and raised a curious device in his hand. With the press of a button, he had disappeared from the scene, leaving Pohatu to smash headlong into a boulder.


“Oof,” the Toa of Stone grunted, collapsing into the sand. “Now where's he gotten to? Is this some trick of Makuta's?”


“I think not,” Onua frowned, “more like alien technology. But let us continue onwards; it is vital to right the wrongs here and return to the island of Mata Nui.”


*insert level: The Desert. New enemies: Vorox, Zesk, Sand Bat (miniboss). Oh, and how's this for music?*


*no ending cutscene*


*STAGE CLEAR reward: none*




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Chapter 12?


Cutscene: An unexpected detour


Onua: We need to find Tuma, perhaps he will have answers for us on this alien world. Maybe we can leave this place as well, I quite dislike it here.

Pohatu: Is the sun getting to you Onua?

Onua: Lets just get moving.


*Onua and Pohatu begin running across the desert after a few seconds of sustained running a portal suddenly opens up in the ground Onua stops but Pohatu has yet to catch up*


Onua: Whoa!

Pohatu: what is it brother?

Onua: Stop running! Look out!


*Pohatu collides with Onua and they both fall into the portal*


Cutscene: Unexpected resistance


*Both toa fall from the sky to the ground, reminiscent of their entrance to Teridax’s cave*

Onua: For the love of Mata-Nui…..

Pohatu: Ugh, we have got to stop making entrances like this, not on is it bad for our health but it is not exactly stealthy either….


*several enemies previously fought appear all around, Multiman brawl begins*


Cutscene: Welcome to Odina [NOTE: It would be very easy to make cameos here on Odina because we could be very flexible with appearances of Generic Dark Hunters]


*An armor clad being runs towards the toa*


Generic Dark Hunter: State your business on Odina.

Onua: We recently fell from that portal up there*points up*, I am Onua and this is Pohatu.

Pohatu: Surely you have had problems with these things lately.

Generic Dark Hunter: We have toa, *grins* be glad we recently allied with The Order or I would have killed you both.

Pohatu: Killed us?!

Generic Dark Hunter: Yes, you two of all beings must know of this place…*scowls*…although you look rather different from what I have heard…


*several other portals open, spewing out enemies of all kinds[Enemies will be decided by someone else]


Generic Dark Hunter: Here we go again….

Onua: Brother look! The portal is closing!

Pohatu: Oh no…we have to get out of here!

*Level start, you have a time limit to get to the portal, jump from platform to platform facing resistance all the way*


Cutscene: Leaving so soon?


*Pohatu climbs into the portal Onua is about to follow when the Generic Dark Hunter intervenes*


Generic Dark Hunter: Toa, catch!

*Onua turns in time to catch a small device*

Onua; What is this?

Generic Dark Hunter: It is a device I stole from one of our friends over there, but I recalibrated it to open a portal like the one up there that will lead to Odina, so you can come back here any time. So if you need any assistance just start it up.

Pohatu: Onua? The portal is closing….

Onua: Thank you Hunter, I would wager that I will see you soon…

*Onua climbs into portal and the level ends*


Level clear

No reward




If you have done writing or plan to, please submit it to me and I'll add you to the list.




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Well, I DO have a self-moc made. Redge. He would actually make a fairly good character for the thing. He would be similar to Krika in the Heavy Damage dealing but weak armour, although Redge would be quicker and more agile, where Krika was more focused on the ghost/possession mechanics. Redge also has a REALLY good final smash thing.


Unfortunatly, Redge already has a pre-established character, and wouldn't work as a Dark Hunter. I do have one Dark Hunter that I made, who is a character in a fan-fiction that Tahu(w)Joker Extreme and I are making, but he is no where near one of my main mocs, and is kind of odd looking. Rekzark is his name btw. He wouldn't be that bad a character, although he is large and would be hard to animate, and I can't think of a good final smash. I do think that Redge would make a good addition, and was my planned character, and would actually fit in the story, but he just wouldn't be a good Dark Hunter. Maybe in the sequel story? Or I could work him into this and have Shadix be the dark hunter.

