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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Status Updates posted by xon

  1. On your sig, it asks "Are you an editor?".

    I clicked it and it just redirected me to the the place where all the people are posting their scripts. Do we sign up there?

  2. Please keep my 16 year old dog in your thoughts. She's in bad shape and is in the hospital tonight.

  3. R.I.P to the greatest dog who ever lived.

  4. xon

    Shouldn't they get the "COT RPG Judge" thing off your profile? I thought you were quitting.

  5. Sorry about your leg. :(

  6. Sorry for asking, but did I do anything wrong with my shop request? I can't stand the suspense. I know it must be really annoying to be asked this all the time.

  7. Sorry for the mispelling.

  8. still pretty angry wisconsin lost again. montee ball had a great game, and i think russell had a good game. but the oregon's running team was crazy. that 91 yard TD in the first half was incredible.

    1. Than the Moa

      Than the Moa

      We'll just have to get there again this year and actually win! (I say 6 months later)

  9. Strange sig. What is it exactly?

  10. Strep throat.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xon


      Yeah, it really sucks. The sore throat is like unbearable, dude.

    3. WriterofReapers


      Ouch. Hope you're feeling better soon!

    4. xon


      Thanks. I feel better today.

  11. Sure! Just tell me how you want it done exactly, and I'll do it.

  12. xon

    Sweet new banner, Shadix!

  13. Sweet! I'm a part of it! Too bad I can't beta test LU. My parents don't like MMOG games.

  14. SWEET!! How can you become one? How did you become one?

  15. Thanks for doing it! I forgot to ask, is credit required with them?

  16. Thanks for the info! I was also wondering, does your drawing show up on the sketchpad, or on the computer?

  17. That wasn't my drawing...and cool!

  18. The virus is gone on my computer! So that means I can make new comics again....just posted comic 6! :P

  19. Uh nu, Thrz clonis, notj dronz. -1345

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