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Talos, I did suggest "Final Form" for that mode.


Anyways, I'll describe Final Form Talos in detail soon, but first some food. Back in a jiffy!


EDIT: Back. Here goes:


Talos's form shifted and twisted. Compartments folded in, weapons out. Long, jointed beams rose out of his shoulders, sporting bladed wings. Wicked claws sprouted on each hand, and his mace lengthened into a metal whip. His legs folded backwards, growing an extra joint and gigantic talons. Even his chest folded out, revealing a gatling gun extending from his bowels.


Pohatu could do nothing but stare at the new being next to him. And not Talos's head stared back at him, but a Vahki's.


"Final Form ready and activated," a deep voice rumbled from the metallic construct. "Let's get 'em."

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Actually I like seeker mode better so no more suggestions. :P


And I don't think he would have a deep voice but it would just be metallic and machine like.

I am posting his move set in the administrative section so if you need to you can look at that. OH and he has clawed hands and feet but Seeker mode makes them more prominent.

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You know what we haven’t had in a while?

A story chapter.

Luckily your good pal Inferno is about to fix that.


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Chapter ?:

Cutscene: In the Place of Shadow

Smiley, Kualus, and Gresh arrived on the other the other side of the portal. Smiley, being used to this kind of travel, walked gracefully on arrival. The others, not being used to it, fell flat on their faces, having been tripped up in interdimensional space. Smiley, wanting to get moving, helped the other two up.

“How do you get used to that?” asked Gresh.

“Experience, you get used to it a lot faster than you think,” replied Smiley.

“I don’t think I will ever get used to that!”

“Trust me, by the time this is all over, you will be used to it.”

As if on cue, a space-time rip opened up right above their heads spewing enemies out ahead of them, near a giant hole up above. Most of the enemies didn’t even notice the three heroes, as they were too busy jumping into the hole below.

“Well, if they are so interested in that hole, then I guess that is where we need to go!” Smiley said.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Kualus replied.

*Insert Level: Place of Shadow. Playable characters: Rahi Trainer, Smiley, Gresh. Climbing in a canyon ending at a hole with enemies surrounding it. New enemies: None. *

*Insert Multi-man Brawl: Around hole fighting various kinds of enemies.*

Cutscene: Freedom of the Beast

The three heroes jumped down into the hole, Smiley heating up the ground beneath them to slow their descent. He couldn’t share his powers, which was unfortunate, because that would probably be easier. Smiley could manage, but the ride wasn’t necessarily as smooth as usual. This power loss was getting tougher and tougher, as if Smiley’s powers were still being drained from him. Then, they fell, luckily they were close to the ground when Smiley went unconscious, he had lost too much energy. After recovering, Gresh saw the problem, a shadowy figure standing at the side of the cavern. Focusing the stolen energy on helping a giant creature break out from the wall. The wall shattered and the creature turned and attacked.

*Insert Boss Fight: Rahi Nui. Playable Characters: Rahi Trainer and Gresh.*

Cutscene: The Shadow in the Pit

The Rahi Nui slid back into the wall, defeated. Suddenly, the shadow figure who had been watching the fight jumped up towards the beast. Smiley woke up just in time to see shadowy tendrils wrap around the great beast, turning into a creature of greater nightmare. Spikes shot out along its body, a black coat wrapping around and around its massive body, ending in deep, red, triangular eyes, reminding Smiley of the eyes of the Makuta. But this wasn’t the work of the Makuta, just one of his deputies. The aforementioned deputy, sat on top of the beast that he changed, a look of malice in his eyes.

“He found his master after all,” Smiley said, mostly to himself.

An all too familiar laugh rang through the chamber, sending a chill down the heroes’ spines.

“I finally have the tools to annihilate you, Smiley!” Shadow Smiley yelled, in a deep roar.

“We’ll see about that. C’mon guys, let’s defeat this servant of Makuta’s!”

They charged into the battle, none of them truly believing they could win.

*Insert Boss Battle: Mutated Rahi Nui. Playable characters: Smiley, Gresh, and Kualus. At least three times stronger than the previous boss fight. Also includes new shadow based moves. Shadow Smiley also throws random powers into the mix.*

Cutscene: A Short-Lived Victory

The giant rahi toppled to the ground, slowly changing back to normal. Kualus took advantage of the creature’s weakness to take control of the great beast. He helped heal the creature’s wounds with a nice chill.

Shadow Smiley lay on the ground. Just as Smiley was about to reach him, the doppelganger flew up into the air, looking down on the heroes and the beast.

“You haven’t won yet; the Makuta still needs me for his master plan. And, in spite of my loss, I think I will bring him one, no, two nice presents. I hope for your sake, he forgives my failure.”

With those words, he pulled out a gun-like device and pointed it at Kualus and his new prize. He shot the burst of mind control at the two of them after draining some more energy from Smiley. He opened a dark portal and the three disappeared.

Smiley was speechless. This was his fault. He didn’t know what to do.

“We’ll find him, just not yet. We have to find some others to help us though,” Gresh told Smiley.

With that Smiley felt confident once more, though the peace was not going to last. Space-time rips opened all around them and spewed out mutated monsters, each carrying a mutagen bomb.


As you should know by now, I'm going to be gone for a while. Hopefully you liked the little cliffhanger I added to the end of this chapter. I may be able to check back on here from time to time. Don't expect me to, though.

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No, you shouldn't. Angel Bob can do it when he comes back, and he will just change your's when he comes back. This may result in a different idea than I really intended, creating problems when I see it.


So in review, just leave it for Angel Bob to deal with later. He'll be back next Saturday anyway.

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Well, as my Ego is now nice and bloated by being in charge of the project at the moment, I feel the need to flex my Ego muscles. Concept artists, get to work on concept art for the "boxart". I know it won't have an actual box, but I mean, even DLC games have box art. Cover art. Whatever you call it.
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...I already made it, said it was no good, and said that I wasn't doing it anymore. Besides, I'm busy designing Ta-Wahi.
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Chapter rewritten.


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Chapter 20: In the Place of Shadow


Cutscene: Darkness


In a flash of light, three beings appeared where there were none before. Standing and surveying their surroundings, they found only darkness. Impenetrable shadows. Pitch-black.


Technically speaking, only Smiley did so; Gresh was bent over a rock, vomiting, and Toa Kualus was examining a nasty dent in his arm from an inter-dimensional collision. Shrugging, the minifigure turned back and helped ease Gresh's retchings.


"How - do - you - EVER - get used to that?!" Gresh asked, frenzied, as Smiley disintegrated his ejected lunch.


"Experience. Before long, you're hopping between worlds and stuffing your face at the same time. No sweat!" Smiley grinned.


"I don't think you understand," Gresh frowned. "In the past few hours, I've gone from fighting off a marauding sand dragon to seeing cracks form in the sky, battling mechanic monsters, and now teleportation - and you say you -"


"Never mind that. But trust me… the teleporting's not over, not by a long shot. I think we'll be hopping around the universe for the rest of this adventure, whether you like it or not," Smiley said. After a moment, he added, "If you want to stay behind and go about everything like a snail, though, fine by me."


"Less talking. More searching for the -" Kualus began, but stopped as… something… blasted past him. It hurtled down a side tunnel, a shapeless, black mass of matter… leaving a sizzling rut melted in the ground where it had run.


The three looked at each other.


"What… in the world… in all of these worlds… was that?" Gresh asked.


"Nothing good," Kualus frowned. "Not a Rahi - I could have sensed that. Something more powerful, more intelligent… more sinister."


Gresh whirled to Smiley. "What was it?" he demanded.


The minifigure sighed. "It's a demon… a thing… soaked in the blood of many a pure soul. It's all-powerful… armed to the teeth… and serves only the shadows."


Kualus raised an eyebrow. The minifigure was actually hanging his head.


"What is it? What aren't you telling us?" Kualus asked. "What about this thing affects you?"


Smiley didn't reply, not for a long time. But when he finally looked up at Toa Kualus, there was no happiness in his eternal smile.


"It came from me," he said, fear in his eyes.


*insert level: The Place of Shadow. Playable characters: Rahi Trainer, Smiley, Gresh. New enemies: None.*


Cutscene: Freedom of the Beast


Slowly, Gresh stalked forward, warily waving the torch he'd looted from a Skrall. But its light found nothing but stone and spiderwebs.


"There's nothing here," he said, confused.


"The shadow's tracks stop here," Kualus noted, pointing to the very center of the room. "But where did it…?"


The floor shattered, sending the three heroes hurtling down into the abyss. In the nick of time, Smiley's hand glowed with flames, and the air beneath them skyrocketed in temperature, forming a heat thermal to slow their fall. But as they fell, the flames flickered and dimmed… and their speed increased.


Luckily, Smiley saved them from a crashing death on the rocks below with a feeble force field - but it collapsed after a few moments. Then the power in Smiley's hand faded almost completely.


"What's wrong?" Gresh asked.


"It's him," Smiley whispered in terror, pointing a quivering hand at the shadow hovering above them. Then he collapsed backwards into a wall and said no more.


"Shadow creature!" Kualus cried. "Explain yourself!"


The faceless mass of black energy stared coldly at him. "I don't think I really have to," it cackled, and dissipated - just as the Rahi Nui burst through the wall, claws at the ready.


*insert standard brawl: Gresh and Rahi Trainer vs. Rahi Nui.*


Cutscene: The Shadow Finds a Steed


The Rahi Nui collapsed, defeated, and Kualus immediately seized control of its primitive brain. Grinning, he began to patch its wounds. Luckily, they were not deep.


Unluckily, the shadow was back, and shadowy tendrils were emanating from its chest. As the heroes watched, they curled together, forming one huge, boarlike mount. Its deep red eyes glowed with malice.


The shadow's laugh echoed through the cavern, shaking them to the core. Smiley's eyes snapped open, and a ball of flame formed in his hand.


*insert boss battle: Shadow Steed. Playable characters: Gresh, Rahi Trainer, Smiley.*


Cutscene: Short-Lived Victory


The shadow's mount dissipated, but no such luck with the entity himself. He shot into the air, looking down upon those servants of the light with disgust in his aura.


"You are fools to challenge the shadows!" he cried, and those dark tentacles sprang from the darkness of the room, grabbing both the Rahi Nui and Kualus. The Toa's struggling was not enough, and after a few moments, it ceased… and Kualus stared at Gresh and Smiley with hate-filled eyes.


"The Makuta's master plan will do wonders for me," the shadow taunted. "I think I ought to present him with a gift… don't you agree?"


Without letting Smiley reply, the shadow sucked his prizes into a portal and flew in after them. Gresh lunged, but the portal imploded and the Glatorian smacked into a rock instead.


Smiley was speechless. All of this… the shadow's very existence… was his fault. The shadow was a part of him… and that was the most frightening thing of all.


The only way to kill it was to bring it back into him. To absorb the murderous, dark urges of himself… could he ever bring himself to do that?


*STAGE CLEAR reward: Rahi Trainer leaves team.*

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Oh yeah. Your back. I finished the Lewa and Kopaka chapter. It's saved on my other computer. I'll give it to you whenever I get on it.
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Hey guess what? I'm back too! The internet has not been very kind to me lately and as a result it seemed like whenever I wanted to check progress for the game Bzpower wasn't responding, but I'm back now and I can get beck to work.


Should have Pohatu and Talos save Onua in the next chapter?

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You should probably hurry it up. We don't need a forty-chapter story. You guys just need to gather everyone at The Laboratory, and then I can handle the rest. ;)

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WAT! We still have a ways to go to the climax. The story is still too short for the full thing, and we haven't even done all of the characters yet, like Roodaka or Vezon.

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You should probably hurry it up. We don't need a forty-chapter story. You guys just need to gather everyone at The Laboratory, and then I can handle the rest. ;)


Sure, I think I'll combine the two, rescue Onua and go to the lab. I'll have it up later today or tomorrow.


After I finish that I could work on some other part if you wanted.

One last thing, Does anybody want a reference thrown into this chapter or was having Angel Bob in the last one enough?

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Actually, I think I'm going to redo my cameo, so as not to be directly copy-pasting a Weeping Angel in here.


Direct copy and paste? In the rough chapter I did I just made up some crazy humanoid made of stone with wings and then made references with your name, if that is what you think is a direct copy and paste then I just got super lucky.



What exact chapter are you doing?


Well it is finished now but basically Talos and Pohatu save Onua and then go to the lab like Bob wanted them to. Afterwards I can write other chapters too, only if you guys want me to.

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Then nah, no need for a cameo on my part. I suppose I can put a little bit of foreshadowing into my Matoro/Krika chapter for Redge, who is going to be my character in the sequel story.
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Sequel Story? I have no idea what this means, are we planing a sequel already?


In other news story chapter YAY!

It isn't as long as some of my other ones but it will get everything done.


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Chapter: (number unknown): Recovery


Cutscene: The Hunter Awakes


*Pohatu continues to wait impatiently for Talos’ eyes to open, it seems like an eternity to him since Talos collapsed and he has to constantly hide from other Dark Hunters.*


Pohatu: For Mata Nui’s sake wake up already! Onua is still trapped on that alien planet and so far all you have done is sleep.

*suddenly Talos’ eyes snap open and he jumps up*

Talos: then lets get going!

Pohatu: Mata Nui! You probably could have given me a warning.

Talos: Perhaps, Let me see the device I gave to you.

Pohatu: Why? *hands the device over*

Talos: With a slight recalibration….*turns knob until it says “last location”* we can open a portal right back to…*the portal opens beneath their feet and they are sucked in, and spat out directly into Onua’s prison cell on Atero. From the ceiling of course*

Talos: Ahh what luck.

Pohatu: Maybe for you but you are quite heavy…

Talos: Oh sorry.

Onua: Pohatu? Is it truly you?

Pohatu: It is brother, we have come to rescue you.

Onua: I am certainly glad that you two are here, these shackels they have put on me have prevented me from using my own elemental powers, and the metal used in the doors is far too strong for me to break.

Talos: I belive I can help on both fronts. *with a jester of his non-mechanical hand the cuffs around Onua’s wrists crumpled and fell to the ground, before the Toa can say anything he makes another jester with the same hand and the door flies off its hinges strait forward and crushes the platoon of Skrall sent to investigate the dimensional disturbance.*

Pohatu: How….

Talos: It may be best if you don’t worry about it, come the portal generator needs time to recharge and I’m sure more of them will be on the way.


[insert level prison new enemies: prison guard (should look like Stronius)


Cutscene: Escape from Atero


*Talos, Pohatu and Onua are all sprinting out of the prison*

Talos: ok I think we lost them, give me the generator.

*Talos picks up the generator and mutation capsule and connects them to one another*

Talos: This device that they made can attach to any artifact and it will open a portal to that location, that is how they have been able to go so many places with out knowledge of them.

Off screen voice: There they are!!

Pohatu: ugh…

Talos: I need more time to reconfigure it, hold them off!

Onua: Gladly.


[insert multiman brawl: hold off the guards for two minutes P1: Onua P2: Pohatu]


Cutscene: (you know, I’m not even sure if this should be a cutscene since its so short.)


Talos: That’s it! *a portal opens*

Guard: Don’t let them escape!

*all three jump into the portal and then it shuts leaving all of the prison guards behind*


Stage complete!

Reward: Everyone is at the laboratory like Bob asked.

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